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My father's hair was a greasy mess and his creepy smile had fallen from his face, but his eyes still had a disturbingly maddening glint in them as he looked me up and down, and they widened in a intimidating manner as he opened his mouth to speak,
"So, they finally let me see you." He scoffed a laugh, "Albeit, I am tied up. I guess a man can't even be allowed to approach or touch his daughter? The last thing I want is to hurt you."
"It doesn't matter." I replied, "Those chains are safety precautions for everyone. We know how dangerous you can be."
"Ah... should I take that as a compliment or an insult?"
"Anyways." I quickly began, "Mind telling me why exactly you felt the need to kill eight people to get my attention?"
The man before me ducked his head and sighed heavily, as if he'd already been asked this question one too many times, "I spent thirteen years searching for you Kirinna. You're my daughter! I had to give up so much, risk so much to get the power to find you, and when I realized you were with DWMA I knew there was no seeing you unless I went to the extreme to get those elites attention."
I narrowed my eyes, "What do you mean, elites? You could have just come like a normal human being and requested to see me-"
"That's not how it works!" He yelled, shocking me, "Don't you see Kirinna? You don't belong in this place, you and I and your mother too, we are a different kind of people that could never work along side the Lord Death." He explained, "It's hard to explain in just words, but if you let me go and let me lead you home, then I could show you everything. I could answer all the questions you've ever had."
I pursed my lips, searching for words, and when I didn't show a reaction that he wanted he continued to try and persuade me,
"Don't you want this, Kirinna? Didn't you ever wonder who your real mama and papa were? Didn't you ever think about what your life would have been like if you hadn't been taken away by those damn death scythes?"
"Professor Stein saved my life."
"He took your eye! He saved your life because he almost killed you!" My father screamed, and I had to tell myself to remain calm and not step back as he pulled harshly against his chains.
Kidd called in from the other side of the cell door to check in on me and I quickly told him everything was fine, before forcing myself to look up at my father once again, who sat seething in frustration.
"Listen, father. A lot of things happened when I was little, but to be honest, I decided a long time ago that what happened then doesn't matter. What could have been doesn't matter either. All I want... is to be with him, forever. I don't care about any truths of my past, because I'm happy with the papa I grew up with, no matter if he was my real one or not. You can give up on your stupid killing games and major search, because you'll never win. I'm never going with you."
I looked down on him as his jaw clenched, and he sat with anger swirling in his eyes while he glared at me, finally accepting the fact that he couldn't manipulate me into coming with him.
Slowly, after a few moments of silence, he began to laugh, "And who's him? Is it that Star Clan boy?"
I sighed, placing a hand on my hip and trying not to give into how tired I was and how much I just wanted to go the hell home,
"It doesn't really concern you, but yes. And his name is Black Star. The boy who surpassed God."
"Surpassed God huh? Guess I don't stand a chance."
I smirked, turning to the door, "Not even a little bit."

Outside, I let out a long breath that I felt like I'd been holding in the whole time, and I placed my face in my hands to try and calm down. Talking to my father head on in a dimly lit cell certainly wasn't welcoming in any way what-so-ever, and yes, I was terrified the whole time. Luckily, spending three years of my life with Saki taught me how to hide my emotions pretty well.
"Kirinna?" Black Star murmured, placing a light hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him.
"I'm fine." I whispered in reply, before turning to Kidd and raising my voice, "I didn't get much, but I'll write a report about what was said and some things that concerned me for you."
Kidd smiled happily, "Thank you so much, Kirinna. I'm sorry to put you through that so soon after just being ill, but it couldn't be helped."
I nodded in understanding, "I'm glad it's over with, honestly."
"Probably not a good time to mention that I might need you again, is it?"
"Not really."
"Alright." He chuckled lightly to himself, "You both can head home. Thank you for escorting her, Black Star, she looks ready to pass out."
"Eh? I do?"
Black Star laughed loudly before putting his hands behind his head and walking ahead of me,
"You look white as a ghost, Kirinna!" He chuckled, glancing back at me to make sure I was following, just like he did when we were kids, "But don't worry. If you get too tired, I the mighty Black Star will carry you!"
"Of course. Thank you, Black Star."
"No problem!" He cheered, "Say, isn't your birthday coming up?" Twirling to face me at the bottom of the stairs that led up to the main floor of the school, he gazed down at me with gentle but piercing green eyes.
"Yeah... I guess it is, huh?"
"It's been three years since we've celebrated together. It's gonna be a total blast!" Twirling back around to head up the stairs, I continued walking to follow, "I mean, duh, I, the life of the party is gonna be there!"

I stopped at the top of the stairs, my head spinning, Maybe I'm just low on iron or something?
"Um... Black Star?" I called out, blinking to try and make the dizziness go away to see him better as he turned to look back at me and reply with 'huh?', "About you carrying me..."
He quickly walked over, grabbing my hands and helping me steady on my own two feet before crouching down to pick up my legs.
Standing straight, I wrapped my arms around him and cuddled into his side.
"Jeez, Kirinna. Are you doing this on purpose now?" He asked, snickering lightly.
"Would you drop me if I was?"
"No. I'd carry you anywhere you wanted to go, my goddess." He whispered.

I Wanna Be - A Black Star Love Story - 1215 FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now