A Robbery and a... date?

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I don't even want to post this.... I shouldn't.... but I will. This is the shittiest thing I've ever written (Other than my grade 4 Aphmau fanfic that will never EVER see the light of day😂)

I hate myselllllffffff, UGHHHHHHH. I'm just gonna post this garbage. I apologize.

"Hell ya!"

Al and I walk out to the car and head over to the address which just so happens to be about two blocks from our house. As we pull into the driveway a woman runs frantically towards us as a man shakes his head disappointedly.

"Oh thank god your here!" She begins "Oh it's horrible absolutely horrible!"

"It's not that bad honey" the man begins, obviously annoyed with her overreaction. "They only took whatever cash we had lying around and the wine from the cabinet. You didn't have to bother the officers."

"It IS bad RON!" The woman emphasizes "They broke into our house!"

(Idefk guys 😂 I've given up and run out of characters😅)

"Carol..." Ron says rubbing his face in disappointment.

(Wth... I rlly want death)

"No no! It's good that she called." Al begins "Then we can catch these robbers before they break into anyone else's homes!"

(I'm gonna pretend this isn't shit)

"Y-yeah..." I say awkwardly.

"See Ron! I told you." Carol says passive aggressively (or something)

"Do you mind if we take a look around?" Al asks politely.

"Not at all! Right this way!" Carol says her mood suddenly improved.

We walk through the door into a small living space. Past the living space is a larger dining room with a tall cabinet on the far side. The woman leads us over to the cabinet and opens it up.

"We had about 11 bottles of vintage wine in this cabinet worth about $10,000 but now it's all been stolen!" Carol says outraged.

(Carol is a snobby wine aunt now.)

"Well ma'am I promise you we will try our best to find the culprits!" Al says

Al has always been more of a 'people person' than I have. He usually handles all of the talking seeing as I can't talk to strangers without being weird and awkward.

We're looking around the house when I hear a call from the living area.

"Yo Mattie! I found a thing!" Al yells

Oh Al... (Jesus I hate myself)

"Eh? What'd ya find?" I say walking into the room.

Al walks over to me and drags me over to the other side of the room. I look down to see a trail of muddy footprints on the wooden floors.

"Take a picture for the file, we can send a copy to forensics to see if we can get a shoe size." I say hoping we've actually found a lead.

We look around the house for a while longer and find a few more pieces of evidence before deciding to head back. We tell the couple that we'll get back to them and get in the car.

"Sooooo...." Al says "They were... interesting."

"Yeah." I say glancing at my phone.

Gilbert: 1 new message

"Who's textin'?" Al asks teasingly

"Nobody!" I say turning off my phone.

"Lemme guess.... is it Giiilbert?" He mocks, emphasizing his name.

"maybe..." I quietly reply.

"Well?" Al asks

"Well what?" I ask confusedly

"Are ya gonna text him back?" He questions

"I guess." I say turning my phone back on

I open the messaging app and my phone vibrates again



Gilbert: Guess what? We got a lead on the drug bust!

Gilbert: Birdie? You alive?


Guess I'd better answer him



Birdie: Yeah I'm here

Birdie: That's awesome! I'll be at the precinct in like 10 min, you still there?

Gilbert: Yeah, but my shift ends in 20, hbu?

Birdie: I think I'll stay late again tonight.

Gilbert: ☹️

Gilbert: Orrrrrr.....

Birdie: Or...?

Gilbert: You could come over to my place and we can work on the case together? Or we could just hangout.

Birdie: Idk....

Birdie: It's late, plus I still haven't eaten dinner and I won't have a ride home since Al's taking the car.

Gilbert: It's only 6:30 Birdie, you could eat at my place! And I'll drive you home!


My excuses didn't work... ughhhhh if I go I know I'm just gonna be awkward again and he's gonna think I'm weird, but I can't get out of it now


Birdie: Yeah ok!

Gilbert: Good! See you in a minute!

Birdie: See you.


"I'm going over to Gil's house after work..." I say probably blushing "Wish me luck."

"Luck with what...?" Al says giving me a look

"Not dying of awkward embarrassment! That's what!" I say slightly panicking.

"Oh... good luck bro, I hope you don't die." Al says giggling at my misery.

"Ughhhhhh!" I grumble

We pull into the parking lot at the precinct and I reluctantly remove myself from the vehicle. Don't get me wrong, I really want to spend time with Gil, but I'm an awkward mess of gay and social anxiety, and I'm heading to my crush's house. I know that I sound like a schoolgirl from a shojo anime but I'm honestly terrified.

"Hey Birdie!" Gil calls from the other end of the bullpen. "Shift ends in 5, you ready to go?"

"E-eh? Oh right, yeah I'm ready." I stutter

We both get in gils car and head towards his house. If there really is a God, I hope he can do me a solid here.

(I'm really sorry about the beginning... I just wanna put something out at this point and the beginning was random filler. I hate posting such low quality content...😔👊 I hope you can all forgive me! I sure wouldn't ;') any ways adios! See you next Monday! 😘)

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