Leaving the Todoroki household

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A/N :  probably most of the characters wil be OOC cuz wel ye i'm not great with being excact on personality so sorry 'bout that already <3 also play this video when told~

////////// no one's POV \\\\\\\\\\

"Kid get up its time for Shouto's training. i want you ready in 10 minutes." Enji Todorki snarled at his daughter. "yes sir." Yo-Na got up and dressed in her combat clothes wich were actually just some torn jeans and shirt with old sneakers. after she was done dressing she put her hair up in a messy bun too keep her hair out of her face and walked down stairs.

when she stepped into the practice room she noticed she was first for once. "hm you are early for once. no beating today i guess." she looked up too see her 'father' behind her. she slowly nodded and stood in her place waiting for her little brother to come. when he did he was ordered too practise his hand-to-hand combat. Shouto looked at Yo-Na with an apologetic look and Yo-na smiled softly, reasuring him its okay.

(A/N : i make Endeavour only abusive too Yo-Na so dont worry. he is still a jerk tho sooooooo)

~time skip~

after about 4 hours of training they were done and Enji left with a smirk on his face. Shouto runs too his sister and cooled down her bruises with his quirk. "thanks Shouto..." she mumbled and sighed in content when her bruises numbed a bit. "i'm so sorry Onee-San! i didn't mean too hurt you that much" Shouto whimpered with tear bubbles in his eyes. Yo-Na shushed him and pulled him into her lap so she can hug him "hey...Shouto hun its ok. i'm fine, see?" she smiled for him and he nodded sniffling and wipped his tears away. "sorry for being so weak..." he apoligized. "whatcha apologizing for? i'm not dad. i dont care about your tears. it shows you are human." she gently rubbed his cheek with her tumb and he leaned into it. Yo-Na stood up and helped Shouto up. "now how about some breakfast? i think i can hear Fuyumi and Natsou arguing." Shouto nodded and runs towards the kitchen. 

Yo-Na walked out slowly still carefull with her bruises. "you know....you shouldn't lie to him lil sis." the girl turned around and saw her older borther Touya leaning against the wall with an frown on his face. she sighed "i'm not lying too him Touya. i'm protecting him." he snorts "by lying." Yo-Na groans "just shut up and get your food." she walked away fromhim and heard him follow her without a word. 

When she walked into the kitchen she was met with her smiling family (without their father). "good morning Fuyumi and Natsou." the family greeted her back and she sat down next too Shouto, who was already eagerly eating his bacon and eggs. "kid chill. we dont want you too choke on your food." Natsou said. Shouto looked at him with wide eyes and slowed down. "Natsou stop staring Shouto" Fuyumi scolded him and Yo-Na laughed wich earned her a glare from him. Yo-na started eating "its good nee-chan" she smiled at Fuyumi. 

after a few minutes they were done eating and went their own way. Yo-Na went too her room and talked too Na-Yo. "Touya has been acting weird hasn't he, Na-Na?" she muttered. "hm hasn't he always?? i mean he is a weirdo tbh" came the innocent voice from Na-Yo. Yo-Na hummed in agreement. "what's your planning for tonight Na-Na??" the innocent irl hummed "probably train our quirk more. your old man should be afraid when you are 18" she said in an crazy yet innocent way. Yo-Na sighed and nodded before changing in her normal clother. (picture up top)

"Yo-Yo can we write a song again?" Na-Yo asked softly and the other nodded in response while grabbing her lyric book. "how about we write it about how we've been surviving this torture??" Yo-Na aksed with a soft smile. Na-Yo nodded with a grin. 

(vid up top)

when she finished writing her song Endeavour walked in with in sneer on his face. "what do you think you're doing brat?!" he grabbed her lyrics book and looked at it. "songs?! thats what you do when you arent training with Shouto?! you really are a useless kid aren't you!" he snapped the book shut and burned it before throwing it out the window. with that he storms out the room leaving his daughter in tears on the floor. Na-Yo took control over their body wich turned Yo-Na's grey eye turn black, and dashed out her room and out of the house too retrieve their book. when she found it they were reliefd too see that only the cover and the first few pages were burned. "damn that stupid hag!"she shouted. 

