Gil is WHAT?

43 1 0

I'm listening to Juliet and Talk to Me by Cavetown that's all I have to say

I'm also sorry that this is late oops...

The car ride is awkward and we only really talk about the case until we get to Gil's place, a nice little house just short of downtown. We get out of the car and head inside. The front entrance is a narrow area with only a key rack and a few pairs of shoes. We walk from the entrance to the living room that leads into the kitchen. Gil puts the case file on the coffee table a sits down on the couch. I sit at the other end of the couch, as far away as I can get.

"Sooooo, wanna eat now or later?" Gil asks

"O-oh I'm fine with whatever" I reply

"Well then I'll just make something now." He says walking towards the kitchen.

I follow him to the kitchen so I'm not awkwardly alone on his couch. We make some food (probably ramen tbh) and sit back down, this time at a small table in the kitchen.

This is awkward....

I should say something.

"Soooo the weather is nice...?" I say awkwardly

Great goin' Matt, the weather, I've really reached this point.

Gil laughs before giggling some more and responding "Is this really so awkward that we're resorting to the weather?"

"Well... yeah." I say trying to be a normal person

Gil laughs at me for a minute before continuing "You aren't to great with social interaction, are you?" He questions

"N-no, I'm not..." I say truthfully "I avoid people as much as I can..."

"I tried doing that for awhile" Gil responds

"You? Avoid people?" I say shocked "You seem like such a social person."

"I know I'm pretty awesome, but lots of people used to bully me. Well, try to." He responds

"How come?" I say without thinking "I-I mean! We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to!"

"Kesese! It was back in high school, I'm over it." He laughs a bit "I got bullied for being gay."


"Kids can be dicks ya know?"



Gil is gay.

"Earth to Matthew! Don't tell me your a homophobe too." He says laughing

"E-eh! O-oh I uh, sorry! No I'm not a homophobe! I uh, I'm actually gay as well." I manage to stammer some not so gibberish words.

I can feel the blushing. Jesus.

"Really, you don't say." Gil says mocking me.

"W-what?" I ask confusedly

"Nothing! Nothing! It was just kinda obvious." Gil replies

"How? I-I don't openly express it or have a boyfriend for that matter." I awkwardly add

"Oh? I thought that you and Al were together?" Gil says

I laugh but have water in my mouth so I try not to spit water everywhere like an idiot.

"Me and Al?! No no no! We're like, best friends or even brothers!" I practically yell.

"Oh." Gil responds as if he's just made some huge mistake.

Hetalia PD!! -ongoing!-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora