first school day!pt 1

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A/N : i am back! vacation was nice n lazy~ so i am now back to writing this story and i'll try and update every week maybe more than once but that depends on how school treats me ^^'. 

///Yo-Na's POV\\\

i felt someone shake my body. "Yo-Na....sister...wake up" i heard Fuyumi said softly. i opened my eyes slowly and looked at her. "is it time for school yet?" i muttered rubbing my eyes. she nodded and smiled. "yes but you have 2 hours too spare. i am making breakfast so you and Shoto can leave together so he can show you around at school." i nodded and got out of bed. she handed me my uniform and walked out of my room. "when you are ready come to the dining room." i nodded as she closed my door. i put on my uniform with black knee-length boots. i quickly went into the bathroom too brush my teeth and put my hair in a high ponytail. i was temped too put on makeup but decided against it. "not worth the irritation." i muttered and walked out of my room too the dining room. 

i saw Shoto already eating his breakfast. "oh, good morning Shoto....Fuyumi told me you were going too show me around school?" i asked him as i sat down at the table. he nodded. "yes i will. i will also let you meet a few people there so you atleast know someone there." i smiled at him. "thanks i appreciate that." he nodded and continued eating. Fuyumi walked out of the kitchen and puts a plate infront of me. "here, eat up and go to school you two." she smiled and we nodded. Shoto finished before me and said he will pack my bag for me so i could see what i would need. when i was done eating and Shoto came back with our bags we had an hour and a half left too get too school and get me a tour. we had too take a train too get there since it is too far too walk. 

we arrived at school and i got nervous. i think Shoto noticed since he grabbed my wrist and tugged me inside with an reasuring smile. i smiled and caught up with him. "sis here are the lockers. mom fixed with prinsipal that your locked is next too mine so i will show it now." me and Shoto walked to our lockers. "ok and now??" i asked curious. "oh...uhm now we put stuff into our locker that we dont need yet but not the stuff for hero training because we have locker rooms for that." i nodded and looked into my bag seeing a few things. : my books, a pencil case, a bento box and..... my knifes? "shoto..." i looked at him. he hummed to let me know he is listening. "well 1st of all. how did you find out about my knifes. and second why are they in my bag?" i took out one of my knifes and showed it too him. "ah...well too answer your questions. you didnt hide them very well so it wasnt hard. and second we are allowed too use weapons if it has too do with our fighting style or quirk. but you have too put them in your hero training locker though." i nodded and put most of my books in my locker since i didnt need any of them until after lunch. "ok i am done!" i smiled 'Na-Yo you paying attention too? since you will have too know how too get around if you take over, kay?' i asked her and she made a noise of agreement. 

~time-skip after Shoto showed her around~ 

i managed too sneak one of my knifes with me in my bag. it was a small one so it wasnt very important but i had too be sure. Shoto is now taking me too his class so i can meet his friends he also said that my homeroom teach is going too pick me up from here to my class 3-A. me and Shoto now stoodd infront of his classroom. he casually walks in but i hesitate and stand by the door. my anxiety was starting too act up. Na-Yo tried too calm me down but it didnt work. "what if they hate....i am a villain....they'll hate me....i am a terrible human being....i cant do this...i dont deserve this.....they'll hate......i am worthl-" "are you okay miss? you are muttering too yourself....not that its annoying or anything! i do it myself a lot too! its a habit thats not very bad to ha-" i giggled "you are muttering too~" he flushed red. "sorry! but arent you the girl that helped us save Kacchan and got into the hospital? todoroki Yo-Na, right? you were very cool! Shoto texted us too come early and meet him early too help him make you feel comfertable here! he really cares about you, doesnt he? and i am muttering again..." i smiled at him. "you are Midoriya Izuku. Shoto told me about you when i was still in the hospital. he was right about you being a very cute boy~" i grinned and he flushed. this turned him into a blushing and stuttering mess.

 "midoriya? sister? are you coming in? everyone is waiting." he said in his usual bored voice. me and Midoriya nodded and walked in. when i walked in i saw the three who helped Midoriya and Shoto free Bakugo. i also saw Bakugo and a few others in the class. "guys this is my sister." Shoto said when i was infront of them. i waved akwardly. "why is there a villain in UA?" i heard someone growl in the back of the class. i looked up and saw Neithan glaring at me with Keith next too him. i flinched back at his words. "what do you mean Neithan-kun?" a pink-haired girl asked him. "this woman was with the villain when they kidnapped Bakugo. she and another girl fought me and Keith in the forest! she probably even tortured Bakugo when they had him-" "thats not true." Bakugo barked out. "she protected me however she could when they had me. she even helped me escape! you would've know if you watch the news dumb cat." Neithan and Bakugo glared at eachother.

 "well he is not wrong tho..." i muttered out. "oi shut it crazy. i am defending you here. dont throw it away." Bakugo growled. "no! he IS right! i did help them kidnap you. i DID fight him and Keith. but it seems that he also forgot our 'talk' when me and Toga brought them back too the camp." now it was my turn too glare at the twins. "i don't like it when people say something about me without knowing the full details." Neithan growled out and walked out of the classroom. "anyone else something too say?" Shoto said in his creepy calm way. everyone kept quiet. "ok now thats over. my name is Yo-Na. i am the older sister of Shoto. i am joining UA from this year and i am in class 3-A. my quirk is called fire-icecrystals. it means that i shoot fire from my hands and if i wish i can shoot ice crystals thorugh it. the crystals are extremly sharp and can only be melted by my fire or that of a family member. even though i trained it so that even Endeavour can't melt them." i said with a smile and i heard gasps at my quirk and i saw Midoriya writing frantically in his note book. 

"Midoriya? need help with more info about my quirk?" he looked up and his eyes shined as he nodded his head. "join Shoto after school and come to our house. i'll tell more there." he once again nodded. the same pink-haired girl put her hand up. "yes-" "Ashido Mina! not to be rude or anything but you seem very old too still be in school?" i chuckled "that is because i am 18. so this will be my first and last year in school. but too answer your question. i am in school because i have to be watched over and i need too learn how too be a hero if i dont want to end up in jail." i rubbed my neck akwardly. "well we will help you with that!! you helped us with Bakugo so i want to return the favor!" Kirishima shouted out in determination. my eyes widened in shock. "yes! and you are Shoto's older sister! he is a friend of ours so now you are a friend to us!" a bubbly girl said happily. "a-ah thank you! i apreciate it a lot! i've never had a real friend in my life. well unless you count the people who betrayed me." i smiled and shrugged. "but- erhm...what is your names?" i said akwardly. the others laughed a bit and told me their names. 

"i am Uraraka Ochaco! the blue haired guy is Iida tenya the green haired boy is Midoriya izuku and the green haired girl is Tsuyu Asui!" Uraraka explained with a bright smile. "as i said i am Ashido Mina and the blond with lightning bolt is kaminari Denki. the black haired guy is Sero hanta! the purple haired girl is Jirou kyoka. the black haired girl is Yaoyoruzu Momo. the invislbe girl is Hagakure Toru. the rest of the boys aren't here so you'll have to meet them at another time. even tho if you see a smal boy with grape hair. run." Ashido said with a smile. i nodded and looked at the clock on the wall. "oh i am sorry too say but its only a few minutes till class so i have too go and go to my own class. i'll see you guys later and see you at home Shoto! you too Midoriya!!" with that i walked out and too my own class. 


A good villain ( OC x Bakugo Katsuki)Where stories live. Discover now