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"Black Star?"
The sun was setting, and he had walked me home. Saki was already inside and no doubt preparing dinner, and Tsubaki had parted with us to go back to her and Black Stars place to do the same a few minutes ago.
The second Saki had shut the door, Black Star's goofy grin had faded and he fell limp in my hold, pressing his face into my neck. I stood silently as he failed to give me a reply when I called out his name. I thought about what could possibly have him feeling like this, and decided that it might be about what he said earlier when he was arguing with Sophia and her weapon partner.
"You're the reason she left for so long!"
"Black Star, I'm here." I whispered, pressing my lips to his head, his hair tickling my cheeks, "I'm here, my star."
He sucked in a breath, his arms rising around me, gripping onto my back. It hurt me more than anything to see him like this - this kind of thing for Black Star was practically equivilant to sobbing his heart out. I couldn't think of anything else to say, so instead I ran my hand up and down his back gently to comfort him, my other hand resting on his head.
I shut my eyes for a moment, the wind blew slowly and Black Star took a few more breaths before he leaned back, though our arms never slipped off of eachother.
He gazed into my eyes, and I frowned at the pained look in them, though, before I could even think to ask what was wrong he moved from my eyes to my lips.
"Can I kiss you?"
If I ever had thought about kissing Black Star before, I would have thought him to be clumsy and rough about it, but he was so gently and soft, his lips were slightly chapped but I decided not to care for now. He pulled back for a second, breathing, before he reached for my lips again, his hands resting on the small of my lower back, my own fingers tangled in his hair.
He wasn't rough at all - but then again he never really was with me even when we were little and I would offer to 'help' him with his training. Just having him so close to me like this, my heart pounding but my mind wasn't racing - it was just Black Star and I, nothing else.
I gasped slightly as he pulled away for good this time.
"Kirinna." He whispered, finally replying to me, "Promise you won't leave again."
"Not unless it's with you." I promised, my hand falling from his hair and resting on his neck.
A small smile wavered on his face and I smiled back at the sight, "That's it, your beautiful smile."
"I think I love you." He began, "Everyone always says I could only love myself, but loving you is so much different from loving myself."
I rose my other hand from his side to cup his face, "Loving yourself is a good thing, Black Star."
"Not the way everyone else sees it. So many people... they always said I was narcissistic. That I was... selfish and a power hungry jerk. And they weren't really wrong. I was power hungry, but, I wasn't evil."
"No. You were strong. You were so strong, stronger than everyone else in that academy - even the teachers and death scythes. You aren't what they say you are - and I know that. I know you, Black Star, and I love you for who you are."
"You love me?"
"I think, I always have."
He sighed in relief, placing his forehead on mine as he giggled, "Yeah, me too."


Saki Nanako

Maka wasn't giving up in the slightest with her extravagant plan to get Kirinna and Black Star together, which only confused me more when Tsubaki told me that Maka used to hate Black Star and they'd get into fights all the time. If Maka truly hated Black Star, why was she trying to help him find someone to love and be happy with? Usually people would do the opposite.
I sat silently as she went over her list of 'plans' with Liz, a giggling Patty dancing around us. Soul laid down on the grass beside me, his eyes shut but he was by no means sleeping. He had tried to say multiple times that the girls should just leave Black Star and Kirinna be, but they never bothered to give him a second glance.
Unfortunately for me as well, I had to stay silent and side with Soul, but it wasn't because I thought what Maka was doing was entirely a bad idea. Kirinna and Black Star requested for me not to tell anyone because Black Star wanted to try and prank everyone back, or something, after I told them what Maka and Liz had been doing when they told me they'd confessed and gotten together.
"Alright! Going for plan A, party at my house this weekend! Spread the word!"
"YAY!" Patty cheered, jumping up into the air, "This is gonna be awesome!"
I sighed, I'd never been to a party before, other than Kirinna's tiny little birthday celebrations, and frankly I wasn't very interested to see what said party was going to be like either.


At the party, Kirinna was talking with Tsubaki about cooking and Black Stars favourite foods, which was no surprise at all, and I watched boredly as Maka began to set up her plan - Liz announcing 'nonchalantly' that they should all play something like truth or dare.
"Isn't that game for children-"
"Shut up Kidd!" Liz hissed.
"I think it's a good idea." Maka smiled lightly, "Lets start with.... Kirinna, then!"
Kirinna jumped as all eyes moved to her, Maka smiled giddly and she blushed.
"Well, Kirinna, truth or dare~?" Maka sang.
"Uhm..." She hesitated, and I silently begged her to pick dare so she wouldn't have to answer Maka's obvious truth question,
Maka's smile only widened, "Alright! You have to sit on Black Star for the rest of the game."
"S-s-sit on him?!"
Oh dear. I thought, Maybe it was a better idea for her to pick truth after all.
"Why do I have to sit on him?" She asked.
"It's probably a good thing anyways, so he doesn't jump up and start smashing things again." Liz sighed.
"Oh god don't remind me!" Kidd quickly covered his ears, looking into the abyss as if reliving a traumatizing event.
If I remembered correctly, Soul told me when we were talking leasurely while Maka and Liz made their 'plans' list, he told me Kidd had serious OCD.
Kirinna frowned, blushing as she moved to sit in between Black stars legs. He blushed lightly, but smiled and laughed it off, leaning back in his seat as he continued to talk to Soul about whatever videogame trailer had come out recently.

Eventually, the game ended unofficially when Soul told Black Star he would beat his ass in rock paper scissors, and Black Star carefully removed Kirinna away from him before running towards his friend to commense at their new activity.
Maka frowned in heavy dissapointment and I blinked as her eyes twitched in annoyance, "Liz! Plan B- make them jealous!"
"Right!" Liz saluted and my eyes followed her as she walked over to Black Star, immeditaly pulling him into a flirtatious discussion.
Except, it seemed Black Star was completely oblivious, and Kirinna didn't look phased in the slightest. She got up, got a drink for the both of us, and then sat back down beside me and took a sip.
"Are you not bothered?" I asked in a low tone, "By Liz flirting with Black Star?"
"Oh that?" She giggled, whispering in reply, "A part of their plan or not, Black Star just isn't like that. Besides, he's way to absent minded to be able to tell if Liz is flirting with him or not. I know him better than everyone else, maybe even Tsubaki, and flirting isn't how you get Black Stars attention."
I smirked, turning to watch as Liz stood dejectied while Black Star walked off to ask Kidd about something to do with him getting out of taking exams because he was friends with him - the new lord death and head of the school.
This might be more entertaining then I thought.

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