This is the Life

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sadly, this is the last chapter in this story. I really hoped you all enjoyed it! Please comment, and tell me hoe you felt about the book in general. Also, Vote and fan me. If you do I'll love you <33

So here we go, The last chapter in I don't wanna fall in love, unless it's with you.

It took Aaorn and I two hours cleaning up the stick mess. By the time we were finished my stomach was growling for food. Aaorn chuckled and took a pan out from a cabinet. He got four pieces of bread and cheese. I watched him awkwardly butter the bread and put the sandwich together. I giggled as he stared at the stove trying to figure out how to turn it on. It took him almost five minutes. He had the butter melted on the top side. He glanced back at me to see if i was looking. Then, he picked up the pan and attempted to flip the sandwich. It went flying through the air and landed on top of Aaorn's head. I burst out laughing and he blushed into a deep red. He quickly turned off the stove, and ordered me to go shower saying, "we'll just go out."

I came out of the shower feeling clean and refreshed. I wrapped at towel around my body and walked into Aaorn's sister's room. It was kinda weird, but I picked an outfit out her closet. I picked a simple pair of skinny jeans, with a nice top, and a pair of UGGS. I adored everything in her closet. I wish I could have met her.. I went back into the bathroom and fixed my hair and put on makeup.

When I walked out Aaorn's mom was holding a blue short dress with strappy silver heels. She asked if I'd put it on, of course I agreed. When I was finished, she came in and curled my hair into tight ringlets. It was so pretty. We stared at our reflections in the mirror. She put her hand on my shoulder and quietly said, "I'm sorry, how I treated you was so wrong. Your such a nice girl. I didn't even give you a chance" I stared to tear up and she softly smaked my arm." Your not going to cry and ruin your make up!" yelled Aaorn's mom. I sniffled a little and said, "Sorry Mrs. Lively." She glared at me in the mirror and said, "Don't call me Mrs. Lively, that makes me sound old!" I laughed and said I wouldn't.

I walked downstairs, and heard Aaorn start howling. I laughed. He took my hand and pulled me into a hug, and quickly dragged me out of the door. It was starting to get cold and I had goose bumps on my shoulders. Aaorn tool his jacket off and handed it to me. I gladly wrapped it around me.

We pulled into an Italian resturaunt. I had never been here before. It was of course upscale. We went inside and ordered. As we were waiting Aaorn took my hands and said, "Lindsay I have a question..." My heart rate accelerated. "...If you'd go to prom with me"  I screamed yes, and threw myself at him. I was so happy. He laughed and returned my hug. Then he sighed and said, "There's just one thing.." I groaned, what was it.. "You have to go dress shopping with my mom" I smiled, and said, "off course!" I was so excited. My mom had never went dress shopping with me.

Our food came and we ate happily. Everything was perfect. I was going to the dance with my true love, his mom liked me, and we were perfect. Nothing would ever change that.

I don't wanna fall in love, unless it's with you.Where stories live. Discover now