Breakfast and Butterflies

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Hey! Sorry the post is a bit late! Wattpad was being an ass!

I wake up, though I don't remember falling asleep, and grab my uniform. it's Monday again and I can already feel Al complaining. I change into my clothes and drag my half lifeless body down the stairs. Why am I so tired? It's not like I went anywhere last... oh right. I was with Gil till around midnight and probably didn't fall asleep till around 2. What was keeping me awake? Meh, I'll remember eventually. I shake away my thoughts to realize I've subconsciously wandered into the kitchen. Al is nowhere to be seen though there is a note on the table. I pick it up and read it

Hey Mattie I'm out getting early morning coffee with Arthur, see you at work.

Wow, his printing is absolute garbage. Though from the sound of it, it looks like Al landed himself a date.


I run over to the calendar in my room to see that this Tuesday is circled, I must've done it before bed. Then a wave of exhausted realization hits me, I have a "date" with Gil that day. I suddenly remember why I couldn't sleep.

I sigh trying to shake away the butterflies in my stomach and head back into the kitchen to grab food. I zone out as I'm taking my toast out of the toaster and burn my finger. It's definitely Monday. I spread peanut butter on my slightly burnt toast with a knife in my slightly burnt hand and head out the door. I'll eat in the car, I want to grab a coffee before work.

Timeskip brought to you by Mattie's burnt finger.

I walk into the precinct to see Al leaning flirtatiously against Detective Kirkland's desk while Kirkland calls him a bunch of British words that I don't understand. What the frick is a wanker? I head upstairs to see Gil almost asleep at his desk. I decide to walk over and wake him up

"Gil? You awake?" I ask not too loudly

He doesn't answer, he's definitely asleep. I turn around to see Francis holding a bucket?

"What's the bucket for?" I ask curiously

"Hon hon! You'll see!" He responds laughing.

The bucket is half full with water... this can't be good.

I was right this isn't good...

Francis takes his beach bucket of water and pours it right on Gils head. Thank god his laptop wasn't on the desk.

"AGH!" Gil screams falling out of his chair and onto the floor "WHAT THE HELL!"

That was actually really funny

"No sleeping on the job mon ami!" Francis says laughing hysterically

"Just remember Francey, Karma's a bitch!" Gil says mildly angry "I WILL get you for that!"

I can't help but laugh at the pathetic albino sprawled awkwardly across the floor.

"Hey! You're supposed to be on my side Birdie!" Gil says with fake betrayal in his voice.

I try to stop laughing which just makes me laugh more and when I go to take a step towards him to help him up, I trip falling on the ground next to him.

Suddenly we're both laughing on the floor until we hear the Captain down the hall and pull ourselves together and off the floor.

"Thank you officer Honda, I'll inform the officers on the case." Capt. Beilschmidt says as he walks into the bullpen with officer Kiku Honda. Honda got out of the academy the same day as Al and I along with Heracles and Feliks. We never really spoke to him all that much and he tends to keep to himself.

"Williams! Lieutenant! Bonnefoy! My office now!" He yells before entering his office and sitting at his desk.

"Guess we better see what My little bruder wants huh?" Gil says still giggling and soaking wet.

"Gil!" I whisper scream at him while laughing "you can't say that out loud!"

"Gilbert my friend, you're going to get beaten by the captain for your smart ass comments one day." Francis says walking up behind us.

"And your gonna get beaten for dumping that water on my head!" Gil half yells.

"Guys! The captain is waiting for us!" I say dragging Gil towards the office.

"Fine fine! Let's go." Gil says following me, Francis not too far behind.


Heyyyy I finished the drawing! I drew it on the bus so it's a bit of a mess and the legs are

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Heyyyy I finished the drawing! I drew it on the bus so it's a bit of a mess and the legs are... something? But thank you for the idea! I might redraw it later, I'll post it if I do! Love you all! 😘


P.S. I'm almost finished a big surprise for you all that I hope you'll enjoy! Be sure to check my account page just after my post today (May. 20th)! I hope you like it!

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