The Beginning Of An End

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Like every story, this story also starts with a happy environment. There was no war, no pain and most of the people were well-off, in the city of Mutown.

There lived a very happy couple with a son and were expecting another one
following month. The father was Dan Thomas, the mother Emma Thomas and the elder son was to Zeus Thomas. Zeus has a very deep meaning - A prayer to God. Before Zeus was born the couple prayed a lot for a child. Now Zeus was eight, and the couple was already expecting their second one.

It was a saturday morning, a day off for everyone in the city. Dan was holding Emma’s hand, since she just gave birth to a
new child. The child was not very aggressive and had nothing very uncommon. But when they came home, the baby's eyes went to fading red. Just a hint of it for not more than afraction
of second. Then it again returned to their original dark black color. Zeus at first thought that it was just some kind of blood in his eyes.
But the parents faces looked very worried. After some days, it happened again and again and again, so they decided to name
the kid as Reyes, which was a combination of Red and Eyes.

Time went by, Reyes grew more and more serious with each day passing. He did not talk much, so he didn't have a lot of friends. He soon became a 16-year old teenager. Things started
to change after that.

The next day the daily newspaper came as always, but the guy distributing them was different. Dan took it inside and read the front page. That left him half dead. There had been a big blast in the neighbouring city, and it was so huge that a big part of Mutown also was now turned to rubble . The sound woke everyone up, but what no one knew was that it was a mutant attack. It was the first time Reyes had ever heard the word 'mutant' in his whole life.

Dan and Emma took Reyes, put Reyes in the trunk and told zeus to drive to a far away place. Zeus said goodbye to mom and dad, who were crying at the moment. Reyes didn't know why
he was in the trunk or where was he heading towards, but he did notice that it took a long time to reach the place.
After about an hour of driving, Reyes felt the car stop suddenly, which made the trunk open a bit. He could peek out of the trunk and heard something that sounded like a lot of balloons
were getting burst. So he looked through the gap, and found out that the sound was not coming any balloons, it was the
sound of gunfire. There were a lot of cops and soldiers, and also a lot of people dead and some people in handcuffs who were being taken to big vans, which had many people already in it.

One cop came and knocked the windshield, and Zeus went out of the car with the credit card his dad had given, which also had their pin code printed on it. Zeus said something to the cop, and gave him the card. The cop let zeus go. He drove straight into the exit of the town, but then a soldier stopped the car and ordered Zeus to come out of the car. Zeus said that he had got
permission from the cop. The soldier asked Zeus to open the trunk. The soldier caught
Reyes hiding in the trunk. Zeus was caught and captured with a handcuff.

Reys stared at him in horror and Zeus did something with his finger that reminded Reys of something Zeus told him before he was packed in the trunk. He had told Reys to push the big red button hidden under the handbrake when he made a sign with his finger. Reys didn't know what the button did, because he was never allowed to touch that button. He knew that it was going to be the first time and maybe the only chance to see what it did, and
closed his eyes and hit the button hard. A lot of guns came out of the car's roof and front and from literally everywhere, it aimed and started shootimg on its own. But it didn't know who was a friend or a foe. So Zeus was lying dead on the road with a lot of other cops and soldiers, prisoners and vans, and police vehicles and

Reys's eyes turned to the darkest shade of red ever imagined, and for the first time ever, he let his eyes take control of his body. It could have been done a long time ago, but was always
strong enough to stop them from entering the control of his body. But today he was too scared to be strong. Now that the inner darkness of him was controlling his body, his hands transformed into blades, and they hit the bottom of the car. That made the whole area to explode.

After about 3 hours, Reys opened his eyes. He for a moment thought that all the blasts and the deaths were just a very, very
bad dream, because there was not a single bruise on his body, and most of all, he was there alive . But then he noticed that all of his limbs were seperately tied with strings, strectching his body into the shape of an 'X'.

After about 15 minutes later, a heavily armed soldier came to him and noticed that he was awake. He took his phone and said in its speaker -"Agent no. 47 reporting, the scientists were right. Conduit no. 21 does have healing powers and he has healed himself. He's alive due to his healing factor. Did you copy?"and
then a voice came from the other end of the phone - "copied. your orders are to take him to bus A-16. Over and out".

The soldier then came to Reys, freed his hands and legs, and handcuffed him. He then held Reys by his neck and dragged him out the big building he was currently in. The soldier then
took a syringe and pumped it into Reys's neck. That made his body paralysed, but he can still feel pain. And he knew that because of what the soldier did next. He took a small machine and put it on Reys's chest with a wire. He then went to a monitor which was connected to the machine of Reys's chest with a wire. The soldier drew a 21 on the monitor with his fingers. He then came back to Reys and pressed the machine on his chest. Reys cried with pain, and he was sure his eyes were red. But his eyes were covered with a very rough helmet, which
felt like a million cactus were planted on Reys's head. When the machine was removed from his chest, a red tattoo was formed on the place where it had rested, which read -
"Conduit No. 21".

The soldier lifted him and threw him in a bus which was already had a twenty people in it. "You can't do this to a human"- said Reys to the soldier. The soldier replied "You are not a human. You are a conduit. The conduit no. 21. It's your name now".
said the soldier, and the bus started to move.

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