Where are you now

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Aaorn took me back to his house and where we fell asleep. When I woke up I was snuggled as close to Aaorn as I could be. I guess he felt me move because he rolled over to look at me. He ran his fingers through my hair and said, "Good Morning Beautiful" I smiled and stretched up to peck him on the lips. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me ontop of him playfully. I giggled and playfully kissed his lips.

Then I heard the door crack open and a woman's voice say, "Excuse me"

Aaorn looked up and muttered "Ohh shit." I was scared and glanced over. It was a woman. She looked to be about in her mid-forties. She glared at me. I noticed I was still on top of Aaorn so I rolled over to the side. I tried to put as much distance between us as possible. Aaorn got out of bed and walked over to who I guess had to be his mother. She never took her eyes off me, but told Aaorn they needed to talk.

It seemed like forever for him to come back, but when he did he didn't seem to happy. He took my hands and said I had to go home. I got out of bed and looked down at what I was wearing. I had on one of Aaorn's shirts with no pants. Great, I'm gonna look like an even bigger whore.

We got in the car and drove to my house. It was a quiet ride. Aaorn pulled into my shitty drive way and I could feel my emotions going crazy. I didn't know what to do. He finally looked at me. He put his hands on my face and pulled me into a kiss. He told me he'd try to come over when he could. I asked him when he thought he'd be here, but he wasn't sure. I felt my heart breaking. Tears ran down my face freely. He wiped them away. I flung my arms around his next and tried to pull myself closer, but he did nothing to help me. My sobs quickened and he go out of the car and opened my door for me. Even when he was leaving me all alone he was a gentlemen. Aaorn grabbed my hand and walked me to the door. He wipped my tears away, and kissed me. I had never felt anything like this. Nothing. I pulled my body closer willing him not to leave me, but then he pulled away. When I looked at him I saw what looked like tears in his eyes. He turned on one heel and walked to the car. Without another glance at me he pulled out of my driveway.

** 3 Weeks Later**

I haven't heard from Aaorn in three weeks. I see him at school, but he doesn't even glance at me. I tried waiting by his car one day, but he never showed. When I wasn't trying to get his attention I locked my self in my room. Laurie had tried calling me to get me out of my house, but I wasn't interested. Even my drunken mother had tried to get me to go see a movie or something so she could bring one of her many STDs here to go crazy with. I didn't want any of that though. I wanted my heart back.

** 5 Weeks Later **

Lauren had made it home before me and pulled me out of my room. She told me I would be able to sulk just the same at the mall as I would here. She brushed my hair and straightened it. I looked in the mirror as she did this and didn't recognize myself. My hair was past my shoulders now and I had lost atleast 10 pounds. I couldn't believe it. She dragged me to the mall where all I could notice was girls happy with their boyfriends. I looked over and saw him. My heart dropped. He was with some girl I didn't even know. When he saw me he stopped. Then shook his head. Why was he shaking his head? Lauren saw what I was looking at and pulled me inside coldstone to get ice cream. The rest of the day went by like a blurr. Nothing made sense anymore.

I don't wanna fall in love, unless it's with you.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora