The Team

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"Whoa man! Look at it Reys. We now have like a full squad of our own people! We should give it a damn name, bro." - said Bruno.

"No thanks.We will just go on our different paths after we kick that stupid Agent's butt. So no damn names." - replied Reys.

"Come on, don't spoil the fun for everyone, man." - said Bruno.

"What do you think , the dreaded force?"

Dr. Freeze said - "Sounds more like the damned force to me."

"Drop the idea. Let's find the man who owes me some big money." - said Spad.

"Maybe he is right. Let's get that bitch so we can go our respective ways and get rid of others." - said Reys.

"Come on, we can still hang out and maybe fight crime or something like that." - said Bruno.

"Fight crime? Like the justice league? No thanks man. But maybe we can do some crime someday. Now enough fooling around. Let's go." - said Spad.

"Yeah, get up Mr. Dread" - Frank said to Bruno.

They went to Bruno's flat. "Why are here?" - asked Spad.

"Maybe cause we don't have hi-tech tracking device on him." - said Bruno. "Now settle down a damn second and think of our next move."

"OK" - everyone said.

"So Spad, you tried to kill Reys, and that also for money, so you must have a dark past. Tell us about it." - asked Frank.

"Is it important?" - asked Spad.

"Look mate, if you are staying here, then you need to have some trust on us" - said Reys.

"Yeah whatever. But you guys are not gonna like it. It's not anything cool like a radioactive spider turned me into superman." - replied Spad.

"Come on, we need to know each other. We are gonna work with each other, even if its only for some days." - said Frank.

"Well, I don't think I know a lot about you." - said Spad - "Even though you are in the team."

"OK. I'll go first. I starts from when I was 15 years old." - started Frank.

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