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Upon returning from the mission with zero hours of sleep after what happened - the halls filled with new students, and students returning from the time off during the war for their last year retake was not appreciated in the slightest.
It was loud and crowded, but luckily it wasn't too hard to get the prisoner into the school and to the basement without much commotion. In the shinnigami's endless room, Kidd stood with a small smile in greeting.
"Welcome back, guys. Kirinna - it's nice to officially meet you. You as well Saki."
Saki bowed respectfully and I nodded in reply, "You as well, Death The Kidd."
"Please, call me Kidd. Now on with our current situation. Status report, Tsubaki?"
"Right. We ran into several Kishin monsters being led by a man claiming to be Kirinna's father. Saki also figured out that he may have been killing to get her attention all along, or even, planned to be imprisoned in the end so that he could get closer to her."
"I see." Kidd mused, humming slightly to himself as he thought over our options and the possible dangers of having him here, "We'll keep him under close watch and see what we can get out of him. For now, I hope you can all attend classes without worrying too much about this."
We nodded together, and I glanced at Black Star who was surprisingly quiet. He was staring at Kid with a slight glare and I was wondering what the hell he had against him at the moment. Usually he would blabber on and on about someone if they pissed him off - unless he was really angry.
"Also, one more thing Kirinna."
I straightened myself up, turning expectantly to Kid to see what he wanted, only to squeak at how close he suddenly was to me.
"Just let me..." The male trailed off, raising his hands to my hair and I stood frozen and in a daze of confusion.
"Hey." Black Star suddenly cut him off, grabbing his arm, "She's perfect just the way she is, leave it."
Kidd's eyes widened in shock but he quickly composed himself, "R-right, of course. I apologize Kirinna, you all can head out."
"Don't worry about it, Kidd-"
"Apology accepted!" Black Star grinned, "Come on! I'm totally psyched about seeing Stein dissect a new animal today, aren't you, Tsubaki?"
"Oh, yeah... totally..."


It was new like I'd never been to the school at all before, coming back for my last year here instead of in Saki's estate a million miles away. I wasn't sure how everyone else felt about it, since they hadn't really done any real schooling since the war started over a year ago now, and even if they did they hid it well.
I smiled lightly, forgetting about all the start of the year complications as my mind travelled back to Black Star. He was still the type to skip class for fights and yell out random things out of nowhere, still the same old attention seeking little boy that he always was, wanting everyone to see that he was good and godly instead of evil and demonic like his family and clan was. By now, the star tattoo belongs to him and him alone - and it is now the mark of a God just like he always wanted it to be. But, I guess his personality was molded to be this way.
I don't mind it though. I told myself, heading to the bathroom and yawning slightly. I wasn't sure why I was so tired lately, but I did my best to ignore it and continue on with the school week.
Black Star had rarely left my side after Kidd started to show an obvious discomfort with the asymmetry of my hair, but even if he pulled my bangs back - I would still be asymmetrical.
Black Star and Saki were the only ones who knew why I covered that side of my face with my hair, and the only ones who knew what was underneath.
I rolled my shoulders slightly, blinking to try and wake myself up as I washed my hands. Ugh, what I would give to just go to sleep right now...
I blinked, shocked at the sound of the voice. I turned to see who it was just to be sure, and my eyes widened at the bright smile of the person I haven't seen in over three years now, someone I even forgot existed until right now.
"It's been so long! You just moved away without really saying anything." She giggled lightly at herself, and I straightened myself out from my hunched stance over the sink. My hands were still wet but I ignored it, letting them fall to my sides as I stared at her, dumb founded.
"Where did you even go?"
"J-Japan..." I coughed out.
"Oh wow! That's so cool! Wish I had the time and money to do that. Guess you've got your perks being Professor Stein's adoptive daughter and all." Sophia shrugged, "Anyway, how are things with you?"
"Um..." I stuttered, my head throbbing, "I uh, things are going good. I've been pretty busy with mission work lately."
"Oh yeah. Did you find a new weapon partner in Japan? I moved to the NOT class and made friends with this girl named Misha, she's my new miester, but we don't really fight in missions that much. Fighting was just no fun for me, you know?"
"Oh, right, yeah it's not for everyone." I forced a smile, wishing I could just get the hell out of here already. I felt trapped in the bathrooms, and a surge of nausea crept over me from the stress.
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot I wanted to tell you to watch out for Black Star."
"What?" I asked, perking up in interest at his name, but Sophia had a worried look on her face.
"I heard while you were away that he beat up a girl for no reason and left her in a garbage dump! He might be manipulative and stuff, and then turn on you later. I'm only telling you this cause you seem to be around him all the time."
Black Star... he would never hurt someone like that unless it was a consensual fight. How could she say those things about him?
"Anyways, I'll see you later! Maybe we can eat lunch together sometime!"
I nodded hesitantly, not being able to bring any words to my mouth. I stood there and waited for her to leave, the water still dripped from my finger tips and I took a deep breath, blinking back a sudden set of tears.
It's not supposed to matter, she's not supposed to matter to me at all anymore. I told myself, but... but how could she just act like nothing ever happened? How could she...
My knees shook and I quickly returned to the stall I had left minutes ago, coughing as my stomach emptied itself. I clutched the sides of the toilet, disgusted as I cried and gasped for air.
Why now? Why is everything dumping itself on me now? When things were supposed to be perfect again...

"Kirinna? Are you in here?"
"Oh my god! Call Professor Stein!"

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