chapter 6 (premonition)

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this is a short one, but I figured I'd give ya guys/gals/toasters/frying pans/etc. SOMETHING. the title may indicate something big may happen in the next chapter

"can someone tell me the MVP of that match" all might asked. "it was yaorozu, as she held on the longest and won it for her team. she was very manly, for a girl" kirishima exclaimed. "cor-" "It was izuku midoryia. despite the fact he knew time was up, he fought till the very end, and despite it being practice, willingly almost took his own life to protect his teamate. he also protected yaorozu from a shot that could have killed her, despite being weak, and then had the determination to attempt to finish the battle. and you have no right to call yourself a hero, or a teacher, as you almost let all four of them die without interfering at all" todoroki interrupted. the class started mumbling, and realized all might may not be as good as he seemed to be.

"y-yeah, you're right" all might said, hating that he had to compliment midoryia, "okay, we have time for one more match today, and it will be team c vs team d. so ururaka and todoroki versus sero and aoyama" all might announced.

the joking hero (May end up getting a rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now