Bruno Speaks

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"That was a nice story. Even though I feel bad for you, I think you are lucky. Our country has been changing now, and Agent 21 has been killing lots of people these days." - said Bruno.

"Yeah OK. but now it's your chance, Bruno. Tell us about yourself." - said Frank.

"OK. I was the only child of Zeus and Lara Rosen, who married against the wish of their parents. My father then turned into a saint, and mom divorced him for some school friend she met after a lot of years. My father said that he will keep me, and mom agreed. Everyone who needed any advice about anything would
come to my father and he would tell them what to do, which was correct most of the time. In other words, dad was the God of our area. People basically worshipped him.

Everyday, they would call me and me sit with him for an hour, and told me never to be harassed by whatever. People say, because that was to happen with me when I start going to school. Whenever I asked him why so, he would say because I was special and had the skills that most men can only dream of having.

I was very excited to start my schooling, but a night before it started, many cops came to our area and took me and some more people away, because we were mutants. They weren't able to find my dad, who was out in the woods meditating at that time, so they left him behind. I was basically raised up in mutant concentration camp, as my dad found out where I was, he ended up surrendering himself
to the forces to be with me. He tried his best to hide the truth from me, but when I became 12, I finally found out where I was.

As years passed, my dad grew older and older. One day I noticed that there was a tattoo on my chest which read "Conduit No. 173". Conduit numbers were given randomly, so that's why Reys has so much lower than me.
I asked my dad about it, and he said it's the code word for "a special guy".

Then one day some cops came and took my dad to another camp for some reason. He never returned from there, so I presumed that he was dead.

But then one day the cops came again and this time took me and some other people to the camp my dad was in, along with Reys.

I met my dad during his last day, which was 4 years later. He was overjoyed to see me again, and he said that always look yourself as superior to others, and always help your own kind. Then Reys did some boom bang, and rescued us all, but unfortunately dad didn't make it, and died there.

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