Let's do this... or something

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Ahhh! It's been so long! I forgot Wattpad existed tbh and ummm... oof

We walked into the captains office, Gil still soaked and Francis still laughing. I can't help but shake my head at these two.

"Gilbert..." The captain says rubbing his forehead "Why the hELL ARE YOU SOAKED?"

"Ummm... rain?" Gil says with sarcastic innocence.

"I have a window Gilbert, I can tell it hasn't rained" The Captain says disappointedly.

"...Sprinkler?" Gil replies with another smile of faked innocence.

"Whatever, that's unimportant, what I wanted you here for is really that one of our officers has found a lead on your case." The captain begins

"They've detained a young man who we believe is connected to Natalya Arlovskaya."

Oh right, she's Captain Braginski's sister.

"Really!" Gil says excitedly "Can I interrogate him!"

"No, I was going to ask Williams to do it" The captain says looking directly at me.


"Umm... Captain? I don't mean to be rude but, did you SEE what happened during my last interrogation?" I say worriedly

The last time I interrogated someone it was my first week on the job and the guy laughed at me because I'm not scary and I had to leave because I was gonna cry.

"Yes Williams I was there." The captain says shaking his head "But this boy is only 15 and I think you'd be the most gentle with him, we don't want to scare him."

Ok ok ok I can probably do that.

"What do you say Williams?" The captain says breaking my train of thought. "You can have Bonnefoy as backup if you need, but I'm sure you'll be fine."

"I'll try my best sir." I responded still not entirely sure I knew what I was doing.

"Good, now let's go." The captain said getting up from his desk and walking out the door.

I glance nervously back at Gil and Francis before following the captain to the interrogation room. Let's do this... or something.

Mattie is a mood tbh

Love you all 😘 -Totem

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