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It was a slight surprise when Maka came up to me with a mission slip, claiming that I should go with Black Star since he was apparently talking about looking into it earlier. I didn't know if it was normal for her to recommend things to others or not, so I took it with a light smile and said I'd do my best.
Saki was on board almost instantly, claiming she was itching for a good mission, and Black Star agreed pretty quickly as well right after Tsubaki went through their schedule and said they were free to go and have some fun with it. After putting it through Death the Kidd, we immediately began packing for the week long mission at most that we had signed up for.
Unfortunately, we had to leave almost right away for the next train because Black Star lacked patience.
"Kirinna. I bought these for you and Black Star."
"Eh?" I blinked, looking up from the two sports bra's I was debating over and towards my blunt weapon partner, who held out a small box for me, "What is..." I mumbled, setting down the bras, I picked up the box and took a closer look at it.
I froze up in place as I read over the label, and I could slowly feel my face heating up. Why would she give me and Black Star... a box of condoms?
"You're welcome." She deadpanned, turning to leave my room to go back to hers.
I stuttered over my words, my face steaming as I gripped the box and yelled out my next words unintentionally from my flustered state,


On the train, I was trying to read a book of my own, a simple love story - in a world without monsters. It was short and I was already far past half way through, but for some reason I couldn't really stay focused on it anymore.
I sighed, moving to look out the window of the train, I stiffened as Black Star's head fell hard on my shoulder. He was snoring lightly, and grunted as he slipped from my shoulder to my lap, his one foot shooting up into the air and resting against the side of the train to keep himself balanced.
I frowned, my arms stayed held up and Tsubaki giggled at me before turning back to her conversation with her new weapon friend.
Should have guessed he would fall asleep, I thought, He's probably never read more then two pages of a book in his whole life, and Saki and Tsubaki are so invested in their own conversation... he's so bored he just fell asleep.
I sighed lightly again, letting my arms fall slowly back to my side, I set my book down and placed a hand on Black Star's hair. It was as soft as I remembered it being, and I reminisced in the days that he would give me piggy back rides every where we went as his own way of 'building endurance strength' or something. He always claimed everything he did was for strength reasons, but I heard Sid once say that he was just trying to show off to me.
You really waited for me all this time, didn't you? I thought, I can't believe I thought you would really forget about me.

Saki went out on a small patrol walk in the evening after we had our cupped ramen dinner, to check for any suspicious activity. The mission file that I looked over as she was out said that the culprit seemed to have a supposed 'schedule' and only came out every seven days, and the names of the victims were listed; Kennedy Ryan, Isabella Swart, Rebecca Song, Ina Weiss, Natalie Savoie, Natasha Lawrence and Aaliyah Viveiros.
All females, huh? I hummed to myself, "It's still only been six days since the offenders last attack, so if he sticks to the schedule he set up for himself, then tomorrow's our night. I'm going to assume it's a man based off of typical rape-murder cases, but it could be a female too."
Black Star hummed in reply, "So that means we can relax tonight. Put that dumb file away already and come over here."
I huffed a laugh as I stood from my seat and made my way over to the large bed, where Black Star laid on his back with his hands behind his head and eyes closed, already rambling on about the most recent person who challenged him. It seemed that everyone seemed to challenge him one way or another, whether it'd be with their weapon partner or for something more simpler like a fist fight or even an arm wrestling match.
"Let's arm wrestle then." I blurted out.
"Huh?" He exasperated, chuckling, "Why would you challenge me?"
"I thought it'd be fun, that's why... maybe you could go easy on me?" I asked, tilting my head slightly and giving him a small smirk.
He finally sat up, moving on his stomach and holding out his right arm. I slid my hand into his and our thumbs curled around each others. I took a deep breath as Black Star counted down, and when the words 'go' fell out of his mouth, I put all my strength into pushing his hand down - but it looked like he wasn't even trying to fight me.
He giggled lightly under his breath and I frowned heavily as I grunted through my struggle, pulling out my other hand and using more of my body weight to drive his hand down.
"Hey! That's cheating!" He called as his arm hit the sheets and I cheered in my false victory.
"I know, but, I really was never going to be able to beat you."
He sighed and sat up, crossing his arms, "Damn right about that." He mumbled, "Your hairs a mess by the way."
My hands shot to my head, "Sh-shut up! I just brushed it so it's frizzy, that's all!"
"I'll braid it for you then."
I blinked, raising a brow in suspicion, "You... remember how to braid?"
"Of course I do! I'm the almighty Black Star!"

I Wanna Be - A Black Star Love Story - 1215 FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now