hero training.

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A/N : up top is her hero outfit. she has 6 bands too hold her knifes and stuff. 1 on each leg and 2 on each arm.

/////1st P POV\\\\\

I entered the dressing room with Nejire. "Yo-Na~ your locker is next to mine~" she grinned and i nodded. i opened my locker and looked at my hero outift. "waaaah its soo coooolll!" Nejire grinned. "how? its just a tube tope, shorts and arm protectors?" i questioned her. she laughed and pointed at the bottom of my locker. "look at those things!" i looked down and saw weapon holders. i gasped in surprise. "what is this??" i looked at Nejireand she was waving a letter infront of my face. i grabbed it from her gently and read it out loud so Nejire would know too. 

'Dear Sister,

me and mother talked too the principal and talked about your hero uniform. i told him that you prefered fighting with your weapons so our mother asked him if you could use weapons while you were still training.

he agreed and asked me if i could show him your weapons so i showed him your knifes, darts and your throwing knifes. he approved of these choises and asked me too help him design the holders. so i just made plain ones so it could fit your uniform. 

but just so that we are clear : i dont want anything back if you wanted to give me something in return. consider this as a thank you for always protecting me from our father.


i was crying and smiling at the same time. "he really cares, doesn't he?" i heard Nejire and i nodded. "he told me he loved me when i woke up in the hospital. he said he'll always be my little brother no matter what..." she smiled at me and gave me a quick hug. "lets change and show what you can do~" i nodded, dried my tears and changed into my uniform. 'god i look good' i thought to myself and smiled. "Yo-Yo can i participate this exersice?" Na-Yo asked me. i thought for a bit. "if we are hero's i'm taking over if we are villains its your turn, ye?" she agreed and i grinned. i followed Nejire out to the training ground.

(A/N : its the same place as the hero vs villain accersice that class 1-A did.)

we walked outside and saw AllMight standing there in all his glory. well less glory he isnt able too stay in his hero form but we still respected him. "okay kids we are doing hero VS villain practice." i smiled since Nejire had already told me that. "heh Yo-Na is perfect for the Villain role." i heard a few kids snicker behind me. i growled but i felt Nejire hold my wrist, Mirio put his hand on my shoulder and Tamaki softly smiled at me. i just grinned back. i heard the same kids bitch about me being an villainous attention whore but i gave 0 fucks. AllMight cleared his throat and started talking. "the teams are up on the board." he stepped aside to show the teams.

 i searched for my name. 'yush! Team Hero! with whoooo??? AAHHHYAY!' i looked at Nejire and she grinned back at me and high fived me. "team!" we giggled. Tamaki and Mirio walked up to us. "got teamed up?" i asked them. "not quite. i am on hero team and Tamaki is on villain team!" Mirio said with a smile. i saw Tamaki pout and i giggled. "you will do great Tamaki! both of you!" Nejire exclaimed. i turned too Nejire "who are the kids we are going against?" i asked her. "well we are going against Den Mutri. his quirk is werewolf. so basically wolf mutation. and the other one is Giichi Jutario. his quirk is laser vision." i nodded. "wont be too hard?" i asked but also not asked her. she shrugged. "never fought them. so i can't be sure." i nodded and smiled. "i am sure we will do great~!" she grinned back and nodded. we heard AllMight ask for the first teams to come forward wich are Mirio's team and that of Tamaki. "good luck boys!" me and Nejire shouted smiling. we were actually happy they were first so we could talk about strategy. 

"so Nejire what is our plan? since they probably already know how my quirk works" i looked at her and saw her smirking. "wel thats were you are wrong. yes they have seen your fire but not your weapons or ice." i stood there shocked. "how did you know about my ice??" she grinned and shrugged. i sighed and shook my head "nevermind then. but how will we win? since i am pretty sure that Den will be able to smell us coming in or at least hear us." Nejire grinned and shook her had. "not when we make him unable to make him smell anything except the burning of my uniform." she points at the two horn thingies on her head. "so we'll have the upper hand as long as it stays on fire" i smirked and highfived her. as we were done talking out our strategy Allmight called us towards the building as it was our turn. apparently Tamaki's team had won. after Allmight had sent the villain team in he turned to us. "so you know how this works right?" we nodded and he smiled. "good. now as far as i can think, everything is allowed but i will stop the battle if i think it turns dangerous." me and Nejire smirked at eachother and nodded. "good luck young hero's" and with that he sent us in.

as soon as we came in, Nejire took of her horns and i lit them on fire. soon we heard a noise of annoyance. "i think he smelled it and they aren't far." i nodded and we began sneaking around. as we rounded a corner i saw something moving around. i stopped nejire and nodded to it. it was Den and he was mumbling annoyed about having to search us without his quirk. that made me smirk. "Nejire knock him out please" she nodded and used her quirk to knock him out with her shockwaves. we continued sneaking until we came to the second floor where we saw Giichi. "there you are! where is Den?" he glared at me and winked at Nejire. i just shrugged and blasted my fire at him. he held up his arm and blocked it. "when i heard a villain with a fire quirk was coming to UA i got a little change in my outfit." he smirked but i just laughed. "doesnt matter. i have a little upgrade myself" i grabbed my throwing knife and shrapened it with ice and threw it at him threw the fire so he didnt see it coming. i pinned him to the wall with it. "Nejire, go for the bomb please" i say while keeping him distacted with my fire. Nejire nodded and ran away to find the bomb while i kept blasting fire at Miichi. Miichi would try shooting lasers at me but i blocked it with my knife. i did start to notice tht my body was beginning to overheat so i hope Nejire would hurry. "Team Hero's win" i stopped my fire and panted while fanning myself. 

"good job villain. you know how to act like a hero. great acting skills" Miichi started to taunt me but got knocked out by Nejire and she tugged him lose. she walked towards me, passed my knife and grinned. i grinned back and walked to Den to pick him up and we walked outside of the building. as we cme outside i saw Shoto and his friends standing there. "hey kids what are you doing here? shouldn't you be in class??" i asked them and they smiled. "well yes but Izaiwa let us out to see your training since he wanted to sleep." Midoriya explained and i nodded while handing Den over to a nurse-bot. "well how about this. since me and my friends are done with training and if i stay any longer i'll go even crazier, lets go to the dorms early since its the last class of the day?" the all nodded and said they'll wait for me and the big 3 at the exit of the school so we can change.

me and Nejire walked into the changing room and changed our clothes. "Yo-Na you did great! you were so cool!" she exclaimed happilly and i smiled at her. "well you were awesome too! and i think you were more cool then me since you 'saved' me from Miichi" we giggled and walked out to meet the others. "well what are we waiting for? lets go!" i grinned and ran after the kids of class 1-A


A good villain ( OC x Bakugo Katsuki)Where stories live. Discover now