~ Episode 11 - Signs or Coincidence

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A few weeks have passed since karaoke night and I'm still scared. My period was supposed to have started a week ago, but it didn't.

"Zion?" I asked, knocking on his classroom door. He calls me in and I open the door slowly. I was always uncomfortable talking about girl things and this was especially special.

"You okay?" Zion asked me when he saw my face. I close the door and walk over to Zion. I motion him to sit on the floor in front of me. I take a deep breath.

"I missed my period," I whispered to him. He looks at me, his face unreadable. I watch him for a minute and he just stares at me.

"Zion?" I asked, trying to get him to say something, anything. He looks at me, his face lighting up.

"We're having a baby..." He whispered. His eyes are sparkling and he had a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah... we are." I said, smiling because of Zion's excitement.

"I'm gonna be a father... I'm gonna be a father!" Zion exclaimed, standing up suddenly. He dances around the room, exclaiming that over and over again. I laugh at him and he rushes over to me. Zion picks me up off the ground and spins me around and I laugh more.

"Zion! Calm down!" I said, trying to catch my breath while laughing. Zion sets me on the ground again and immediately hugs me. When he finally pulls away, a huge smile is on his face and I don't think it's going away.

"I've never seen you so happy," I said, smiling myself.

"I've always wanted to be a dad and now I am and her mother is going to be amazing," Zion said. One thing stuck out to me.

"Her?" I asked, seeing Zion's face blush pink. He rubs the back of his neck, probably embarrassed. I smile up at him.

"No matter what the baby's gender is, we'll love them always."


I wake up to a sick feeling in my stomach. I quickly cover my mouth with my hand, not that it's going to do anything. I quickly get up off our makeshift floor bed and run out the door. I can't exactly throw up in a bathroom because it doesn't work, so I quickly make my way towards a door outside. I just opened the door when I couldn't hold back anymore.

I threw up outside on the grass, tears streaming down my face. I hadn't realized that me running out of the room had woken Zion up and he followed me outside. I crouch down onto the ground, throwing up the little things I ate last night. I feel one hand on my back and the other holds the long part of my hair out of my face.

"You're okay..." Zion said, rubbing my back. I continue to throw up on the ground, while Zion comforts me.

After a while, I feel better and I sit down on the ground, away from the throw-up. I clutch my stomach, not sure what just happened.

"Sky?" Zion questioned me, his hand still on my shoulder.

"I-I'm fine I think," I replied.

"Thankfully... this won't happen often ok...?" I heard him whisper, seeing him keep an eye out for zombies.

"Hopefully... thank you by the way." I told him.

"No worries... now let's go back inside. The preparations to head to the safe zone are nearly complete..." He helped me up off the ground and we slowly made our way back inside. We get to 1-C and everyone's waiting on us.

"What took you so long?" Lawrence asked us as soon as we walked in.

"I was outside puking if you must know." I snapped back. Lawrence faced Eugene and Hermione before saying,

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