The Curfew

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"Why are we here? We should be out there searching for that Agent 21 guy!" said Reys to Bruno, while sitting in the apartment they stole.

"Because they will put us back in some other Area 51 like prison if they saw us parading around the city. Let this thing cool down
a little bit then we will find Agent 21" - replied Bruno.

The following night, when Bruno was asleep, Reys got up from his bed and jumped out of the window. He carefully crouched to the nearest power box. There was about a hundred soldiers there, each armed with heavy artillery.One of them spotted Reys and said - "Hey you there, come over here, you bloody
dog." Reys said nothing but put one of his hands on the power box, and suddenly every light in the area turned off. The soldiers started shooting at where Reys was, but when they
turned their night vision on, Reys was not there and every soldier was dead, except for the one who told Reys to come to him.

He felt something on his back, and when he turned, he saw Reys standing there with his eyes red and his hands were
burning hot. "Do you know where Agent 21 is?" - asked Reys.

"N-no. I don't know any Agent 21. But come with me to the prison. van over there, or this will not end good for you" - said the soldier, trembling with fear.

Reys put his hands on the soldier's face, which made the face red and more red, until it burst into million pieces. Reys then stroked his finger on the chest of the soldier, lighting it on fire. He then zoomed through the clouds.

The next day when Bruno woke up, he put the TV on and the biggest news on every channel was that 21 soldiers were killed last night , each with a unique number from 1 to 21.

"That's why we were put in jail. Some mutants just want to kill those humans and those humans just put all the innocent humans in some cells." - said Bruno.

"No one said that it was done by a mutant. How are you so sure about it?" - said Reys

"Because no other species can do it. The soldiers were literally ready to right the devils in hell. Only a mutant stood a chance against them."

The following night, when Bruno was asleep, Reys again opened his eyes and flew out. He walked slowly to a cop car and hijacked it. He killed the cop driver without a sound and
dashed the car to the main electricity office of the area. On his way there, he went past a dark street, and saw that one person was killing a cop. Reys got out of the car and ran towards the

He said -"Hey you, what are you doing?"

"Dan? Back from the dead, oh." - replied the man. He then saw that the voice was coming from Reys. "Oh sorry young man. Your voice sounds like a very old friend of mine."- he said.

Reys replied - "Why are you killing the cop? Are you the one who killed 21 of them yesterday?"

"Yes. I killed them. And I'm killing them because if I don't kill them, they will kill me. Because i'm a mutant. You can understand, right? You yourself are a mutant." said the man, marking a 16 on the dead man's chest.

"I will help you kill the remaining victims." - said Reys, and that's what he did. He killed 2 cops and the man killed 3 of them.

The next night Reys and the man did it again and again. This thing kept happening for the next month.

One day the man asked Reys - "I've seen that whenever you kill someone, you first say something to him, what do you say?"

Reys replied -"I'm searching for someone. I don't want anyone to know who I am searching, so I can't tell you. I ask about him to the cops because they already have their death due by my hands."

"You can tell me - I have got a pretty long reach. Maybe I know him." - said the man.

"Are you sure? I don't think you will believe me. But I think that I trust you. So i'll tell you." - said Reys.

The man said -"Go ahead. I'm listening."

"My family was killed by a mutant. He was born a long time ago. I don't know his real name, but I know that he worked for an organisation where a lot of secret agents worked. He was
one of them, and he was named as Agent 21. That's all we know about our guy." - said Reys.

"And he was said to be killed by Revenge Bot, but he is still alive, right? But revenge bot didn't kill him, he just threw him out of the earth's atmosphere. Agent 21 didn't die cause of his
super powers, and after many years hemanaged to float back to earth". - said the man.

"How do you so much about Agent 21?" - said Reys.

"Because I'm him" - said the man, grabbing Reys's neck.

Reys's eyes turned red. He formed a fireball and shot, but it didn't had any effect on Agent 21. He threw Reys on the ground and said - "You little creep, you are too weak to be Dan Thomas, AKA revenge bot's son. I'll leave you for now, but never ever come in front of my eyes or its the end of line for you." He then flew away.

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