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I couldn't remember much from throwing up in the bathroom in the middle of the day at school, to getting into the school's infirmary. I took steady breaths and I was still half asleep, but defintily aware of the quiet mumbling around me, the mumblers being identified as Black Star, Maka and Saki.
Apparently they found me passed out in the bathroom, with the obvious disgusting mess of my insides in the toilet.
God, I hate being sick. I haven't been sick like this in so long... I must have caught something, and all the stress probably just made it worse.
"She hasn't thrown up since, Professor Stein said it was a fever." Saki began.
"She's slept already for two days, she's got to wake up to eat something eventually." Maka added with a concerned tone.
"She has gotten up to use the bathroom a few times, but each time she just crawled back into bed and fell asleep without even noticing me." Black Star mumbled in response to there concerns, "I think she'll be alright. She doesn't usually get this sick, so she should heal soon."
"That's good." Maka sighed in relief, "Well, I'm going to go meet up with Soul and explain everything to the others. They might be worried."
"Alright. Tell Tsubaki that I might be home late again."
Maka's footsteps faded and Saki sighed, "I'm going to head out as well, clean up at our appartment so it's cleansed for when she comes home. Take care of her."
"I will."
The door shut behind her and I knew now that it was just the two of us when his large hand fell over mine, "I'll always take care of you, no matter what." His grip tightened and I felt sad suddenly, and maybe it was some kind of empathetic reaction to him being sad as well, "Who ever hurts you, no matter what, I'll make them regret what they did to you."
My eyes opened at his words, and I stared at his messy blue hair that covered his eyes silently.
I wondered what he might have done to Sophia while I was away, it's not like she would have agreed to fight him if he challenged her, and he would never beat someone up that was helpless against him. He might be able to beat up my father, but there's no telling if he's really causing me that much pain.
"Black Star." I whispered, gaining his attention, he lifted his head just enough to look at me through the ends of his hair.
"How long have you been awake?"
"Not long... but..." I swallowed, still feeling weak.
"You heard what I said didn't you? Just... forget it. I'm just pissed because there's not much I can really do right now."
"Yes there is. You can just stay here, like this, with me."
He readjusted his grip on my hand, cradling it so that I could properly curl my fingers around to hold his hand back in return,
"If that's what you want, then I guess it'll suffice."


I sighed, snuggling my head farther into his shoulder as Black Star walked. The sun had set and darkness fell upon Death City, but I didn't want to sleep alone in the schools infirmary so Black Star offered to walk me home.
When I did try to walk, I felt like I was going to pass out, so he ended up carrying me instead. "You okay?"
"Yeah..." I mumbled, my eyes drooping shut.
"You can sleep, we're almost there."
I let my eyes shut completely, feeling safe and at peace in Black Stars arms, his gentle sent luring me to sleep as it reminded me of home.
What Sophia said still made me wonder, but I wasn't sure if I was wondering in anger at him or in anger at her about the event she said happened.
I don't care anymore, I told myself, I'm not leaving him, no matter what.
"I want you to stay." I whispered, moving my hand to grab onto his shirt, "Stay..."

When I opened my eyes again, Black Star was snoring softly beside me. I blinked as I looked at him, sprawled out as much as he could, with one of his arms under my body and the other hanging off the edge of my bed. His legs were spread out as well, and I remained curled into my small fetal-like position.
I smiled at the sight, and gazed for just a little longer before I decided I should get up. I was feeling a lot better today and thankfully up to going to school - I just got back so it'd be bad if I missed any more class time.
"Black Star." I called out, sitting up and looking down on him, "It's time to get up!"
"Ah!" He choked as I slammed my hands on his chest, shocking him awake, "Jeez! Just like when we were kids huh?"
I giggled, "Sorry. It was the only thing I could think to do to wake you."
He grunted as he sat up, blinking slowly, "It's alright. I see you're feeling better."
"Yeah! So let's have breakfast and walk to school together."
"Alright! Though, you should really take a bath."
"How rude! I know that!"

I sighed, my eyes drooping shut. It was nearing the end of the school day, and even though Saki and the others all made comments about how much I had slept while I was sick, I was still so tired. I frowned at myself, wishing my body could just be healed up and ready to run laps again or something, because even though sleep was amazing, I couldn't just sleep forever.
"You okay?" Soul asked, leaning back to look up at me from his seat, "Don't let your head fall on the table."
I put on a tiny smile, "Yeah I know. I think I'll survive the rest of the day, thanks Soul."
"No problem. Though, Black Stars been watching you like a hawk. I've never seen the guy so worried, or quiet for that matter."
I blinked, sitting up straighter I turned to meet his eyes, he was just a few seats away and just as Soul said, he was watching me carefully. He grinned when he noticed I was staring back at him, and he waved cutely like a little kid, making me smile in reply.
Soul grumbled something under his breath as he turned back to his paper, and I turned to Saki to see what he had said. She wrote it on a piece of paper and slid it over to me.
'Ew, they're so in love, it's gross'
My eyes widened slightly, but I didn't have anytime to really react,
"Kirinna!" Professor Stein called out.
"Kidd asked for you to meet him after class. Don't forget."
"Oh, alright. Thank you."
In love?

I took a deep breath as I headed towards Kidd, there was no point in thinking about what he was calling me for because myself as well as everyone else already knew full well what it was he wanted me for. My father had been locked away and kept isolated for about a week now while Kidd and a few others looked into his case. I probably would have been called down a lot sooner if it weren't for me getting sick...
Speaking of which, what if I get sick again?
"Kirinna! Wait up!" I stopped in my tracks, and Black Star came whizzing by, stopping in front of me, "I shall accompany you!" He announced, pointing to himself with his thumb.
I blinked, "Oh. Why?"
"'Cause, silly. What if you fall asleep while Kidd talks your ear off about symmetry or something? Come on."
He grabbed my hand and continued walking forward, leading the way. I gazed at the back of his head for a moment before trailing my eyes down his muscular arm and to his larger hand holding my own.
I did look quite frail beside him, but I knew he didn't think I was frail at all, and maybe he just really loved being by my side as much as I loved being by his side.
I guess we are in love. I grinned, wrapping my fingers around Black Stars hand, With him by my side, I won't ever want anything else.

I Wanna Be - A Black Star Love Story - 1215 FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now