~ Episode 14 - Things Are Getting Better? ~

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I wake up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep. I turn to see Eugie sleeping peacefully next to me.

"If only our lives were normal," I whisper to myself, placing my hands on my knees. I find it harder every day to stay positive or even be childish. I rub my face with my hands, thinking. This is where I start to mature I guess... The thought of maturing kind of sounds harsh, but it's not like I have much of a choice.

"Thankfully you're asleep... that way you don't have to deal with my shenanigans." I whisper once again, looking up. His silence bothered me, but I didn't want to wake them. I lay back and I guess I was staying up.


About 4 weeks now passed. Zion and Skylar were inseparable these weeks, so I knew they were doing okay. I usually just sat around, since I really had nothing to do. Yeah, Eugie would get me to do things here and there, but they were starting to fail most of the time. I think about my past a little. It's not like I was a very important person. My parents weren't really supportive when it came to big dreams like becoming a musician. They'd rather want me to be a doctor and for the years that have passed, I've been taking classes to become a nurse. Eugie had a definite chance, he had written a few songs of his own, while I just studied and didn't touch my musical instruments as much as I once did.

One day Eugie said he had a so-called 'surprise' for me and I guess it kind of was. He had gotten his hands on a guitar and he wanted me to play it. I hesitated, he was making a puppy face and who could say no to those kinds of things? I just played a song that was created a long time ago. Ed Sheeran was my favorite back then. Eugene looked kind of disappointed before he said,

"You've never written your own song?" I look away for a slight second before I shake my head.

"I was too busy with my studies to become a nurse..." Eugene didn't look so convinced so I just handed him the guitar back. "It's not like... just forget it." I then get up and decided to stretch my legs. If only you knew.

"Where are you going?" He stood up, holding the guitar close to him.

"I'm just going to... stretch my legs." I bluntly said before I began to walk. I don't really know what caused me to change. Maybe it was the deaths we had, or it was just me. I noticed it got colder every day and I can never bring myself to cuddle Eugene for warmth. I'm just scared he'll find someone better, with fewer flaws. That runs through my mind constantly. Knowing that when we get through this... he's going to become famous and forget me. I get an empty feeling in my stomach. Maybe he'll find someone more attractive... and perfect. That's probably why I curl up into a ball when I sleep. It's just getting cold and I need to tough it out. I notice how lonely I've felt... oh no. Will... Eugene leave me for... lying...? I can feel myself tear up... this is my first time in years that I have cried.... I remember not being able to cry when Harry died... or even when Skylar lost the baby. It's all too familiar... the memories of when my parents wished I was like other girls... or sometimes pointing out all the flaws I had... I drop to the ground and sob like I haven't since I stopped crying myself to sleep. Wasting my tears and staining my pillow. Always asking myself two questions... Why do I exist... and what even is my purpose...

I remember my parent's words... You're going to end up alone if you don't do this... or You're never going to attract anyone. And maybe they're right... I didn't come back to the tent until it's dark, not wanting Eugene to see me cry.

"Where were you!? I was worried sick! Don't ever do that again!" He said, embracing me in a hug. His hug felt comforting and I couldn't help but hug him back tightly. "What's gotten into you?" There's that dreaded question. I hesitate to respond.

"I-I uhm..."

"Stop it... talk to me... I'm here for you." I hear him whisper, before placing a kiss on my cheek.

"It's just... I feel insecure about myself. Earlier when you asked me if I had ever written my own song... brought memories of how my parents wouldn't let me be a musician." I pause for a second, holding back the tears forming in my eyes. "It's a long story... I wouldn't want to take up the rest of the night. You need to rest okay?" He looked at me before he shook his head leading me into our tent.

"Give me the whole story... we've got all night." So I told him everything, how I felt and what I thought. He hugged me, sighing.

"What must I do to prove to you... that you're going to stay with me?" He paused for a second pulling out the keyboard. "We are going to be successful together..." His comment made me smile and after that, we joked around for a little while. We finally laid back in the bed and I bring myself to hug Eugene close.

"Can you promise me something?" Eugene asked me suddenly.

"Yeah." I wasn't sure what he was going to say, but I trust him.

"Promise me... that you'll tell me when all your thinks run dry in the blink of an eye... THERE'S ANOTHER WORLD THERRRRRREEEEEEEE!" Eugene starts belting out the lyrics to 'Oh the thinks you can think' from Seussical the Musical. I start singing along with him and we get up off the bed. We start dancing around our tent joyfully.

"SEUSS!" we both exclaimed, finishing the song. I start laughing, remembering freshman year of high school. Our school was doing 'Seussical the Musical' and the songs got stuck in our head. We were writing a story and we made a character do the exact same thing. Weird.

"See, you've still got it in you." Eugene punched my shoulder gently before he chuckled.

"You're super childish and adorable!" I poked his stomach, causing him to place his arms over his stomach.

"D-Don't I'm extremely ticklish!" He was blushing bright red, looking away. My eyes then sparkled in delight.

"That's the most adorable thing I've heard!" I giggle, eventually chasing Eugene around to tickle him. I pin him down, tickling him to my heart's content. He laughed uncontrollably, trying to wiggle free. After I stop, we were basically a giggling mess, with me on top of him, our foreheads touching as we smiled and blushed.

"You complete me Hemi... I'm glad I met you..." Eugene whispered as I felt his lips peck at mine which made me smile uncontrollably.

"I am too... I'm glad we all are finding something to hold on to..." I replied back, I looking Eugene in the eyes. He kisses me, almost hesitantly, like he's unsure what he's doing is okay. I run my hand through his hair, causing him to relax and wrap his arms around my waist.

Sorry for the random outburst of singing XD I think I was high off no sleeping while writing this part and that happened... oopsie ~Skye~

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