Losing mr Explosion Murder pt 2

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A/N : this is the next chapter of the part that the Heroes rescue Bakugo. so if needed please reread the last chapter.

/////Yo-Na's POV\\\\\

as soon as i was warped, i stood ready with my fire. i wasn't ready too fight the Heroes, ooh no...i was fighting the Villains! i looked around me and saw Bakugo really close next too me. he was close too All for One. "sorry Bakugo" he muttered. Bakugo glared at him. "i wish too also apoligize to you, Yo-Na." he looked at me, but i just glared at him. All for One looked up. "you're here, after all, aren't you...?" me and Bakugo looked behind us too see All Might blast in. he punched All for One but he held still. this broke up the ground and a blast of air pushed us all back. i landed in a chrouched position with my heels stuck into the ground. All Might was also pushed back and into a building. "run away Tomura. and take the childs too." 

he was speaking of me and Bakugo. he stabbed Kurogiri in the chest too steal his powers. i gasped. "forcible quirk activation!" Kurogiri's warpgates came "now go." he said. "what about you...?" Tomura asked shocked. All Might got out of the buildings and jumped towards All for One. "i won't let you get away!" he shouted as he punched All for One. 

"what a pain" i heard Bakugo grumble behind me. i looked forward too see everyone of the villains ready too attack us. "tch.... i wanne burn you betrayers..." i growled. the villains attacked first. i used my fire too try and blast them away from Bakugo. i was quick enough too turn around and block Dabi. "fucking bitch...attack your own sister ey..." i glared and kicked him in the stomach. i heard Bakugo's explosions and saw him nearly explode Toga. he nearly avoided Compress. i was fighting Dabi on my own wich wasn't a problem if one. i was emotionaly stable and two. if Bakugo didn't explode the ground any fucking second!

"you should give up sister." Dabi said too me. "You aren't my fucking brother! fucking jerk!" i shouted back. he glared at me. "i didnt have a choice! and you would've done the same thing!" i growled at this. "no i wouldnt! i would've died! there is a fucking reason i also protected Shoto while being a villain!" i blasted a big fireball at him. our cloaks were swishing wildly behind us. "oh do tell me!" Dabi returned the favor to me. i quickly avoided it but saw the UA-students. my eyes widened when i reconised Shoto. "because i DO care for my family! i only became a villain so i wouldnt die so i could keep on protecting my sister and little brother!" i screamed. i saw Shoto's eyes widen at this. i saw him say something too his friends. 

as i was a little distracted i didn't see Toga running up behind me till i was too late with turning and blocking. i looked down and saw a knife in my stomach. i spit out blood and fell too the ground. "Yo-Naaa!!" i heard Bakugo shout and blast over to me. the blast blew away Toga and Dabi. i felt Bakugo Pick me up. "stay the fuck awake bitch!"he shouted at me. i saw ice too me left and pointed too it. "save yourself." i smiled at him. 

i heard the red-haired boy scream at Bakugo. "come!" i saw Tomura about too grab Bakugo. i did the most powerfull fire blast i could in this stage and blasted me and Bakugo away. Bakugo held me closer too him as he used his explosions to blast us toward his friends. "you stupid or something?!" he said with a smirk. i was honestly surprised they could hold both me and Bakugo. 

i saw Compress about too get too us but Mt. Lady stopped him by growing larger. i smiled and closed my eyes. i felt us landing because i was thrown onto the floor and rolled a few feet. after this i lost conciousness

/////Bakugo POV\\\\\

i slowed down our landing but didnt notice that i let go off Yo-Na. as soon as we stood still i let go of Kirishima and looked around for Yo-Na. i saw Todoroki at her side, trying to stop her bleeding from her wound. "Yo-Na!!" i shouted and runned towards her. when i was next too her i fell too my knees. "you bitch! you better be a-fucking-live!" i screamed at her. "Bakugo. you need too calm down. i cant hear her heartbeat." Todoroki said too me. i glared at him but stayed quiet. Todoroki sighed in relief. "she is still alive. but needs help. lets get her too the hospital. everyone nodded.  

as we were walking through the city , we made sure no one saw Yo-Na's wound. we were lucky enough that she wasn't a known villain and that her face was never shown. when we were close too the hospital we saw a huge TV that is showing the fight between All Might and All for One. after a big hit we heard everyone gasp as we saw his true form. i was shocked too but Deku didn't seem so shocked. his face was showing cornern. but even when he is in his weak state he stil kept fighting. 

after All Mights victory he pointed at the camera. "next, its your turn." i heard everyone cheer but when i looked at Deku i saw him crying. i growled. hurry your asses up! we need to get Yo-Na too the fucking hospital!!" i shouted at them. this made them snap out of their daze and run beside me too the hospital. as we run into the hospital Todoroki shouts for help while i keep an hold on her. i saw a doctor with nurses run towards us with a stretcher. i placed Yo-Na on top of it. as the doctor runs towards the ER i wanted too follow the same for Todoroki but we were held back by nurses who told us too stay away so they can operate her. 

we sighed in defeat and went too sit in the waiting room. "should we call Endeavour?" Iida asked. i looked at him with a glare "are you stupid? he'll call the fucking cops on her!! and its not like he'll listen too teenagers if they tell him that his villain daughter helped me escape and basically protected my ass while being captured." i growled out. Todoroki nodded. "yes i agree with Bakugo. if we call my father he will call the cops and make sure she is in jail. we first need her story. then we can decide on what to do. maybe we should get in contact with All Might as soon as possible." he said calmly. Deku seemed too agree with us. "what do we do now tho? the doctors will ask who she is and will then probably still cal him." Kirishima said. "tell them that Todoroki came with us because his dad told him too. they are siblings after al." Dumb Deku said. "that might be the best idea we have."


A/N : yayyyy doneeeeeeeeeeeee this chapter went faster then i thought tbh but oh well! 

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