The truth and nothing but the truth

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When we got to the police station I thought I was going to throw up. Aaorn got out of the car, but I stayed in. I was scared. He opened my door and I pleaded once more to get him to change his mind with no avail.

We walked in the the chief of the station was leaning against a desk. I guess waiting for me. Aaorn walked over and they began talking. I couldn't listen to them though. All I could hear was my heart beating. It was pounding in my chest. I looked down at my hands to see that they were shaking. Then I heard Aaorn say my name. My head shot up, and I was kinda embarrassed. Then the chief asked me to follow him into his office. I looked over to Aaorn who nodded. I followed him, but Aaorn didn't. My palms started sweating. He shut the door, and the questions began. He asked me where I met Ian, when I met Ian, How many time had he touched me and I didn't like it, and the worst one, had I ever encouraged he to touch me sexually. I answer all of the completely honestly. The chief nodded his head and told me I could leave. I walked out of the door and Aaorn was on the phone. I didn't want to bother him, but I was ready to get out of here.I walked closer to him and noticed he sounded angry. Then I heard him say "Mom she's coming with me whether you like it or not, and she's not trash!" My heart fell. At least someone realized I wasn't good enough for him.. When he realized I had heard everything he said he had to go and pressed end. He looked at me and said, "What all did you hear." I Responded simply with "Enough"

I pushed out the door, and felt the cold air hit me in the face. I shivered and walked over to Aaorn's car. I felt arms come around me, and I looked up. He looked at me, and for the first time since his mom had caught us in his bed, with eyes full of care. I looked away. I didn't want him to feel sorry for me. He pulled me closer and I felt my heart accelerate. He chuckled and told me to get in the car.


I Know its not much. I'm really sorry. Vote and Comment. The first to comment I'll put your name in the story. Ohh and, Happy Thanksgiving Eve :D

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