I need help

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I laid in bed with Aaorn. We didn't say anything. I ran my fingers through his hair to try to feel like I was closer to him. I didn't know what to do about him cutting his self.. I rolled across him so he had to look me in the eye. When he saw me a tear rolled down his face. I wiped it off and tenderly kissed his chapped lips. I scooted closer and put my head in the nape of his neck and drifted off to sleep..

When I woke up he was still asleep. I looked at the time, it was one in the morning. I guess Aaorn's mom didn't care I was in bed with her son. My mom didn't care atleast. I sat up and thought of everything I had seen Aaorn do just few hours ago. He had cut himself. He needed help. I don't think he'd let me help him. He needs me too though.. Boys are just too stuborn. Aaorn rolled a little and started mumbling something I looked over at him and smiled. He was adorable even while he was sleep. I snuggled closer and decided to talk to him in the morning.

When I woke up again I looked over to see Aaorn awake, but still laying in bed. He looked like he was in deep thought. When he realized I was awake he brushed a hand through my hair. I rolled and layed my head on his chest. He smirked. I knew that now was the time that I needed to tell him that I was going to tell his mom about getting him help. I had a feeling that it wasn't going to end well for us, but hopefully in the end he would be able to stop hurting himself. I looked up at him and said, "We need to talk" Nervousness flashed across his face and I told him "I'm not breaking up with you, but you might with me" Aaorn titled his head, but nodded for me to continue. I took his hand and told him that I was going to get him help. That he needed to be happy. He had so much to be happy about. When I finished my rant he sat there in silence. I got out of the bed, and his head didn't turn. I told him goodbye and he didn't answer. I was walking downstairs when I felt something twirl me around.

I was looking into Aaorn's beautiful eyes. Then he surprised me and said, "I thought you were going to tell me I was a freak. That you didn't want to be with me, but didn't know how to leave me. I love you Lindsay. I love you to the moon and back." I blinked several times.. He loves me. He really loves me. He pulled me into a big bear hug and kissed the top of my head. When he let me out for oxygen I told him I love him too. We sat down on his stairs and I told him my plans for getting him better. He nervously agreed. This was good. Atleast he was going to get help instead of fighting me through this. I looked over at him and told him I was proud of him. He wrapped his arm around me and said, "We just keep fighting don't we? You with the Ian situation. Most girls wouldn't have been able to go to a police station and tell a police everything you did. Did I tell you he's been convicted of rape? He's behind bars, and will be till hes fifty years old. Then he'll have to register as a sex offender. Plus, Your reallymaking me brave. I've known I needed help for a long time, but I was afraid to ask for help. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be going to get the help I needed." He looked me into the eyes and kissed me.

We walked down stairs to tell his mom everything. She was shocked and cried a little bit. I excused myself for them to have so personal time together. I wondered into the kitchen to find a cook making pancakes. He handed me a heaping plate full. I sat down and began to chow down. I heard two pairs of foot steps come in. Then Aaorn's mom's voice say, "Well, I'm glad your making yourself at home dear." Dear?! My head shot up to look at her. She was smiling at me. Aaorn bumped my arm and whispered in my ear, "She likes you now. She's glad you convinced me to get help." Then he took my whipped cream and put a dot on my nose. I came back and rubbed it down his face. He took the can and started spraying the can in my hair. I grabbed a full can and sprayed down his shirt rubbing it all in to make a sticky mess. I finally heard Aaorn's mom cough. We quickly threw the cans away. She took her own pancakes and ordered us to clean the mess. We both groaned, but got to work. I'm just glad she doesn't hate me now..


This storys about to wrap up. I might have one, maybe two more chapters left. Continue to read! Plus read my next book. It's going to be good. I'd like to thank everyone who read this. It means alot.. thanks!

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