i apoligize.

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A/N : this is basiccaly a follow up from the last chapter but i dont care. this is also a filler but it has some stuff in it that is pretty important so ye. you can skip if ya want

/////3rd POV\\\\\

Yo-Na was a corner away from my house when Yo-Na started too hesitate. the girl kept walking towards the house and she was faster before the door then she wanted. Yo-Na was about too knock before thinking against it. she was about too turn away when the door opened. Yo-Na's eyes widened seeing her mother in the door opening. "Yo-Na?" she asked carefully with a smal smile on her face. the girls wide eyes were now filled with tears. she collapsed too the floor. "i'm so sorry mom!" she sobbed out. the older lady bent down and hugged her daughter. 

Yo-Na was sobbing out apoligies too her mother who was trying too calm her down. "honey its alright. it was never your fault.....you had no choice." Rei muttered too her when she managed too calm down her daughter. Yo-Na hugged her mother. "i missed you mom...." she muttered. "i missed you too. now lets go inside, yes?" the girl nodded and got up. the two walked in. Yo-Na was very hesitant but her mother showed her a sweet smile too show her that it was fine. Yo-Na and her mother walked into the living room. the teen gasped at what she saw and had once again tears in her eyes. the living room had a big 'welcome back, we love you' banner and her three siblings.

///Yo-Na POV\\\

i am once again crying but now by what i am seeing not who. my mother leads me into the living room were Shoto, Fuyumi and Natsuo. before they could say anything, i fell to my knees and started apoligising. "i'm so, so, so sorry for leaving you all! i am a terrible person fo leaving my own family!" i said while sobbing. Fuyumi runs up to me and hugs me. "stop it! you are not a terribl person! and if you hadn't left our father would've probably killed you!" she said and hugged me tighter. 

Shoto walked up too us. "also if you hadn't left you couldn't have helped us save our classmate." he said with a small smile. "and because you returned the devil we call our father is now behind bars and our mother is back." he said while bending down too join our hug. i hugged him back and also looked at Natsuo. i flinched when i was met with a glare. "you really left me. you know how much it hurt when your own twin sister leaves you without even telling you?" he said too me. i looked down. "Natsuo! stop it." Fuyumi said angrily. "no he is right. i was very stupid too leave without any notice..." i stood up and walked towards Natsuo. i stood before him and held my arms wide out. "you are allowed too hurt me so i can now how much pain you felt when i left." i said and closed my eyes prepared too feel his quirk against me. 

i was shocked enough when i got a small flick against my forehead and then a big hug. i opened my eyes to be met with his which were filled with tears. "why would i hit you for coming back? you saved us from our father, brought our mother back AND you saved a kid." he smiled "now were is that pretty smile!" i smiled brightly and hugged him closer. "also could you let us meet Na-Yo?" he asked. i let go and stepped back shocked. "who told you about her?" i asked him. "Bakugo told me in the hospital. he told us that she was the one that basically protected you if people started too suspect anything." Shoto said. i rubbed my neck akwardly. "that she did..." 

i let Na-Yo take over. i heard my siblings and mother gasp because of my eyes. they were shocked too see that my once grey and electric blue eyes are now darker grey and black. "heyyy! i am Himiko Na-Yo! i am Yo-Na's second her~" she giggled and did a peace sign. "why is your last name Himiko and not Todoroki?" my mother asked gently. "wel its the name i adopted when i adopted Toga so ye. it also shows that me and Yo-Na are actually different people." she smiled. "i also have a different quirk. this means that if she is in control she cant use mine and i cant use her quirk when i take over." my family nodded too this. 

my mother looked at her watch "oh my look at the time! its already 11 pm! well everyone hurry too bed." she smiled. we all nodded and headed too our rooms. i was about too walk too my room before my mother held me back. "sweety can i speak with you for a second?" i nodded and we sat down at the living room table. "yes mother?" i said politly. "well i was asked by All Might if you wanted too join UA with your brother? you will be in year 3 but thats only better since you are older." she smiled at me. "but mother....i was a villain....nobody will accept me. why would the school even let me join them?" i asked her.

 "well i heard that All Might told you that you have been exused of your crimes because you didn't really want too do them." i nodded. "the principal knows about everything and is willing too let you join 3-A, but you will be monitored by your homeroom teacher and we as your family have too give reports of your mental health so please dont keep anything from us." i nodded with a smile. "i will! i want too do anything at all to prove myself! but arent i behind on education?" i asked my mother. Rei smiled. "well i notice that you are a very clever girl and since you got experience in battle field i think, and All Might agrees, that you might be the top of your class." she smiled and i nodded. "now off too bed with you. i'll notify the school. your first day will be the day after tomorrow." i nodded, kissed her cheek and went too my room.

as i walked into my room i gasped at how clean it was. it was still the same as before but now everything was cleaned up and my childish stuff was removed and looked more like a room for a young adult then of a 9 year old. "do you- do you like it?" i heard a small and timid voice behind me. i turned around to be met with Shoto's grey and blue eyes. i smiled at him "you did this?" i asked him. he nodded. "well i always kept your room clean since you left but Fuyumi got you new clothes when she heard you were coming back and Natsuo did touch ups on your wall painting." he said with a small embarrassed smile.  grinned and hugged him. i felt him tense up before he hugged me back. 

"i missed you....you were always there when i needed you but now you werent....you werent there when i had my sportsfestival..." i smiled and waved my hand through his hair. "that were you are wrong...i was there but in the shadows....i was there after you fell asleep. i might not have been visible help but from now on i will be." he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "forever?" i nodded. "forever. now off too bed with you. you have school tomorrow. i'll pass by your class, kay?" he nodded. i walked him too his room. "want me too tuck you just for old times sake?" i asked him. he nodded with an embarrassed smile on his face. i walked into his room with him and tucked him in. "good night kiddo.." i kissed his forehead. "g'night sister.." he said before falling asleep. i walked back into my room and went too bed myself after changing.


A/N : this is Yo-Na's room its bigger than this but its basically only just a bathroom connected too its and a closet with a dresser + mirror so ye

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A/N : this is Yo-Na's room its bigger than this but its basically only just a bathroom connected too its and a closet with a dresser + mirror so ye.

A good villain ( OC x Bakugo Katsuki)Where stories live. Discover now