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"Come on Saki! We'll be late!"
"Kidd said eight pm sharp. We should be fine."
I frowned, "We don't have to be there exactly at eight, you know."
Saki blinked at me, before turning back to the clock and standing there for another ten seconds before heading over to the door with me, only giving a small glance to the grin that spread on my face.
"Black Star might already be there." I muttered as she shut the door behind us,
"Oh I see. This is about Black Star. I can't believe I didn't guess."
"I can't tell if that was sarcastic or not..."

I played slightly with my dress as we walked, trying not to touch my hair that Saki styled earlier and sprayed a whole can of hair spray on. My hair was thick and slightly waved, it was hard to style and I've seen Saki get frustrated with only a few things - my hair being one of them. I knew that if I messed this up she would glare at me for the next few days, and I would probably end up begging for forgiveness if she did.
The stairs of the school came into view and my chest felt a bit heavier than before. I was nervous, but I wouldn't let it make me run away from this. I turned back to look at Saki who always walked a step or two behind me, waiting for her to step up on the stairs with me side by side.
Luckily when we got to the top of the stairs, I hadn't broken into a sweat and I smiled when I noticed Kidd outside greeting everyone who was coming in. Jogging up to him, I waved and he smiled - both of us payed no mind to how Patty had jumped on Saki from behind.
"You look lovely this evening, Kirinna."
I blushed lightly, "Thank you, Kidd. You look quiet dashing yourself."
He chuckled, "Save the compliments for Black Star. And please, fix his tie for him. He's probably eating all the food."
"Of course he is." I sighed, feeling a bit more relaxed now, "Well, I'll see you inside later then."
He gave a curt nod and I dared to look over at Saki, who was balancing with her arms stretched out and Patty hanging off of her back, giggling as she showed her this giraffe toy she had.
I'll leave her to that then. I told myself, quickly turning around and heading into the ball room, where a flurry of people were walking around and talking, some dancing in front of the band and a few of the teachers wandering around the side lines.
Stein was talking to Marie, who was sitting in a chair with a now obvious baby bump.
"Kirinna! You're finally here!" Maka's voice cut through the noise and I turned towards her, seeing Soul talking to Black Star who was stuffing his face, and Tsubaki with a cup of tea, laughing at something.
I walked over to her and she held out a plate of food, a few strawberries and cookies placed on it.
"Thank you, Maka."
"No problem! Everyone was eating all of them, so I wanted to save you some. Where's Saki, by the way?"
"She's outside... with Patty."
Her eyes widened slightly, "She has a weird attachment to Saki for some reason, huh?"

Eventually, after laughing like hooligans and eating a bunch of sweets at the table we had, the music started to slow and Maka insisted that we dance. Tsubaki quickly got up and Maka dragged Soul away, leaving just me and Black Star. This was probably their plan, to set us up like this, and I suppose it was sweet.
I stood up and Black Star quickly followed, brushing off his shirt and pants and trying to fix his tie. I stepped up and gently took a hold of it, his arms falling to his side, I readjusted the placement and tightened it up smoothly.
"There. Want to dance?"
"I think I'm suppose to ask that." He chuckled, taking my hand in his, "But either way, yes, I do."
He led me out to a spot on the dance floor, unfortunately he couldn't get into the center, but he made an effort not to show his disappointment by turning back to me and resting his hands on my waist. We stood there for a while, swaying, just listening to the music and then giggling lightly to each other when we looked to long into each others eyes. It was sweet, it was just the two of us.
"So," Black Star began when I rested my head on his shoulder, his arms moved and wrapped around the small of my back and he leaned his head down, "Still can't tell her?"
I grimaced, "It's... hard okay?!"
"Yeah, yeah." Black Star rolled his eyes, but kissed me on the head either way, "What do ya' say I announce it?!"
"Announce it?!" I squeaked, leaning back to look at him and the giant grin on his face.
He was gonna announce it no matter what I said.
"B-Black Star-!" I froze in place as he jumped up on the stage, the music silenced and he grabbed the microphone, yelling out to get every ones attention.
I tried not to feel embarrassed, but everyone seemed upset and annoyed at the fact Black Star was yelling over everyone again. Then, he started talking. He wasn't screaming but he still made sure every one could hear him when he told the school that he cared about me second to himself, or maybe even more, and that I was his goddess. The itch of embarrassment faded away and I smiled, my face most likely still red, but either way that was my Black Star and I was so, so proud of him.
"So none of you better go anywhere near my girl! Got that?!"
Maka and Liz's screams could be heard in the back ground, and suddenly I was stumbling over my feet as they tackled me from behind.
"We did it!!"
"A-actually, Black Star and I-"
"Have loved each other your whole lives? We know!" Liz cheered, "And now we've finally managed to make that love blossom!"
I sighed, smiling and shaking my head at them as they congratulated me loudly. I suppose telling them wasn't entirely necessary, since it would ruin all their fun and it would probably flatten their pride too.


The sun had set a few hours ago and we walked as a group back to Kidd's house when the party ended. We had been the last ones there, the teachers had even waved to us in goodbye before they left, the band was packing up and only then did we really verbally decide to leave. It was late and Kidd's place was the closest, so he offered to give everyone a safe place to stay for the night and we all agreed.
We tried not the be loud on our way back, there were some outbursts from Black Star and Patty, and Liz when Patty convinced Saki to scare the shit out of her, but we were all smiling, and we were all together.
Then it was ruined.
Some kishin came out from the alley I happened to be closest too, and Saki had pushed me out of the way. Luckily she wasn't gravelly injured, but she had a cut on her arm and my eyes widened as I looked at the monster, the cause of Saki's harm. Saki vowed to protect me as my partner, as my weapon, but I had vowed to be the greatest meister she would ever protect - someone worthy of her protection.
And not only was I pissed because Saki got hurt, but because this thing ruined such a perfect night for me.
"No." I hissed, holding out my hand for Saki, "This one's mine."

I Wanna Be - A Black Star Love Story - 1215 FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now