Agent No. 21

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After Reys and Bruno broke the Area 51 prison, Reys went straight to his home to meet his parents. But when he was there, he saw that there was no house in there. Instead, there
was some big broken pieces of concrete lying around. He at first didn't understand what had happened, so he asked a passerby where was his house and family.

He replied- "I'm really sorry to tell you that your family is murdered and your house is destroyed by Agent 21, a mutant."

Saying so, the civillian left. Reys looked at Bruno. There was fear visible in Bruno's eyes.

Bruno said -"It can't be possible. Agent 21 was an agent of a secret UN programme which was made to kill all the mutants of the world. But no one knew that Agent 21 was a mutant. He one day killed all of the people in the programme, including the president of UN in which some of the mutants also helped him, and he succeeded. People thought that Agent 21's mission was accomplished, but
they were wrong. He then became a terrorist who wronged his powers to kill many people. It is because he wanted to kill all the major people who had the power to rise another program
like the UN. He had to kill lots of people in the process to reach them.

But the thing is, he was killed by a mutant named the 'Revenge Bot' about 20 years ago. Revenge bot was a mutant who was against killing and always wore a mask while he was fighting Agent 21. His real name wasn't revenge bot. He hid his face and name because if Agent 21 had known his true identity, he would have killed his family. It is said that revenge bot was the only man who had the power to oppose Agent 21. But one day Agent 21 found about his true identity. So revenge bot killed agent 21 before he could kill his family. My dad toldabout all this to me."

"That's a long story. I'm going to make sure that my family is
avenged." - said Reys, his eyes turning red.

"But how did Agent 21 get alive outta nowhere?" - asked

"I don't know. I don't care." - was the answer by Reys.

Then an announcement was made by the mayor of Mutown that some mutants was on loose in the city and there was curfew in the city until the mutants were caught.

"They are after us. We have to go now"- said Bruno, pulling Reys and taking him to an empty apartment, whose lock was easy to break for Bruno.

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