~ Episode 2: Massive School?! ~

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~ Skylar's pov ~ 

I follow behind the guys, also keeping my eye on Hermione. I don't know how they aren't getting annoyed with her and trying to kill her.

"So what were you guys doing?" Hermione asked Lawrence as we walked. I roll my eyes at her friendliness.

"Same as you guys. Getting food for everyone." Lawrence responded. They continue on their conversation but I zone them out. I'm more worried about what's going on around us. There's a single zombie to our left a few blocks down, so he shouldn't hear Hermione's loud voice. The more I look around us, the more I realize how there aren't any zombies. I catch up with Ethan and walk next to him.

"Hey, I have a question," I said, starting up a conversation.
"Okay," Ethan said, looking down at me. Gosh, he's tall.

"Why are there so little zombies?" I asked, looking around again. Ethan looks around too and I see him shrug his shoulders.

"Maybe we killed them all. It is close to the school." Ethan said. His logic would have made sense to someone who wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. His face looked concerned, maybe even scared. I could tell what I asked him never occurred to him before and now he's trying to figure it out himself.

"Yeah, that's probably why," I responded. We could both easily tell that each other didn't believe what Ethan had said. It's way too suspicious that we can walk down the middle of a street and not get attacked.


We walk for about five more minutes in silence. I mostly watched my surroundings for anything thing a little suspicious. Ethan was tense standing next to me and I had the urge to tell him to relax. It probably wasn't right of me to tell him about the zombies, especially since he never noticed it before. I'll keep my mouth shut the next time.

Lawrence stopped in front of a gate and I realized we were in front of a huge school. I could tell my face was in complete shock. I imagined the school to be small, or at least smaller than that.

"Oh my gosh! Sky! It's huge!" Hermione exclaimed, not hesitating to run into the open gate first. Lawrence goes in after her, smiling. That's not weird. Ethan gestures for me to go in before him, so I give him a small smile in return. Zion is the last one in and he closes the gate behind him, locking it too.

"So this place is pretty secure?" I asked Ethan while watching Hermione bounce around like a small child. She says something and Lawrence laughs.

"For the most part. You'll see some places are... off limits." Ethan's hesitation to explain makes a bad feeling settled in my stomach. I brush it aside, not wanting to ruin anything.

I follow Lawrence into the building and cringe at the memories I all of a sudden remember. School was awful. Hermione glances at me but doesn't say anything. Lawrence leads us to a classroom, 1-C. We go inside and I see desks everywhere along the wall, making room to walk around. There are six desks in the middle of the room pushed together, making a sort of table I assume.

I look around, making sure there was no danger. Curse my paranoid self. There's a window on the opposite side of the room and you can see most everything outside. The moon shone brightly in the room. Lawrence was about to say something when the door burst open and more people came into the room.

"You're back!" One girl exclaimed. She had a huge smile on her face. She runs up to them.

"About damn time, you guys are slow- Wait, who the hell are they!?" A girl with a pink coat exclaimed, pushing me back with the tips of her fingers. I look at her confused. What's her problem?

"Don't worry about her," Ethan said, as he called Lawrence over, wanting to start a meeting.

"I'm not," I mumble to myself, hoping nobody heard me. I actually was worried because one, that's how I work and two, we didn't even do anything and she's just coming after us.

"Who is she to touch my friend?!" Hermione exclaimed walking over to complain. Before she could the girl pushed her back, making her run into a boy. They fall to the ground and before I can stop myself, I push the girl.

"EW! Have you guys even checked these girls to see if they have been bitten!" She went to slap my hand, but I skillfully dodged. I push her up against the wall and get close to her face. Zion and Ethan rush over to us to stop us.

"Scarlett! Damn it, Skylar!" Zion said as he was confused. He grabs my arm and pulls me away from her. So her name is Scarlett. Ethan leads her out of the room.

"Whatever, Ethan let me go! You guys are so pathetic! You know, we're running out of food why bring more people?" Scarlett exclaimed, her voice getting farther away.

"What the hell was that?" Zion exclaimed, looking at me angrily.

"It's called sticking up for your friend," I replied, pulling my arm out of his grasp. I look over at Hermione and see her face is red. Her cheeks were puffed up, and it seemed like she was on the verge of tears. I can't do this. I storm towards the door, nobody making an effort to stop me. 

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