protecting Shouto.

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A/N : this is an filler tbh so you can actually skip this if you want but then you could get confused in a few of the future chapters. its really your choice. aslo Yo-Na is 17 in here and Shouto is 13

/////3rd p POV\\\\\

after a hard day of training with his dad, shouto walked back to his room. when he walked into the hallway where his room is he looked at the door of room that once belonged to his older sister Yo-Na, but she left years ago. he was about too walk past it but then noticed the forever-closed door is now opened. he got curious since nobody ever got in there since their father forbid them to ever enter it. he walked towards the door and opened it so he could look in better. he was shocked too see that the table that once stood against the wal is now in the middle of the room with a paper on it.

Shouto walked into the room and towards the table. he first looked around too see if anything else was off, but there wasn't anything that he noticed. so he looked back at the paper and picked it up. as soon as his hand touched the paper a song began too play.

(play song now.)

Shouto looked at the letter and saw something like lyrics too a song.

You made a mistake
On the day that you met me
And lost your way
You saw all the signs
But you let it go
You closed your eyes

I shoulda told you to leave
Cause I knew all the time you couldn't handle me
But you're hard to resist
When you're on your knees
Begging me

I'll tear you down
I'll make you bleed
Can't help myself
From hurting you
When it's hurting me
I don't have wings
So flying with me won't be easy
Cause I'm not an angel
I'm not an angel

Hate being that wall
That you hit
When you feel like you gave it all
I keep taking the blame
When we both know that I'll never change

I'll tear you down
I'll make you bleed
Can't help myself
From hurting you
When it's hurting me
I don't have wings
So flying with me won't be easy
Cause I'm not an angel
I'm not an angel

I wasn't always this way
I used to be the one with the halo
But that disappeared when I had my first taste
And fell from grace
It left me
In this place

Well I'm starting to think
Maybe you like it

I'll tear you down
I'll make you bleed
Can't help myself
From hurting you
When it's hurting me
I don't have wings
So flying with me won't be easy
Cause I'm not an angel
I'm not an angel
I'm not an angel
I'm not an angel
I'm not an angel
I'm not an angel

as soon as the song ended the door blasted open showing his father 'endeavour'. "what the devil are you doing in here, brat!" the older man shouted, stepping closer too him. Shouto looked at his father's face, wich only showed anger. "i just saw the room open and i wanted to see if anything was wrong." the boy answered softly without looking at the older. "look at me when you speak!" he was about to hit shouto when a dagger flew past his face making him stop. "i wouldn't do that if i were you." a femenine voice called out from a dark corner. "who are you?! show yourself!" Enji shouted, pissed. a girl stepped out of the dark with one blue eye and one black eye. those eyes were glaring darkly at the older man. 

"i wouldn't hit the kid if i were you, old man." she said in a low and dangerous tone. "i'm his father! its my job too disipline him!" the man growled out. "you might be by blood. but you can't give yourself a name you've never earned for none of your children." she said tauntingly. "what did you say, brat?!" the man burst in flames. "you heard me. didn't two of you children run away a few years ago." she giggled insanly. this made Enji step away. "who the hell are you! nobody knows about that!!" he shouted in anger. 

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