♡ Chapter 9 ~ It happened again?!

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When that girl said that Taeyong, Kun, Ten and the rest of the boys turned around and got mad and girl 1 was still pulling my hair and then Kun, Taeyong and Ten ran to me while everyone else was right behind them. Girl 4 was Rose...and she was...Taeyong's ex girlfriend. Then Taeyong grabbed Rose's wrist and said...

Taeyong: "Rose can you stop hurting my sister?!"

Rose: "No! She stole you from me! When we dated you care about her more then you care about me!"

Taeyong: "That's because she's my sister!!!"

When Taeyong said that he hugged me and I've already started crying because it was like she's like in middled school again.

(Girl 1: Jisoo, Girl 2: Seulgi, Girl 3: Wendy, Girl 4: Rose, Girl 5: Irene.)

Jisoo, Seulgi and Wendy are Kun's biggest fangirls and Rose is Taeyong's ex girlfriend. Rose is Jisoo's best friend and Irene is Seulgi's best friend who loved Ten but he never loved her. Then Kun said...

Kun: "Will you 3 stop?! You are hurting my best friend / girlfriend!!"

Jisoo: "What?! Girlfriend?! You choose this little piece of crap to be your girlfriend?!"

Kun: "Yes because I love her!"

Seulgi: "But Oppa?! What about us?!"

Wendy: "Yeah! We are definitely better than her though!"

Kun: "Can you guys like stop it?! I appreciate the admiring and appreciation but I don't need it and I never did!"

Seulgi: "But Oppa, you know we love you forever right?!"

Wendy: "But we won't except you being together with her."

Kun: "Then don't because I don't care! All I care about is my love one and my brothers!"

Jisoo: "But we are your fans Oppa."

When Jisoo said that Kun didn't say anything because all he worried about was me and I looked up at him but I was Traumatized I couldn't do anything and then he suddenly kissed my forehead and wiped my tears then that made me unfrozen and I turned and Taeyong saw him holding me and I smiled at him and he smiled back at and kissed my cheeks. Then I looked at Ten who was being annoyed by Irene. Then Jisung suddenly said...

Jisung: "Can you annoying fangirls like leave already?! Because you guys are getting annoying!"

YangYang: "Yes you tell them Jisung!"

When YangYang said that the girl said that this situation isn't over. But the boys didn't care because they were all worried at me and then Lucas said...

Lucas: "Those girls are so annoying!"

Winwin: "Most girls are annoying. But not our sweetie though."

Me: "I'm not gonna lie you are right Winwin Oppa but...one thing I know is that I think all they want is your attention Kunnie."

When I said that I looked at Kun and of course I wasn't happy about it but I was mostly jealous and it can't be helped and then Kun said...

Kun: "I know but my attention is only for you."

Chenle: "Awww I swear Hyung and Noona together are so cute!"

When Chenle said that we all agreed and then I said...

Me: "And as for you Tae Oppa I think Rose wants you back...I'm pretty sure she was just jealous because of all the attention you give me."

Taeyong: "Yeah I know that she does but I don't because if she's gonna be rude to you like that she's definitely not getting me back."

When Taeyong said that I understood why he broke up with her in the first place. Rose never liked me because Taeyong gives me more attention then she does. But one thing Rose doesn't know about me is that I easily get traumatized because of the bad things that happened to me. Then I looked at Ten and I was about to say something but then he said...

Ten: "Yes I can definitely tell that Irene has a crush on me."

Me: "You think?"

Hendery: "I think it's a huge crush."

When Hendery said that we all agreed even Ten did too. Then Xiao Jun said...

Xiao Jun: "Are you okay sweetie?"

Me: "I'm okay don't worry."

When I said that they all nodded and went to their seats and then the bell ranged and class was about to start and I sat there with my head on Kun's shoulder because he told me too so I did. But I also took notes and answered some questions normally too.

{Time Skip } { 2 month and 1 week }

It's been 2 month and 1 week me and Kun have been dating and people found out that we are dating and they approved it and of course there are some who doesn't and those are Rose, Irene, Jisoo, Seulgi and Wendy. But mostly Jisoo, Seulgi and Wendy though. They always try and find ways to break me and Kun apart but it never works because me and Kun knows each other very well and we will never hurt each other and we will forever trust each other.

Now we are at home. Me, Tae Oppa, and Ten Oppa. We are all playing with our dogs and also Ruby has gotten a lot better. Thank goodness because I never want to see my big brother cry. I know how much he loves Ruby. I mean we all do though. So when I start chasing Ten because he teased me again like usual then the Butler came in and said...

Butler: "Miss and Masters?"

{ To be continued... }

The shy girl and The quiet boy ~ NCT Kun { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now