Happy Halloween(Without Sexual)

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*****This is the same as the last part, minus the sexual content. You will not miss anything by reading this part instead. thanks(:***

He pulled into my driveway and walked me to the door. I asked him, "What should I wear?" He smiled and said, "A costume, it's a halloween party." Great, now I'll have to go get a costume. He kissed me on the nose, and jumped in his car. He rolled his window down and said, "I'll be here at 8:00, see ya later beautiful.", and sped off. How did he expect me to get a costume in such short notice? That's crazy. I pulled out my phone and called Laurie, my friend since 3rd grade. She would be able to find me a costume. She could do anything. I walked into my house to find my mom laying on the couch drinking. I walked over to our money can, broke. Shit. Laurie would loan me the money too. I was so lucky to have her as a friend. I dialed her number and she answered of the first ring I could tell by her voice she was a little pissed. I hadn't talked to her for a couple days since I'd been hanging out with Aaorn. I talked to her calmy saying, "Can you help me with something huge?" She immediately brightened excited for a challenged. She screamed into the phone saying she'd pick me in like two seconds. I walked into my room tidying up. I kept thinking of how people thought I was better than Aaorn. I looked at my shithole of a house i had. There's no way. Then, I heard my doorbell ring. Wow, that was quick. I ran out of the door grabbing my jacket. Just in case old faithful (Lauren's Car) didn't well, die. I hopped in. She was so pretty. She was short and pixie like. She had real blond hair with aqua blue eyes. Her hair was curled in perfect little ringlets that feel to her shoulders. Yeah, I was jealous. She said, "Where are we going first" I said, "Well, what halloween store is the best? Where have you gotten yours before?" She put the car into drive and stomped on the gas. That was one thing Lauren couldn't do. Drive.We got to the halloween store in less then ten minutes. She had flew. She thankfully turned on the car, and we walked into the store. We went past the kiddie costumes, and over too the young adults. Lauren went to business. She was pulling costumes out left and right. She showed a sexy nurse, "No", A furry bear "Gross", then a banana "Do you have a mental brain problem?" Then she pulled out a cute little mouse outfit. It had Little pink ears, and an adorable tail.I took it to the dressing room to try it on. I put it on and it was perfect. It hugged my tiny body and fit every curve just like it should. It made my boobs look good too. All I need was Laurie to curl my hair and it would be perfect. I looked at the price. Just 15.00? Hell yes! We checked out and rocketshipped back to my house. I walked in and my mom was gone from her usualy couch spot. She must've ran out of beer. We walked back into my room and Lauren went to work on my hair. It took her a whole hour, but when she was finshed it looked good. I gave her a hug and told her she was the best friend in the world. I almost got teary thinking about all the things she does for me but she punched me and said if I cried and ruined my make up she had just applied. I looked at the clock, it was 7:50. Lauren gave me a look and said, "no glove no love" I threw a sucker at her and said, "It's not even like that" She snickered and said, "suuuuure" as she walked out of my house. I sat down on the couch alone, and extremely nervous. This was my first real high school party. I didn't know what to expect. Would it be like the movies? Then the door bell rang again, it was Aaorn. I opened the door and smiled. He was Robin Hood. He had a bow and the little hat. I looked at his facial expression. He looked stunned. I smiled and said, "Is it alright." He wrapped his arm around me and said you look amazing and pushed his lips to mine. I heard my mom grunt and push past us. Stupid bitch I thought. I looked at the ground and said, "Meet my mother" He whispered in my ear, "you must've taken after your dad" I laughed. I didn't know for sure. My dad had left when I was only two. I guess you could say I never actually met him. He took my hand and walked to the car. He opened my door and helped me in. I sure wasn't used to these hills that Lauren had insisted that "Made the outfit" as she said. I was more worried about falling. We drove to a huge house that was decorated with spider webs and all kinds of spooky things. I smiled Halloween was fun. I walked in and saw Derek a varsity football player eye me as Aaorn took off my coat. He winked and disappered. That was weird. We walked into the kitchen and Aaorn asked me what kind of drink I liked. Crap, I don't know. I looked up at him and whispered in his ear, "I'm not sure. Give me something I'll like" He mixed a couple juices with some alcohol, and handed it to me. I took a litte drink. It was extremely sweet I took a bigger swig, and Aaorn said, "you better be careful, that's really strong." I smiled and said, "I can handle it" We took our cups into the living room and started dancing the night away. Well, until some pussy cat, cough cough, Courtney walked up to me. She tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around. I looked her up and down. She had a costume similar to mine, but hers was a little black cat. She had her hair straightened. Her shirt was cut waay lower than mine. Figured. I looked behind her and say her slut club dressed up as slutty three little pigs. I started laughing, and they all looked confused. Courtney pulled my tail off, that's it. You DON'T pull a girls tail off. I turned around and punched her straight in the nose. She started screaming in crying. I turned on a heel and caught up to Aaorn who was now almost on the ground laughing at me. Courtney's slut club attempted, but failed to pick her up and move her awaay from everyone. Finally Big Luke came over threw her over his shoulder and out the door. Everyone looked at me and started clapping. All kinds of girls came over and gave me a high five, one girl even helped me fix my tail. Aaorn and I layed on the couch together. I could feel the alcohol in my body making me a little dizy, but it felt good. Aaorn said he had to use the restroom but he'd be right back. I sat up on the couch. I looked around to see Derek leaning against a wall in the corner of the room, he walked closer and closer to me. He didn't hesitate to pick me up. I tried to fight away from him, but he was strong. I couldn't pull away. He took me into a room and locked the door. He was planning on raping me. I was so scared. Then Aaorn busted through the door, and started beating Derek up. Luke came in and took over as Aaorn carried me to the car. He asked if I was okay. I said, "Yes." He drove me to his house and let me take a bath. Then layed me out a long t shirt and boxers. I layed down next to him. He kept telling me he was sorry till I drifted away to sleep.

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