Dr. Freeze Speaks

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"I was not the only child in my family or anything. In fact, I was the smallest of 5 brothers. As my family wasn't in a very good
economic condition, I didn't get any of the fancy shit my friends had. Whatever I did have was handed me down from my 4 brothers.
So one day I thought one thing - My friends had a lot of stuff, so they won't mind if I borrow some of it. And that started me with my life of crime. I would wake up every night, go out of the window in my room and try my best to steal as much stuff I could. My brothers sometimes woke up and asked me what I was doing, And then I would promise them 50% of the loot,
which was enough to keep them quiet. I would have raided every of my friend's house, except for one.

So one night I went out of the window, down the last house of the lane, and jumped over the big locked door. But then I saw that there were 2 guards at the main door, so I hid behind a bush. I then took 2 stones. I threw on on his car, which made one guard go and examine the scene. When the guard was out of sight, I threw the other stone on the other guard's head, making him loose conciousness. I then jumped out of the bush, took my lockpick wires out of my
pockets and opened the lock.

When I was inside, I saw that there was a lot of stuff lying around. I was about to pick a fancy skateboard, when I heard an alarm ring in the whole house. I realised that the first guard might have seen the other guard half dead and toggled the alarm. I tried my best to escape, but just when I about to escape, I accidently tripped over bed and fell on someone. He screamed at a very high pitch, which made the whole family come over.

So I was fairly busted now.

They tied my hands and legs, and dragged me to my home. They started to call my father, and he was there with my stepmom and 4 brothers in less than a minute. The shouts also wake up the other neighbours and they all came over my
house. So now there were enough people to fill a junior baseball league stadium.

My brothers tried to save me, but dad won't budge. Dad was very strict about putting good moral values in us, so he beat me up with and iron rod and called the police.

My dad told me never to return, whatever happens.

The police took me to the area jail, and they had beaten me enough, they sold me to a group of people who came to buy every prisoner of the jail. The police put a handcuff on my hands and a black cloth on my face. Then I was locked in a van with other prisoners.

Wherever the people were taking us, it was taking a lot of time. After like one or two days, we were out of the van and the cloths on our faces were removed. I saw that I was in a place
surrounded by a lot of different species, but after a while I realized that they were all humans experimented on.

They made us stand in a queue, and one by one asked some questions to us. Whenever they felt the answers weren't what they wanted, they would kill the guy.

When my chance came, they started by asking my name. I didn't answer and told them that it was none of their business. One of the men raised his giant hammer to slam my head, but
his senior stopped him. He said that I had 'courage' and he 'liked me'. And then he ordered the guy that I was selected. The guy asked him what to do with the others, to which he replied - "Kill them."

I was taken to a room which had no windows, and was immensely dark. The man who 'liked me' switched on the lights, and the first thing I saw was a chamber made of glass, which
had a head piece and a lot of pipes floating in.

The next moment I was forced inside it, and the wires were tapped to my nerves and the headpiece on my head.

They started injecting some weird kind of chemicals inside my nerves daily, which hurt a lot. This happened for a while, then one day they put a machine on my head, and took off in an aircraft. I didn't know where I was going, but I did know that some Agent 21 guy was the leader of all of them, and they too were
infected, as they were like puppets of Agent 21.

They would call him million times a day and report every single thing that happened in the day. Then suddenly the pilot started shouting -
"Radar X, Radar X" at which the others started to panic. Before I knew anything, a nuke hit the plane and I was lying down on some snow, magically still alive.

That turned me into what you can say a mutant, and then one day they came to get me, but accidently Reys rescued me and
now I am here, with you guys.

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