Mission, START!

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(Eek! I'm so late I'm so sorry! I spent the whole week preparing for my tournament and forgot I promised you guys chapters! I'm listening to the song Ikea by johnathan coulton and it's hilarious. I made this chapter extra long for you guys.

I really sorry!)

         I wake up around 7:00, a half hour later than usual meaning I don't have time to drive down for coffee before work. Damn, I hope Al made some. I sleepily stumble my way out of bed to my closet. I grab my uniform and throw it on before yet again stumbling out of my room. I trip on the box in the hall way that I always forget is there and let out a silent curse. I continue down the stairs to the kitchen where Al is eating cereal and talking on his phone. Looks like a Skype call, though I can't see who he's talking too.

"Ya I'll tell him, speaking of here he comes now!" Al exclaims into his earbud mic.

"Huh...?" I say still half asleep

"Oh, Arthur just wants to say congrats on the drug case thing!" Al clarifies

"...Huh?" I repeat myself

"Detective Kirkland?" Al says as if his first name is common knowledge.

"Oh... OH!" I say I'm sleepy realization.

Alfred has had a major crush on Detective Kirkland ever since he got transferred to our precinct.

"Shh!" Al whispers putting a finger to his lips and covering his earbud mic "Huh? Oh nothing!"

Looks like he's gonna ignore me for now. Oh well, guess I'll start some coffee or something. I press the button on the coffee machine when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.



Gilbert: You ready for our first case briefing today?

Birdie: Ya, I'm kinda excited.

Birdie: Not that there are drugs on the street

Birdie: I'm excited to stop the drugs

Birdie: From being sold...

Gilbert: I knew what you meant the first time 😂

Birdie: Ok, just wanted to clarify. I'm a good person I swear :P

Gilbert: Lol ttyl

Birdie: Ttyl



That was weird. Why can't I ever just have a normal conversation? As I'm thinking to myself the coffee machine makes its obnoxious beeping sound meaning the coffees ready. I pull a thermos out of the cupboard and fill it with coffee, I pour Al's too because I know he'll forget. At this point Alfred has hung up his phone and we're both standing in the kitchen.

"Soooo..." I begin teasingly "You and Kirkland, huh?

"I wish bro, we're just friends" He replies sounding mildly annoyed.

"Sure 'Just Friends' mhmm" I say taking a sip of my coffee forgetting it's hot and burning my tongue

My burning my tongue on coffee causes Al to laugh at me ending the conversation. We grab all of our things and head to the car.

Everyone seems to think Alfred and I are brothers because we look alike and live together but actually I met Al at our police academy. We had a lot of fun even though I struggled through all the fitness and Al couldn't shut up long enough to pay attention. It seems like he's the more fit and active one where I'm the "intelligent" one. I use the term intelligent lightly.

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