yet another charade

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so nick nitro premeired this while i was writing, and i needed a title and theme, so i was like, hey, this title will help me work on the plot even better. so boom. not as long as i had hoped it would turn out, but i will try and get a really long chapter out soon.

izuku was bouncing on the balls of his feet, ready to dodge whatever came his way. he hoped his unease was not visible, because inside, izuku was scared. sure, he had magic, while also having the physicality of a human body, but would that be enough.

"so, you've been busy, huh. i have no idea how long you've had, but you're already LV  9. you should already know what's going on, so let's just get to the point" izuku said. his left eye burned for a few seconds, as he broke the way that these fights worked. for some reason, frisk had always gone first, but by breaking reality, he was able to be the one to go first. he picked them up, and slammed them into the ground, but they jumped up. they fell for it. izuku summoned a gaster blaster, and fired, hitting frisk.

once they recovered, they were clearly pissed. "NO FAIR. FIRST YOU GO FIRST, THEN YOU CHANGE YOUR ATTACK. THAT'S UNFAIR" they yelled, which confused everyone nearby. this kid was talking about things as if they had fought the green head before, and they were breaking some unspoken rule. frisk lunged foward, and swung at izuku, which was dodged. the taunting text of MISS only fueling their anger. they decided to turn the knife, and swing upwards, which was futile, as the attack was still dodged. "what, you STILL think I'm just gonna stand their and take it?" izuku taunted. "grr, JUST STAND STILL, DAMN COMEDIAN" frisk yelled. izuku turned frisk's soul blue, and started making them weave through extremely narrow gaps between bones, but then they slammed them into the floor, and hitting them with a gaster blaster. "I WILL KILL EVERYONE YOU LOVE, YOU STUPID SMILEY TRASHBAG, YOU CAN COUNT ON IT" frisk yelled, then took off, probobly to prepare for their next enounter. izuku decided to trip frisk with a bone on their way out. izuku heard someone behind them, but then they heard the sound of lighting. turning around, izuku saw thay asriel used shocker breaker to stop the person attacking. "frisk got away, huh" asriel asked. "yeah, but they'll be back, cause once they have a bone to pick with someone, they become marrow minded. don't worry, we can save 'em" izuku said, referring to chara. "i hope you're right" asriel sighed.

just then, all might came busting through the door. his eye's seemed to be glowing, and he was frowning. he tore off his tie, and got to work on the black bird.

after a mighty battle, and a pun, courtesy of all might, the students we're head counted, and asked a few questions, but other than that, everything ended out fine. of course, izuku went out like a light as soon as he could, but after a few explanations, it was determined he would be fine, and that he was either being lazy, or over-exerted himself too much.

bonus: not canon as of right now.

izuku was sleeping, when a few student's decided to do something. they lifted his jacket up, and took in the symbol that was imprinted into his shirt.

during lunch, they decided to ask asriel about his locket. "oh, me and my best friend have matching ones. we we're the best of friend's, until IT happened" asriel sighed. while they felt bad for asriel, they noted that the locket DID have the exact same design as the one of izuku's shirt.

the joking hero (May end up getting a rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now