~ Bonus Episode - Eugene's Second Memory ~

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I had absolutely no control over my own body. It was as if instinct was taking over me. Once I had wrapped my arms around her waist, I hugged her tightly. The kiss I was so hesitant about had turned extremely passionate. I could feel my hands move down, and a lot of things are running through my mind. I mean... we're 17... We're not adults but teens... What if... we do end up doing it... I quickly draw back, breaking the kiss and move my arms away.

"S-Sorry, I got carried away. Maybe we should just go...to sleep." I whisper, my gut asking me what I was doing. She looked away blushing before she nodded in agreement, getting off of me and laying next to me.


A few hours pass, and I notice that Hemi finally went to sleep. I had many arousing thoughts preventing me from sleeping. I had to do something about this... I mean there was a way out of this and that was getting rid of the problem but could I do this now? Hemi is sound asleep next to me, and I had to be quiet. I know by experience that she wasn't a deep sleeper. Ok, Eugene, what would Zion do in this situation? Well shit, I don't think he can relate. Has he ever been in this kind of situation? And here comes the lewd thoughts again, they were high definition this time. I bite my lip slightly, thinking #YOLO.

"What are you doing to me..." I whisper, looking at Hermione. I growl slightly before I turn so that my back is facing her. I feel myself heat up and next thing you know I was closing my eyes, my cheeks completely red. I lower my hand down toward the middle of my crotch, rubbing the now noticeable bulge in my pants. I bite my lip a little harder, as I hold back the erotic noises wanting to come out of my mouth. I begin to remember how sensitive I was. I couldn't really explain why and how I felt this way, but I knew it was bound to get better.

Thankfully there were left over napkins from the dinner we had earlier. I had already slipped one of hands inside my pants. I was basically panting, clenching my teeth from time to time.

"Oh hemi... you make me do such lewd shit..." I whisper, knowing I couldn't pull my pants completely down. I just need to worry about finishing quickly. That was when Hermione turned around and wrapped her arms around me for a night of cuddles. This causes me to tense up, but it doesn't entirely stop me. It actually hypes me for some apparent reason. The thing that surprised me was that she hasn't woken up yet, I swear I'm being loud. Thankfully they speeded up the process, considering I was being quick. I feel myself get closer and closer but Hermione then sits up slowly.

"Eugie...? Are you awake?" SHIT WHY NOW?! I don't answer hoping she won't try to wake me up. I felt her standing up, but then she shook her head and hugged me once more. She wrapped her leg around me along with her arms. F-Fucking Hemi. I ended up climaxing before I could react, letting out a muffled groan. My hand is covering in white, making me blush uncontrollably. How am I to clean this up?! I panic slightly, looking around for something to wipe it off with. I spot the napkins, grabbing them quickly. I wipe my hand off quickly, looking for a place to set the napkin. I then treat it as if it was basketball, making it in the garbage bin across the room. Thankfully I was able to relieve some of the repressed lust. I'm just glad she didn't wake up.


I wake up quite late, maybe I did go to bed a little too late. I look around to find Hermione playing around with the guitar. It brought a smile to my face to see her playing the guitar. I sit up and I stand up, walking over to her.

"I thought you gave up music?" I asked sitting next to her.

"You had a pleasurable night last night huh Eugie?" Her reply makes me blush. How did she know? Was she awake? I decide to play the dumb card.

"What do you mean?" I asked, tilting my head sideways. She looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"You were louder than you thought you were and your body heat gave it away." She let out a laugh, but I didn't find any of this funny. "When I hugged you, you heated up quite a lot." This can't be true... she's bluffing, right? Then why would she bring up this kind of conversation?

"I-I'm going to go get something to eat." I get up and immediately run toward Skylar and Zion's tent. "ZION!" I yelled, startling them both.

"What Eugene?" He sounded annoyed and he glared at me.

"Oh sorry, your majesty. Must I come back later to tell thee the news I bringeth?" I bowed and faked as if I was rubbing a long mustache on my face. Zion rolls his eyes at me. He looks at Skylar and then gets up from the table in their tent. He motions for me to walk outside the tent.

"You're interrupting our perfectly good breakfast so this better be important," Zion said once we were outside.

"I-I think Hemi heard/witnessed my uh... you know when a guy... uh.." I pause for a second trying to find words. Zion stares at me and then busts out laughing. He laughs so hard, tears form in his eyes. He wipes them away and sighs.

"Oh, Eugene..." He said still chuckling.

"You done yet?" I said bluntly, my face expressionless.

"Yeah..." Zion looks at me and has to force himself not to laugh. After a few seconds, he composes himself.

"You. Mmmmmph. What do I do about it?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"If she heard she heard. There's nothing you can do about that." Zion said, finally growing serious.

"I can't confront her!" I puffed up my cheeks, looking away.

"You're going to have to at some point." He said.

"You're not of very much help Zion. I knew I should've gone to Ethan." I mumble before I pull my hat down embarrassed.

"Look, kid, it happens to all of us," Zion said, probably feeling sorry for me.

"Really, should I ask Skylar for a little flashback?" I keep my arms crossed, getting ready to ask Skylar myself. "Should I ask 'Hey Sky, have you caught Zion jerk off to you in the middle of the night??'."

"Don't do that. That's probably the worst thing you could ever say to any girl." Zion said.

"Bet." I narrow my eyes, wondering why it would be bad.

"Eugene. Don't." Zion said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Why, I'm curious." I walk into the tent, looking at Skylar. "Hey, I have a question."

"Okay?" She looked confused and she sets down her fork on the table.

"You have to answer truthfully." I take a deep breath, knowing that Zion would probably kill me.

"Okay??" She was even more confused. Zion walks into the tent, hesitantly.

"Has Zion well you know, in the middle of the night? In other words-" I pause for a second. "Please himself thinking about you?" Skylar's eyes grow wide and she glances from Zion back to me. Her face grows bright bright red.

"Uh...no, not that I know of." She looks really uncomfortable and looks at Zion for help. I sigh, walking out of the tent, looking for Ethan's help instead.

"What an embarrassment," I whisper to myself, as I pass by the tent Hemi and I are staying in.

"Eugene!" It was Hermione. I stop walking and look up. She's standing in front of the tent. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier. I don't even know why I brought it up." Her apology gives me a warm feeling. I slowly walked back to her, giving her a nice big hug.

"You're just going to have to get used to it then," I whisper in her ear, a smirk overcoming my lips.

"I-I..." Hearing her stutter makes me... I don't know how to describe it, but I know that I'll be fine if she catches me again.

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