Getting mr Explosion Murder.

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A/N : Yona has been with the LoV for a while now together with brother and lil sis.She went together with Toga on the mission at the trianing camp and helped her too take blood of 3 persons instead of 1. this basically says what she and Toga were doing soo yeee

~Yo-Na's POV~

Me and Toga were send too get blood of atleast 4 people. So we walked too ragdoll first because she wouldn't be able to keep up with 2 spycho teens. "Yo-Na? Will you let Na-Na out when we have too fight?" I sighed and nodded "i'd have to. As skilled as i am with fighting, she is a goddamn pro." I smiled softly. Toga nodded. I heard footstels running toward us from behind. "Toga get infront of me please." Toga did as told with a curious expression. When i heard they were close enough i turned around and grabbed their wrist. I heard a shocked gasp from who it was. Before i even noticed, Toga tackled the person. I let Na-Yo take over since she was 'kind' and i am not so much. "Well, who is this kid?" Na-Yo asked Toga. The teen hummed. "This is one of the Ojanura twins. I think its the hot headed kitten" she giggled. Na-Yo looked at him. "Neithan Ojanura. Lovely meeting you here again" the boy glared at her. "If i knew you were a villain i would've never helped you!" He growled. "You should've listened too you brother~ where is he by the way?" Na-Yo asked with a crazy smirk. "Above you." the girls looked up and saw Keith above them dropping down with red thunder around his hands and wrists. Na-Yo jumped aside so our body wont get hurt.

"So much for getting blood fast." I sighed. Na-Yo giggled. "Can we do half-half Yo-Yo? I need your high senses in this fight." I agreed and let us take control of both my body. She is controlling my quirk and i am controlling my high senses. "I really wished we didn't have too fight." i sighed. "But we need your blood" Na-Yo giggled.

(A/N : Na-Yo and Yo-Na have a different voice so people will know who they are talking too. Unless they want too hide it. Then they use the same voice.)

The twins looked confused at us. "Toga. Needles out. Its gonna get bloody love" i said with a grin. Toga nodded and got two of her needles out. "As if i'll let you get close too us!" Neithan growled. "Dont you both have close combat quirks~ you'll need too if you want too survive this~" Na-Yo giggled.

I put my senses up high alert. "Toga, keith is behind you. Too the left." Toga turned and shot her needles at him making him have too dodge. Na-yo shot fire at Neithan. "Not so fast deary~" apparently Neithan tried getting close too use while i aas distracted with Keith. "Thanks Na-Na" i sighed. I hear her laugh crazily and smirked. "Shall we join him in hand too hand combat" i suggested. "Aye aye" she agreed and got rid of our cloak. "Aahhh freedom." I whip my hair loose from is bun and smirked. Neithan glared and attacked us. We blocked his hands with a knife. He jumped back and we ran forward with the knife out and our fist ready. He jumped up trying to avoid us but we jumped up and slammed him down with our leg. "Aaaughhh!" He screamed out in pain. "Neithan!" Keith shouted while trying to escape Toga. "dont get closer too them or his pain wont only be his back~" she giggled. I walked up too him. "Now show is your quirk" Na-Yo smirked. Neithan glared with a smirk on his face.

"oh i will. Just watch me, crazy". he wrapped his cat tail around my wrist and flung me away. "Well. Jump on a tree it is" i groaned and landed on a tree."i forgot about those tails they have. So much for seeing his quirk" i grumbled. i sensed him getting closer and shot fire towards him. I flipped out the tree and smirked at him. "Too bad kitten. I loved seeing how your quirk works." Na-Yo giggled. Neithan growled his fangs now showing. He tried punching me but i ducked and head butted him. He stepped back holding his jaw. "Fucking bitch!" I rolled my eyes. "Tell me something i dont know." He growled and covered his hands in purple thunder. "Aaah there it is" he tried hitting me and managed to scrape my cheek, shocking me. I shot fire at him with my ice crystals. my crystals got into his arms.

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