first school day!pt 2

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A/N : i am going to apoligize before hand since i dont know who the homeroom teacher is of class 3-A so i am choosing it to be Midnight since i like her. if you do know it is please tell me so i can change it. 

/////Yo-Na's POV\\\\\

after a few minutes i arrived at the door of class 3-A. i heard soft chatter from the inside of the class. i gave myself a little peptalk before knocking softly on the door. i heard everyone go quiet and someone walking towards the door. the door opened and i saw a tall woman with black hair. "ah you must be Yo-Na. i'm Midnight and i am going to be your homeroom teacher." she smiles and i smile back. "come in and introduce yourself, please." i nodded and walked in front of the classroom. i bowed down. "hello my name is Todoroki Yo-Na. its an honour to be in your class and i hope that you will take care of me." i came back up and looked around. i flinched back when i was met with a few glares.

 "okay Yo-Na would you please take a seat next too Nado Nejire. please put your hand up miss Nado." i saw a girl with blue hair put her hand i. she had a kind smile on her face. it felt welcoming so it calmed me down a bit. as i walked up to my seat i heard a few of my classmates whisper about me. "isn't she the reason Endeavour is in jail right now?" a boy said to his friend. "yea i also heard she was a villain before she saved a kid from class 1-A" the other whisper. but before i could hear anything else i was at my place and Midnight said we could something for ourself. Nado turned too me with a bright smile. 

"hi! my name is Hado Nejire! you can call me Nejire. the boy behind you is Togata Mirio! the boy next to him is Amajiki Tamaki. he is very shy so it might take time for him too warm up to you!" she said brightly. i smiled at her and the two boys. "nice too meet you guys. i hope we could be friends, if you don't mind that is.." i said with a bit of my anxiety taking over from the comments of those boys. Togata smiles brightly. "sure we will be your friend! you can call me Mirio if ya wish! isn't that right Tamaki?" he looked at Amajiki who puts his head on his desk. "i-i guess?" he whispered out. i smiled at them. "how is she able to be friends with the big three and not us? she'll probably just use them and throw them aside as soon as she is able too go back too her villain friends again." a boy whispered harshly.

 suddenly a small knife pinned his jacket sleeve too his desk. he looked up too me. but i didn't throw it. it was Na-Yo and she was pissed. my grey eye is now a pure black color. "don't talk about Yo-Na like that, ya scum." she growled out. "the fuck is wrong with you?! why are you talking in third person or some shit?! why is one of your eyes black?!" he shouted out. "thats because she is not me and i am not her. we are the same body not same person. the names Na-Yo. piss me off again and i wont be as nice." she growled out. i took over again and my eye turned grey again. i stood up and grabbed my knife back. "sorry about her." i whisper out and walk away and back too my seat. "waaaaah Yo-Na! you didn't tell us you had a second you?" Mirio said in amazement. "that is since i wasn't suppose too tell anyone about her. and like she said she isnt me. or a 'second me'. we are completely different people but are one now due too an accident from years back. the only way too tell us apart is my eye. she has black eyes and i have one grey colored one. my grey one turns black when she takes over our body." i explained. "she is like my guardian angel with bloodstained wings..." i chuckle akwardly. Tamaki looked up. "t-that's pretty c-cool.....does she h-have a quirk t-too?" he asked softly. i smiled at him. "she does. its called seduction." Mirio and Nejire look at me in admiration while Tamaki shows intrest in what i said. "what does it do?" Mirio askes. "that is for me too know and for you too find out." i giggle. they laughed at this too. 

"hey want too eat lunch with us?? we have hero training after it so we can walk together too the locker room" Nejire said with a bright smile. "u-uhh sure? but i have only send in my hero costume it wont be ready, will it?" i asked them. Tamaki shook his head. "no its already finished. the people that create the costumes dont take a lot of time creation it." he explained and i nodded at him. "oh okay thank you." i smile at him. "we have english with Prez. MIC next. got your books?" Mirio asked and i nodded. "okay then we will go now! next class is in a few minutes so be ready to go deaf!" Nejire giggled. i smiled and followed them too the next class. 

my first day isn't going as bad as i thought so far~


A/N : if the ending seems rushed, i'm sorry i was kinda out of inspiration before making it too long and having too turn it into 3 parts so ye.... this chapter is due too this reason smaller but i will make it up with next chapter since then they will have hero training.

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