A bit of trouble...

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(WTF! 200 reads already! We literally just hit 100! You guys rock!❤️ Sorry the chapter is short! I just got home!)

We pull the car over and get out. We walk slowly around the corner to asses the situation, a car crash. Nothing huge but people might still need help. We walk carefully towards the vehicles and manage to get everyone out before calling the paramedics. We also call the fire department in case any of the vehicles catch fire and wait until both arrive. In the meantime we make small talk.

"Quite the eventfully day eh?" I say trying to break the awkward silence forming as we stand around. No one is severely injured so we'll let the medics take care of it.

"Ja." Gilbert says lacking his usual enthusiasm.

"Something wrong?" I ask as Francis walks to go wait in the car.

"Mm. Nothing really." He begins "I was just thinking about what would've happened if we drove through here even 3 seconds earlier..."

"But we didn't, and everyone's gonna be ok." I say gently, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Ya... ya your right, I'm just over thinking!" He says flashing me a smile, I can tell it isn't genuine though... when he's sad his eyes don't smile like his mouth does.

The paramedics and the firefighters arrive minutes later and we hop in the car, Francis is driving this time so I get the backseat.

We arrive back at the precinct in silence and head upstairs to inform the captain of the new info and earlier situation.

"Captain?" I say knocking on the door before slowly opening it

I walk into the captains office, it's fairly small and has little to no personality. The captains only personal belonging is a small photo frame on his desk with a picture of three dogs in it.

"Heya Captain!" Gil says, his usual enthusiasm returning. "We almost got in a car crash!" He gives a thumbs up.

"That's grea... Wait what?" He says looking up from his computer "you almost got in a car crash?!" He sounds shocked.

"Oh and we got a lead, kinda, not really... but it's something!" Gil says trying to avoid the subject

"No, you said car crash, did you not?" The captain said worried

"Well, we witnessed a car crash and helped get everyone out safe." I say "we weren't in one."

"Well that's good I suppose, did everyone make it?" He asks more calmly

"Oui, no one sustained any major injuries. I think the worst was a broken leg." Francis answers

"Oh good! Now, you also have a lead?" He says moving on

"Weeelllll..." I begin "kind of...?"

"We have their heights and we know that one of them has long hair." Gilbert explains. "So ya not really."

"Well, any information helps I suppose. Good job team, dismissed." He says going back to his computer.

We leave the captains office and decide to hang around the precinct for the rest of our shift.

"Hey Al!" I say approaching his desk.

"Hey Mattie!" Al says enthusiastically "works so BORING without you around bro!"

"Haha, I'm sure it is!" I say laughing "got anything for me to do?"

"Well I actually just received a call about a robbery and was about to leave, wanna come?" He offers

"Hell ya!" I reply following him out of the building


Heck yeah my dudes! I'm feeling hyped camping was great and I'm even working on a secret for later that you'll all love! I'd better just post this before I forget! BTW be sure to check the conversation section of my account and follow me to get updates on my stories!

See you in the next chapter!❤️😘

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