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"I don't wanna be alone anymore." She said.
Immediately I became more confused then I ever had been, I couldn't even begin to comprehend what my weapon partner meant when she told me, who was standing right beside her, that she didn't want to be alone anymore.
"But you're not alone." I finally replied, but that didn't seem to be enough for her.
I wasn't enough for her, like she had been enough for me.
I watched her walk off, leaving me behind in the middle of the mission that I had convinced her to take with me. I planned it in an effort to get us some alone time to hang out properly and become better friends. I would be lying if I said I couldn't feel us drifting apart, and it seems that these efforts to fix that drift would be my last, because she was gone now.
I stood there for a while, wondering what I would do. I felt off, it was as if the time had slowed down, and I wasn't sure what to do now that I was alone.
Black Star... I thought to myself, Black Star had always been there for me when we were growing up within the DWMA, but ever since we both got our weapon partners we hadn't been spending as much time together.
Would he come for me if I called?
More importantly, I have to call Lord Death as soon as possible and tell him that my weapon left me stranded.
Forcing myself to move, I walked to a near by store and went into one of the single person washrooms, making sure the door was locked before fogging up the mirror the best I could.
My hand shook as I drew out the numbers, mumbling the call to the Shinigami under my breath. What was he even going to say to me?
"Hiya there! Kirinna! What's popping?"
"Good afternoon, Lord Death." I replied, trying my best at giving him a small smile.
"Is something wrong?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.
"Well, you see... my weapon partner left me."
He paused, I assumed he was shocked but there was no way I could tell, "What ever do you mean?"
I sighed, "My weapon partner, Sophia. She left me behind... I'm alone here. I don't think I can complete the mission."
He made a sound of sadness, "I see."
It's alright, Lord Death, I told him silently, You don't have to say anything to reassure me.
"Will you be alright heading back on your own?"
I contemplated it for a moment, staring into the holes that represented the Shinigami's eyes in the skull mask.
"Actually... could you send Black Star?"
"Of course! He'll be over a.s.a.p.!"
"Thank you, Lord Death. Goodbye now."
"Right! Bye Bye!"
His image faded away and I was left to stare at myself in the mirror. I slowly moved my bangs back from the left side of my face, revealing my purple shaded eye, two scars crossed in a lop sided 'x' over it, scars from the day I lost my original eye and from the multiple surgeries done by Stein to replace it.
Sure, I was insecure about it, but not as much as I was insecure about my personality. What was I lacking, that she left like that? What did I fail to do, that made her feel alone? It doesn't make any sense.

Black Star held me tight all night, I had managed to keep myself together until I tried to tell him what happened. I got so angry, but I could never get angry without crying. My chest burned as I sobbed, and I prayed silently that he wouldn't leave me too, because he was all I had left.
The train ride home was quiet, Black Star looked deep in thought and I laid my head on his shoulder, tired but unable to fall into a proper sleep.
I wasn't sure what I would do now, it had been hard enough for me in the first place to find a weapon partner since I was so shy with new people. I didn't want to be that kid at school that got ditched, I didn't want to deal with the rumors, or the fact that I would end up seeing Sophia's face everyday.
Am I annoying? I thought, Clingy? Attention seeking? That might have been one reason why.
"Black Star?" I breathed, our stop was nearing and I swallowed as he hummed in reply. I wanted to ask him if he ever felt alone when he was with me, if he found me annoying, if he thought I was easy to replace, but the words caught in my throat.
"Kirinna?" He called out from my lack of response.
"Sorry... I can't seem to say what I want to say."
"It's okay." He quickly said, "Just know that the almighty Black Star will always be by your side! A guy like me would never betray his loyal followers!"
I smiled, a small one - but a real one, "And I won't ever leave you either."


After a few days of discussing arrangements, I agreed with Stein that it was best for me to continue my training abroad. The man who had taken me in as a child after my parents were killed for reasons much like Black Stars parents were, helped me make sure I had everything properly packed. He gave me a folder of a bunch of tips and lesson notes that would be handy for me in the different setting of classes I would be taking in Japan.
I smiled up at him, I didn't have to tell him much about what happened for him to understand that the last thing I wanted was to go back to the DWMA right now. It would be harder for me there, and since I wanted to get stronger without having any drama dragging me down, he proposed a place he had once gone to for training when he was a student at the DWMA after Spirit switched partners.
"Stein?" I asked as we waited for Black Star to meet up with us for the goodbye, before I left for good, "Do you think Sophia will regret what she did to me?"
He breathed out a puff of smoke, looking up to the sky, "One day in the future, when you've come back a beautiful grown young woman, and have become much stronger, her regrets won't matter to you at all, because they'll be worthless."
I stared up at him, admiring his knowledge and wisdom, even though most of the time he was a creep.
"Kirinna! YAHOO!" I stiffened, turning to see Black Star run up to me with a grin on his face, "You're really leaving for good today, huh?"
"Yup! I'm going to miss you a lot, but I'm going to get a ton stronger!"
He chuckled, rubbing my head, "Just not stronger than me of course!"
I giggled, pushing his hand away and trying to fix my hair, "No one could ever be stronger than you Black Star."
He blushed lightly for a moment, but it faded as quickly as it came, "ANYWAYS!" He turned, pulling something out of his pocket, "I brought this for you!"
I took folded up paper from his hand, unfolding it to reveal his autograph. I smiled brightly, folding it back up and holding it to my chest, "I'll treasure it. But either way, when I look up at the stars, I'll be thinking of you."
As he put on his full tooth grin, I stared at it hard and tried to burn the image of it in my mind, "I'll be thinking of you too, Kirinna! When you come back, let's have a fight to test your strength!"
"Sure thing! I'll become so strong, you won't even recognize me!"

I Wanna Be - A Black Star Love Story - 1215 FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now