My first kiss went a little like this

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It was a silent and slightly akward drive to where ever Aaorn could take me, It unfortunately let my terrfied imagnation run wild with the possible plans or places he was gonna humilate me with. I tried to keep my hair in my eyes so he wouldn't be able to see the tears run down my cheeks. All I had ever wanted was to go through high school with out getting made fun of, but this, this was going to worst than any nightmare I had ever faced. I tried to secretly wipe the tears off my face, but he caught me. He looked with what I though was a caring face and said, "Why are you crying?" I didn't say anything. He would use whatever stupid words the came out of my mouth against me. I felt him jerk the car into Black Woods Estate. The only gated neighborhood in my town. We drive towards the even bigger houses to the neighborhood, and he parked. I gasped, the house infront of me was beautiful. I guess I should've known that his house would be amazing.. just like him. He got out the car and walked towards the door and walked right in. He led me to the kitchen where he offered to make me a snack or get me a drink. I kindly declined. Why was he being so nice to me? I looked down at what I was wearing, tights a long hoodie, and some flats. Hopefully none of his perfect family is home. He walked upstairs and straight into a room. When I walked in I was almost knocked over by his smell. It was spectacular!. He sat down on his bed, and patted a spot for me. I sat down as gently as I could. I really just didn't want to hurt anything. Then he started talking. He said, "Why don't you talk to anyone?" What does he mean me talk to anyone, no one talks to me? I was amazed no one had ever shown any interest in talking to me. I was a nobody. He looked over at me and acted puzzled. "you look, confused." he said. I just nodded my head. He said, "Lindsay, do you never look in a mirror?" I think back, and honestly can't remember looking in the mirror this morning, or any other. I whispered, "I guess not.." He walked out of the room and grabbed a personal mirror and shoved it in my face and said, "look!" I looked in the mirror, I wasn't ugly, but no way near as pretty as Courtney. I had pretty blue eyes, but bland brown wavy hair. I guess I could do a little better if I tried, but I don't. I heard Aaorn whisper," Lindsay, you absolutely beautiful." I looked at him, he had to be trying to suck me into a plan to hurt me. No one like him, liked a girl like me. It just didn't happen in real life. That's when he put his hand behind my head, and pulled me into the most passion kiss. When he finally let go I felt my head begin to spin. Wow, did that really just happen? I pinched myself, it hurt. Oh my god, Aaorn just kissed me. Then I heard footsteps up the hall, and Aaorn say, "You gotta get outta here!"

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