Sister Sister

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Aaorn drove me back to his house. We got there and it was like always, empty. I couldn't understand why no one was ever here. My mom may be a drunk, but she was at home. Well, physically not mentally anyways. We walked upstairs and laid down on Aaorn's bed. I cuddled closer to him so that i was snuggled up to his chest. He wasn't talking. Something was wrong. I stared at him willing him to say something. He looked down at me and gave me an adorable half smile. I felt by heart accelerate. "Let's go out to dinner tonight. Something special. Just you and I" I was amazed he said that. I thought he was gonna ask when he could drop me off at home or something like that. I was so excited. I started bouncing up and down. Then I stopped. I didn't have a dress. What was I going to wear? I looked down. Aaorn noticed and said, "What's wrong sweetie?" I looked up at him kinda embarssed to tell him the truth. I started to talk, he must have realized what I was going to say cause he hopped off his bed and started walking down the hall. I followed him into a room. It was huge and painted bright green. Who's room is this? He walked over to two double doors, and swung them open. It was amazing. So many clothes. I just walked through the center of them amazed. When I turned around Aaorn was smiling. I blushed and asked, "Where did these come from, Why do you have all these." He started looking at his shoes and barely said, "They were my sister." Were? I looked at him confused. Then said, "where is she?" He smiled and walked over wrapping his stron arms around mybody and whispered, "in heaven." Oh, god. why hadn't I seen that coming. Was I really that stupid. He let go and looked at me then smiled a sad smile. He started talking again saying, "Take whatever you'd like. No one even comes in here anymore. All her clothes just sit because my mom can't get rid of them." I looked back at the clothes not feeling as happy he was offering them. I couldn't take his dead sisters clothes. He walked over and grabbed a red short dress and smiled. He looked happier this time. He told me that his sister had worn that dress to his 11th birthday party. That all his friends kept asking him if they were allowed to kiss her. He stared at the dress for awhile and handed me the dress on the hanger. He told me that it was perfect for me. I looked at the size. It was mine. I walked into his sister's bathroom. Everything looked like she was there just yesterday. I wonder when she passed. I slipped the dress on. It was perfect. I looked under the sink to find a straightener. I ran it threw my hair. I looked into a mirror. I couldn't believe what I saw. I looked, sexy. It amazed me. When I walked out Aaorn gasped. He had changed while I was getting ready. He had a sports jacket on with his hair perfectly tousled. Gosh, He as hot. He took me to his car and we were on our way to what I hoped would be a fairy tale.

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