Old Friends, New number.

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(Ahhhh! So many of you! Almost 100 reads! I'll do an extra long chapter to celebrate the 💯 of you! Anyways I'm listening to "Make You Mine" by PUBLIC and "Party Tattoos" by dodie and I'm in a soft fluffy mood!)

I step into the hall to be greeted by two of my best friends from the academy, Officer Heracles Karpusi and Officer Feliks Łukasiewicz. I can't pronounce Feliks' last name so me and Al managed to "westernize it", as Feliks says, to Lukasavitch.

(Loo-ka-sa-vitch at least that's how google translate says it lol)

"Wow dude your like so totally lucky yeah!" Feliks says with his usual enthusiasm.

"Mm-hmm, really lucky!" Heracles says sleepily. That man is always tired.

"O-oh! Thanks guys! I gotta go right now but we can catch up later ok!" I say cheerfully. "It's been way too long since our days In the academy!"

"Like, definitely!" Feliks exclaims "We'll talk to you later!"

I wave and begin walking in the direction of the main hall. I see Lieutenant Beilschmidt with Detective Bonnefoy and decide to jog up beside them. I notice Antonio on the other side of the two.

"Awww, come on Gil why didn't you pick meeee?" Antonio says in a whiny voice.

"Don't be a baby!" Lt. Beilschmidt says "You've been on drug busts before Toni, let the other guys get a shot."

"Speaking of other guys..." Detective Bonnefoy begins "COUGH! COUGH!"

Lt. Beilschmidt glances in our direction.

"Oh! Birdie! Heading over to the main hall?" He says as if he had forgotten the purpose of this whole conference.

"U-um yep, that's where I'm headed!" I say awkwardly.

Why can't I just speak like a normal person!

"Awesome! Cause we're there!" Beilschmidt says "Talk to you later Toni!" He waves to his friend.

"Ready?" Bonnefoy asks me

"I guess yeah." I say slightly nervous for no particular reason

We head into the giant main hall where there's currently an expo on all the new police tech. This is a pretty big conference after all, I'm glad Al and I live fairly close. We walk farther into the hall until we see a few tables. The captains are sitting at one of the tables with Lt. Maes, Detective Väinämöinen, and Detective Mancham talking. I see Lt. Beilschmidt walk over to their table, if you can call whatever he's doing walking. He looks like he's trying to sneak up on the captain, again. I mentally facepalm before following Francis to where they're sitting.

"Hey Bruder!" Gilbert exclaims once they all notice his weird creeping.

"Ughhhhh..." Captain Beilschmidt sighs, obviously annoyed and mildly disappointed "I told you I'm Captain Beilschmidt when we're at work lieutenant..."

"Alright, alright!" Gilbert teases "we picked our people!"

"I noticed" the captain grumbles

"Anyways, we were thinking about splitting you all up into two groups" Captain Braginski begins. "Lieutenant Maes? You'll take Väinämöinen and Mancham."

"And you'll take..." Capt. Beilschmidt begins, glancing at the three if us "Detective Bonnefoy and Officer Williams?"

"Yep! They're who I chose" Lt. Beilschmidt said enthusiastically.

"Alright then. That's your team" the Capt. Said as the others began leaving. "Your first briefing is Tuesday at 9:30, be there on time please."

The captain stood and we all parted ways. I ended up staying with the Lt. anyways.

"U-um" I begin stuttering "lieutenant?"

"You don't have to call me 'Lieutenant' all the time, if we're gonna be a team you can call me Gilbert!" Gilbert said trying not to laugh at my formal approach.

"O-oh um ok, Gilbert, are you staying overnight here at the conference?" I say trying to make small talk

"Yep! My younger brother doesn't trust me alone in the house..." he begins "I'm not really all that interested in being here though, how about you?"

"I'm not staying, I only live about an hour and a half away." I say

"I think we all live about an hour and and a half away birdie." He says giggling.

We continue talking and joking until Al shows up to get me

"Hey bro!" He exclaims "we'd better get going pretty soon."

"Oh yeah, I'll talk to you later Gilbert!" I say standing up

"Wait!" He exclaims grabbing my arm

I'm probably blushing, oh god.

He grabs a piece of paper off of his notepad and jots something down.

"Here!" He says handing me the paper "My number, now we can talk whenever!"

"Y-yeah..." I say blushing and stuttering like an idiot "T-thanks."

"No problem. Talk to you later!" He says waving and walking away.

I awkwardly wave back before Alfred grabs my arm and runs towards the entrance. As soon as we're in the car he starts yelling.

"OH MY GOD MAN!" Alfred screams

I still have no idea what's happening, I think I'm in shock.

"He gave you his number!" He exclaims happily

"Y-yeah... I guess he did." I say opening my palm to see the tiny ball of paper.

I fall asleep in the car on the way home and as soon as I get home I run up and grab my phone. I punch the number into my contacts and press "send message" I then realize I have no idea what to say.


Matthew: Hey, it's Matthew!


(Hey! I was just wondering how you guys are enjoying this story? I know it's mostly centred around my boy Mattie, but if you guys would like to see chapters from other characters perspectives let me know! I'll gladly write some out! If you have any questions about myself or my stories, ask away! See you next chapter!)

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