Tonight was a fiary tale, for the most part.

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We pulled into the parking lot of the most expensive resturaunt in the town. I had never been here before so I was kinda nervous. I looked over at Aaorn who didn't seem fazed that he was about to pay $50 bucks for a steak. We really came from different worlds. I don't see what he saw in me.. He walked over and opened my door for me like you always see guys do in movies. I smiled. I don't care why he likes me. He picked me and no one else.

We walked inside where I found that he had made reservations so we wouldn't have to wait. Why was he so thoughtful? We sat down in a table in the corner. It was farther away from other and made me feel closer to Aaorn. When we sat down he asked if this was okay. I was shocked. How wouldn't this be okay. My face must have said it all because then he asked if I'd ever been here before. I looked at me feet and shook my head no, but then said, "My boyfriend Ian works here and used to sneak me deserts sometimes.. They were delicious." Aaorn smiled and said,"Well I guess we'll be ordering desert too." I was smiling at Aaorn and didn't realize that our waiter had came up to us. I heard him grunt and finally looked over and was stunned. It was Ian. He glared into my eyes with such hatred I had to turn my head. Aaorn looked at me confused and Ian proceeded to ask why I was here with Mr. star Football player. Aaorn was blown away by this and asked who Ian was. Ian looked at me, but talked to Aaorn. He said, "Well, I WAS her girlfriend, but the fucking two timing bitch decided she was too good for someone who worked here. I guess she decided she liked the rich part of town." A tear ran down my face. I hadn't meant to hurt anyones feelings. I had broke up with Ian about a month ago when he had kept pushing for sex and I wasn't ready. Thinking about this I went into a flash back to the past..

Ian and I were laying in his small bed. His parents had kicked him out the year before and he struggled to keep a home let alone buy a normal sized bed. We never really got to hang out so I was enjoying being close to him. He took his hand and traced around my belly button my his hand farther and farther up my shirt. I shuttered at his touch and moved his hand back down. He looked at me and said, "You never let me have any fun.. Let's do it." He started trying to pull my shirt off and did. When he got to my bra I smacked him to tell him to stop but he pushed himself harder on me and continued to violate me. He moved down to my pants and I kicked him in the face. This hurt him because he stopped. I grabbed my shirt and ran to the bathroom. I put my clothes back on and cracked the door. He was waiting for my outside. When I walked out I tried walking out of the door, but he slapped me.

I came back into the real world. I looked over to see that Ian was ontop of Aaorn trying his hardest to do anything to hurt him. I tried pulling Ian off, but I couldn't. We were so far back that no one could even see us. I ran over to another male waiter and told him what was happening. He dropped his plates, and ran over to help Aaorn. The next thing I knew the manager was next to the both of them. He was yelling at Ian. Ian didn't take his eyes off me. He had an evil smile on his lips. Then the manager told him he was fired. He walked by me, but paused to whisper, "You'll pay for this you stupid whore. I'll get what I want from you someday." I shuttered. Aaorn saw me and came over to wrap his arms around me. The manager kept apologizing and promised us a free meal. This kinda made me feel better, but the whole resturaunt was staring at us by this point. I felt extremelt uncomfortable. Aaorn asking if we could order to go and the manager agreed. We got two steaks, a order of rice, two pepsi, and a triple chocolate cake. 15 minutes later we were leaving the resturaunt.

When we got in the car Aaorn looked at me. I knew what he was thinking. He wanted the truth. Why had Ian gone crazy. He turned the car on, and didn't say anything. We drove down the road for five minutes in silence. It was akward. He pulled of the road and turned to me. I could see something in his eyes, but I didn't know what it was. Then he started talking, "I know you have a past and I do too, but I don't understand why that guy flipped on me. He kept glaring at you like if you told me something he'd kill you. You don't have to, but I'd like to be clued in on what happened between you too. Just incase it's something that might well, effect us." I looked at him and started telling him the story of how we broke up. He pulled me into a close hug and said, "You just get taken advantage of all the time don't you?" I tried to smile, but couldn't thoughts of almost getting raped the night before were mixing with Ian's attack. Why did this happen to me. I pushed my face into Aaorn chest and felt hot tears stream down my cheeks. He kissed my head and told me he'd never force me into anything like that. I'd only known him for a week, but I believed him. I don't know why. Then he turned on the radio to a slow song and opened the car door. He walked over to mine, and took my hand. He pulled me close and we began to slow dance. I pushed my face into his chest again and smiled. I loved him.

I don't wanna fall in love, unless it's with you.Where stories live. Discover now