~another lovely time-skip lovelies~

when diner came Yo-Na and Na-Yo managed too fix their book up slightly. "Yo-Yo! dinner!" she heard Natsou shout. she smiled and walked out and into the dining room. too her disapointment she saw their father sitting at the table too and plopped down into the seat next too Shouto. "so Touya how has your training been today?" Enji asked his son. "didn't do it." he answered shortly without looking at him. "what did you say boy?!" Enji asked shocked. "i said i didnt fucking do it. are you deaf or what?!" Touya looked at their father with an glare. "shut your disrespecting mouth! that's no way too speak too your father!" the older man growled. "oh and since when am i speaking too my father then? as far as i know i am talking too a stranger who is forcing this family too do his bidding!" Touya shouted back. "Touya...." Fuyumi tried hushing him but was met with the glares of the arguïng males "shut it woman!" Enji shouted at her and smacked her across the cheek. Yo-Na gasped and so did Shouto and Natsou. "what did you do!? the fuck did you slap her for?!" Touya screamed in anger. "she has no use in this family except taking care of my succesor and keeping the house clean!" 

this made Na-Yo take over and snap "shut your fucking mouth old man! she has more use in this family than your bitch ass ever has!" everybody looked at her in shock before Enji stood up in anger and grabbed her hair "what did you say you brat?! you are no use too Yo-Na!" Na-Yo/Yo-Na screamed in pain from their hair being pulled. "let go off her you bitch!" Touya shouted at him already covered in his blue flames. Enji snarled and let Yo-Na's hair go, who had taken control over Na-Yo again. "what is it too you? it's my daughter isn't it?" he smirked. Touya held quiet mich made Enji laugh. "everyone to theirs room. NOW!" he growled and everyone scrambled too their feet. 

Yo-Na took Shouto too his room quickly and tucked him in bed. "sis i'm scared." Shouto muttered. Yo-Na smiled and patted his head "its nothing too be scared of....you'll be fine. everyone from your siblings will protect you...." she whispered. "now go too sleep. i'll be next door okay?" she smiled and he nodded and fell asleep. Yo-Na's smile fell and her bangs fell before her eyes. she got up and softly walked too her room. when she arrived in her room she was shocked too find Touya already there. "hello sister dear."he mutters. she slowly closed her door. "hello brother....why are you in my room if i may ask" he hummed "wel in small words...i'm leaving." her eyes widened "what? for how long? where too? are you leaving us now?!" she panicked. he sighed and walked up too her. "wel to be honest.....i'm leaving forever. and i have no clue where and to asnwer your other question, yes i am leaving this family now. but you can join me. or do you wish too stay here and continue too be used as a punchingbag?" 

Yo-Na hesitated but Na-Yo was really hppy too hear this. "c'mon Yo-Yo! we'll finally be free!" Na-Yo encouraged her. "fine, i'll come only if i'm allowed too watch over Shouto till he is 15 and then he can be on his own." she looked at her brother who smirked. (A/N : Shouto is 5 rn) "agreed. now pack. i'm getting something before we leave." Yo-Na nodded and grabbed a duffelbag wich she stuffed with the clothes and stuff she has. when she went too the frontdoor sheheard moving behind her and turned around. she was shocked too see Shouto. "Shouto why are you out of bed hun?" he looked at her with small tears in his eyes "are you leaving...?" he muttered . Yo-Na was too shocked too answer when Touya came "yes we are and don't follow us. don't be scared of your fire Shouto....use it. because fire is all fun 'n games till you get burned." with this warnign he knocked him out and walked out the door. 

"was that really needed?" Yo-Na asked her brother. "not completly but he would've followed you. don't want the kid too be in more danger then he already is." he muttered and kept walking. Yo-Na sighed and followed him. "what is the extra things you grabbed Touya? since i saw you already had your bag with you. " she asked curiously. "first of all i want you too call me Dabi now. i don't want the name the old man gave me." he grumbled "and second i took half of Endeavours money. not like he'll miss it or something." he smirked. Na-Yo laughed loudly and Yo-Na snickered. "now where too Dabi" she asked 

"to freedom and respect."


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