The Nebula Orb

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"That was awesome! I don't see any reason why you were hiding that, man!" - said Bruno.

"Listen, don't you ever dare talk this anymore, whatever the condition is." - said Spad.

"Can I please tell it to a friend of mine? When I was living in the apartment, I met someone named Robs. He would really like to
hear your story." - asked Bruno.

"No, and may I ask you why do we even have this guy here? He doesn't have anything with the Agent." - said Spad.

"Because his father helped me to get out of a living hell." - said Reys.

"Well, take this for the record, I don't like a single piece of your body" - said Spad, irritated.

"Look, no one here likes to be with the people he is sitting with. But we have to work together if we want to get rid of Agent 21. So as fast we kill him, we can go our ways." - said Reys.

"OK. So let's find him and get rid of each other then." - said Frank.

"There's one thing I would like you guys to know. Agent 21 can still outpower us, because as Frank said, he was experimenting on people, giving them powers and making them work for him. And I know exactly how he did that. He has the Nebula orb. It is the strongest weapon known to mankind. At first I was just suspicicous, but when I saw him make a portal, I was sure about it. He maybe strong, but he is not able to make portals." - said Bruno.

"The nebula orb? If he had such a thing with him, then why didn't he finish us all already? - asked Reys.

Because it needs to recharge. Making portals takes about 10%
of the charge. But to unleash it's real power, you need it on atleast 70%. That's why when he was thrown into space by Reys's father, he could still contact his puppets, who were experimenting with Frank. But it takes a lot of time to charge it, so he waited for it so that he can come back on earth." - replied Bruno.

"So that means that I was not being taken to Agent 21? Then were was I being taken to?" - asked Frank.

"I don't have any idea about it. But if we don't get our hands on the orb, we are all gonna get killed." - replied Bruno.

"And with that my life is now more mysterious" - said Frank.

"So what exactly is this nebula orb? Is it like some kind of infinity stone as in the avengers or like the dragonballs of Dragonball Z?" - asked Reys.

"None. Its not a piece of something, it is a whole orb. It has enough power to kill us all. But it can only be used by the owner if he or she has enough ability to control it. If you don't
have the right ability and have the nebula orb in your hands, then it is goimg to take control of you. My dad told me about it." - said Bruno.

"Well, do you think Agent 21 has the right ability?" - asked Spad.

"Maybe and maybe not. He is a strong guy, but when Reys first met him, he was killing cops in lonely streets, which he knew was of no use. It is possible that he was, and is in control of the
Nebula orb, because it could sometimes lead to a psychological behaviour, which usually results in a lot of destruction." - Bruno

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