The Finale

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Just as the four of them were talking, a grenade came rolling into the room through a window. Bruno understood the situation, and just a nanosecond before it blasted, he backed
off and created a shield around the others.

The others were saved after the blast, but Bruno was missing. Spad looked out of the broken roof, and saw that Agent 21 was there, flying.

And on the ground, there were atleast a thousand people, who were under Agent’s control. Reys found Bruno lying some big pieces of concrete.

He ran to him, and as he wasn’t able to lift the big pieces, he broke them with a fireball. Bruno was still alive, but his legs were broken.

Reys put him on a bed, which also was almost broken due to the grenade. Then Reys flew out and saw that was happening. Spad was shooting some people in the brain, but more and
more of them came to attack. Frank would freeze the people, giving Spad some time to reload. But as Agent was flying, neither Frank nor Spad could reach him. Spad already knew it was no use shooting him, and Frank couldn’t freeze something so far away from him.

So only Reys could clash with him. Reys dashed to Agent, and tried to punch him, but Agent dodged and threw him on a car. The puppets came and tried to attack, but Bruno, who was
watching everything from a window, created a shield around Reys, and Spad shot all the people who were trying to attack Reys.

Reys got up and tried to fight Agent again, but Agent tossed him into the air. He said to Reys – “Quit trying, you fight like an injured cat. No plan, just doing opposite of what you should be doing. I thought you would happily join my force, and together we could have outpowered the world. But now I’ll have to kill you and do all the work alone.”

“Don’t even think that I would join the team of a bitch like you. Doing pointless shit. You think just fighting around will help you conquer the whole world? What is this , some kind of horror movie?” – said Reys – “You have already taken one family from me, and now you have come back to kill the people who are now beginning to feel like family to me – the ones who all had dark pasts just like me, and we all have to the same goal – to get you. Frank, who would have been released from the prison
in a short period of time, got his life ruined because of you – You turned him into a lab mouse, you lunatic moron.”

“Frank? I also ruined your life, Mr. Thomas. I knew you would not let me kill your dad, so I planned an attack, leaving a lot of proofs to make sure people think it was a mutant attack. Your dad could control his powers and act like a normal man, and your mom was just a normal woman, with no special powers. Your dad knew I was coming, so he sent you and your dumb
brother to keep you safe. He also tried to hide your mom and fight me, but his old age really turned him into a totally shitty fighter. I killed him, found your mom too. I would’ve let her live, but she was just my rival’s wife, so I just couldn’t let her go.” – said Agent 21.

Reys said – “You are so dead, you freak.”

He tried again, and this time got Agent in the stomach. Agent grew angry, and kicked Reys' face making him fly straight towards the window Bruno was at. Reys was about to take off again when Bruno stopped him and said – "if he is in control of nebula orb, then you will just have to take the orb away from him. Look – it’s hooked to his belt. Inside the golden ball.”

Reys nodded, and flew towards Agent. He pretended like he was goimg to attack, making Agent do a dodge roll. Reys saw the chance, and took it. He flew at the highest speed he could, and grabbed the orb. He then threw it on the ground.

Agent then said – “What’ve you done? You think I was in control of the orb? Screw you. At first, I was. I used to do a lot of pointless killing, and even teamed up with a moron like you. But then one day I realized that the orb was controlling me, so I threw it away. But the orb knew I was strong enough to survive without it,
so it come back, And this time I was in-charge."

Reys didn’t reply and was about to attack Agent 21, when Agent blew a whistle. In a minute, there was a bald girl there. Reys tried to attack her, but when he reached near her, he became very slow. The girl pushed him away, and Reys was back to normal.

Agent laughed and said – “She is also a mutant. She can slow time for any mutant too close to her. She can also slow down your fireballs, making them easier to dodge. She is a nice girl
and all, but she used to talk a lot, so stitched her lips together."

Reys flew down to the ground where Spad was surrounded by a bunch of puppets. Reys killed them all, and said to him – “That girl can stop time for all of us except of you. I’ve got a sweet
plan to kill Agent.” And then told Spad about the plan.

Bruno had told Reys that breaking the Nebula orb will make it blast, which was strong enough to kill Agent. The Agent’s puppets had caught the orb and were taking it back to Agent

Spad shot the puppet having the orb. In order to break it, he would’ve to open the golden ball, which could be risky. The nebula orb can kill if it is kept in open air for sometime. But it
wouldn’t kill Agent that way, as it was in control of him. So Reys had to break it in a fixed amount of time. Spad was keeping the girl busy, which helped Reys to buy some time to
focus on what he was supposed to do. He opened the ball, and focused on it. He created a fireball and tried to break it, but it
was too hard. He remembered what Bruno’s father had told him. His eyes hold his greatest power, but it was the hardest of all to conquer upon it.

Reys’s eyes were red, and knew that this was his last hope. He aimed at the orb, and let his eyes control him. His eyes shot a beam on the orb, making a lot of cracks on it.

Reys dashed towards Agent, who was being distracted by Frank. As agent wasn’t looking, Reys dropped the broken orb under Agent’s shirt. Agent tried to take it out, but couldn’t.
Reys knew that there would be a big blast which can kill Bruno, Spad and Frank, so he dashed in the skies, taking Agent with him. Agent knew there was no escape for him, so when they
were about to cross the atmosphere, he held Reys’s hand, so that Reys would too die in the blast. Agent started to oppose Reys and , as he was stronger, he dragged Reys back to earth.
They were about to reach to Spad, Bruno and Frank, but Reys stopped him with all of his power. And then it happened.

The Nebula orb blasted in Agent’s shirt, and all anyone could see was the green flames that the orb emitted. Then there was smoke all around the sky. Everyone felt sure that Reys was now
dead, But just then two red dots started shining from the smoke, and then two bodies came down. One of Reys and other of Agent 21. Both were on fire, lot of their body parts were missing. Reys had only one hand, And a quarter of his head was missing.

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