Doctor Doctor give me the news, I gotta bad case for loving you.

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I woke up and looked around. This wasn't my room. Where was I? Then It all came back to me. Last night Derek had tried to rape me. I was in Aaorn's bed, but Aaorn wasn't with me. I layed back down and wrapped my arms around my cold body. I started crying. My eyes stung with every tear that ran down my face. The feeling of Derek's body haunt me. I know it always will. My tears slowly stopped flowing out of my eyes, and I just layed in Aaorn's bed numb, and alone. My imagnation started going wild with the thoughts of where Aaorn was. I had millions of places and things that he could be, then I saw a note on his dresser. I picked it up and saw my name scrawled on the top. I opened it up and it said, Dear Lindsay, I'm so sorry about last night. I will Kill Derek someday, I swear to you this. If your hungry when you wake up, come downstairs. I'm making you breakfast. If your not feeling well enough though, try to sleep. I love you baby. Love, Aaorn. My heart fluttered. He loves me. It amazes me. I got up and felt my body begin to ache. I looked down. There were bruises everywher from Derek holding me down. Hopefully Aaorn hadn't seen them yet. I needed something to cover them so he wouldn't feel even worse. I looked in his closet and found a hoodie. I took my shirt off and looked in the mirror. Bruises were all over my body. I turned away in disgust. i slipped on the hoodie. I checked my phone just to make sure my drunken mother hadn't needed me last night. There was a message, but it was from Laurie wanting all the details from last night. I'd call her later. Maybe I wouldn't tell her everything. I started walking down the stairs. I heard Aaorn get off the couch and come help me. He picked me up like he did last night, it all flashed back and I grimaced slightly. He noticed and dropped me softly on the couch and tucked me in with a soft blanket. then he brought me a plate full of pancakes and bacoon. I smiled and enhaled the food. I was starving. He kept bringing me more. I ate until I was so full I couldn't take another bite. He took my plate to the kitchen, and walked back to me. He picked me up again, but easier this time, and layed me on his lap. He ran his fingers threw my hair till he sighed. He then said, "Last night, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you when you were so, drunk. I just never dreamed... Derek. Im just sorry." He pulled me into a tight hug and I jumped away. The bruises on my body ached from the tight hug. I could see the hurt in his eyes. I had to show him the bruises. I started pulling up my shirt. I looked over to see him raising an eyebrow, but then, he saw the bruises. He put his head in his hands. He said, "I'm taking you to the doctor today. I already made you an appointment." I opened my mouth to try to protest, but it was no use. I needed to go to the doctor to make sure, everything is okay with me, and that he hadn't actually.. I pulled my brain away from thinking about that. I looked up at him again and he began to talk again. "Also, I called the police to notify them about Derek. They have taken him into custody. He won't be able to get you again." A huge weight was taken off my shoulders. I could breathe slightly better now. I looked down at my clothes. I didn't want to go home, but I couldn't go to the doctor in this. Aaorn smiled at me. He said, "Your going to borrow my sister's clothes. She's about your size." He carefully carried my up to her room. It was so pretty. It was light lilac colored walls with a huge white bed with drapes around it. He dropped me and showed me her closet. I gasped when I walked in. There were so many clothes. I ended up picking a hoodie that covered the majority of my bruises, and I'd still be comfortable in. Then some skinny jeans. I looked around for some shoes. I went passed heels, the fancy sandals, to sperry's, then I found what I was looking for, Converse. I slipped them on and felt better. I went into her bathroom. My curls were still there and decided to leave my hair down, but washed off the remander of my make up. When I walked out Aaorn smiled and said, "There's my Lindsay" He kissed me on the lips, and we walked out of the door. My appoint was an two hours from now, but we had an hour drive so we decided to go ahead and leave. We got there about thirty minutes early. I looked around and saw a bookstore. I asked if we could looke around, he of course agreed. He had me pick out about a thousand books, I think he felt like it was his fault about last night. We got in the car and I took his hand, and said, "You realize, that last night, it wasn't your fault, right." He had a stern look on his face and said, "I shouldn't have left you alone." I kissed him on the cheek and said, "Aaorn I do not blame you. Do NOT blame yourself." He looked at me and nodded. I had never seen Aaorn so sad. Even when I went to his basketball game last year just to watch him, and they lost. He put the car in drive and took me to the doctor. We only waited in the waiting room for labout five minutes when the nurse came to me. She weighed me, I had finally hit 100 pounds, I was pretty pissed. Aaorn laughed at me when I asked her if he scale was acurate. She shook her head and walked out of the room. I sat on the cold bed in the room and was nervous. What if I was wrong and actually had.. I couldn't think like that. It was bad for me. When the doctor walked in and I explained what happened. He nodded and began looking at my bruises. He checked my body from head to toe. He had me do a couple x-rays, then handed me a cup. I was horrfied when he told me what it was for. STDS and pregnancy test. I walked into the bathroom and did my business then came back with my cup. I gave it to him, he smiled and said, "Well have all the numbers for you tomorrow. What number can I call? I gave him my cell phone number, and walked out of the doctor's office with Aaorn.

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