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It was a long ride back home, too long. It had been a hard enough experience for me only getting a few words of contact over the phone from Stein, telling me about the situation before he had to go.
I didn't know if Black Star or Stein would even be there when I got back, and I'd only heard a few rumors after the moon went black. I tried not to mind it, hoping that my best friend and most others made it through the war and back to death city safely.

Saki didn't say much, but I could tell she was hoping the same, since she kept glancing at me to check and make sure I was okay. When the train finally arrived, I stepped off with a frown. The day of the funeral was today, and I was unsure if we would even make it to the actual ceremony. But you could see it all around, the odd person here and there dressed all in black with solemn looks on their faces. Lord Death is dead, the power of the Shinigami had been completely passed onto his son during the war, leaving nothing left of the prior god of death.
Saki and I were dressed in black as well, and I was slightly hoping that Black Star would be there when we went to pay our respects despite how exhausted we were from the travels, but he wasn't.
The ceremony was over and most had left, so Saki and I made it quick.
I heard the her sigh lightly behind me as I walked ahead of her, trying to hold back my tears.
I hate this, I thought, all this sadness... Black Star would always smile, though, no matter what.
"We're sure to see him at the coronation in a weeks time." Saki began.
"I know, but... I want to see him sooner."
I sensed her nod, "Let's continue with our original schedule, visiting Stein tomorrow, we could ask about Black Star there."
I hummed in response, "Alright. I'm tired anyways."
"Perfect. Our new apartment is waiting for us."
I smiled slightly at Saki's blunt enthusiasm. She'd never been to Death City before and never lived on her own, so I knew she was excited about every little thing even though she probably isn't even capable of showing it.


"Good afternoon, Professor Franken Stein. My name is Saki Nakano, Kirinna's weapon partner. I have brought some desserts for your enjoyment."
I held my breath, studying the man who raised me. He took me in by default, mainly because my left eye needed constant watch for a while after the many surgeries I had to perfect it so I could see again.
Stein once mumbled that it was one of his most important, successful experiments he'd ever taken part in before smiling at me, and that was my most fondest memory of him.
"Oh... thank you." Stein hastily took the plate of treats, but dropped it when I couldn't hold my breath anymore and lunged at him.
I wrapped my arms around his body, shutting my eyes tight as I held him close, "I missed you!"
He chuckled lightly and I slowly opened my eyes. He placed his arms lightly over my shoulders, "You've grown a lot, Kirinna. I'm proud."
I shut my eyes again. Stein and I never really had the best 'father and daughter' relationship, he was always busy with missions and experiments and going out for a smoke. But in the end, he helped me more than even Black Star could by giving me the gift of sight again, sending me off to meet Saki and find myself, and he gave me one of the best homes ever.
I don't even think I've properly thanked him.
"Awe! You've told me so much about her but I could never have imagined she'd be this cute!"
I blinked, finally pulling away from my adoptive father and looking past him to a middle aged women with long blonde hair and a pretty smile.
My eyes widened.
"A girlfriend?!" I blurted, "Oh! I'm sorry! My name is Kirinna, nice to meet you!"
She laughed, "No need for formalities! My name is Mary. Nice to meet you too!"
I smiled lightly in return, She seems perfect for him.
"Come on, lets sit and have some tea!" Mary cheered, leading us all into the living space that I remember well.
We sat down and waited patiently for tea, Saki was silent when I asked Stein about Black Star.
"I knew you were going to say that." The man grinned, and I pouted as he continued, "He sustained a lot of serious injuries, but with the help of witches magic and other doctors expertiece, he's healing up just fine."
I sighed in relief, "Thank goodness."
"He's also become extremely strong, and rivals Kidd's abilities even now that he's a Shinigami."
I blinked in shock, "I knew he had become alot stronger - but that much? Has he really... surpassed God?" I mumbled the last bit under my breath. If what Stein said was true, then it seemed that Black Stars preaching about 'surpassing god' that everyone laughed at when we were younger isn't just an 'attention grab' anymore.
"I'm sure he has." Stein replied, shocking me again, "But I bet you'll throw him totally off guard when you meet again."
I smiled lightly, a little flustered, "Have I really changed that much?"
"Yes." Saki answered for him, "You have changed more than you can see."


A few days later I was getting impatient. I'd go out for walks every day hoping to run into Black Star but it's like the world is against us! People were preparing for the coronation ceremony and I decided instead of walking around Death City, I'd march right up to the damn school and I'd ask the new Shinigami if I have to.

I hadn't been to the school for almost 3 years now, and I wasn't sure what to expect. Classes weren't running yet because of rebuilding and recovery reasons, and yet it was still bustling with people when I finally made it to the top of the stairs.
"Man! That was way easier all that time ago!" I stretched slightly, heaving, "I'm gonna have to get used to that all over again... damnit."
I took a deep breath before moving forward, looking around and wondering why I wasn't hearing his loud voice - cause that's mainly what I was relying on to find him. Most of the people were planners, and I frowned at the thought that he might not be here either.
"Black Star! Get back here, those aren't for you to play with!"
I stiffened, turning from where I had been looking to a girl with pigtails yelling. I followed where she was shaking her fist, and my heart stopped at the sight of him.
The same messy blue hair, the same grin, but this time I'm sure even from this far away he was a lot taller. And even though he was fooling around like he always used to, I could tell he'd matured so much over these past years.
"Black Star..." I began hastily, before swallowing and trying again, walking towards him slowly.
"Black Star!" I yelled out, picking up a light jog, I tried to tell my heart to calm down as he began to look around from hearing his name.
"Black Star! Over here!" This time, he noticed me, and his eyes widened as I approached him. His arms with the streamers fell back to his sides and he stared down at me with wide eyes.
"Wait... do I know you?" He mumbled out.
My heart couldn't take it anymore and I just decided to let it out by punching him as hard as I could, "It's me, you idiot!"
He only chuckled, almost like he couldn't even feel my punch, "Oh- I dunno, the Kirinna I know can not punch that hard-"
"You! Just! Shut up already!" I cried, before wrapping my arms tight around him as my eyes welled with tears. What a stupid joke, to pretend he didn't remember me!
"Sorry." He mumbled quietly, "I missed you."
"I'm so glad your okay!" I sniffed, "Even though I knew you'd be alright, I couldn't help but think the worst and I-I wished that I could have been there to help you!"
I hiccupped as Black Star pulled back, a large grin on his face as he shook his head, "Nah, don't worry about all that complicated stuff Kirinna. Besides, a big guy like me can easily handle all that madness stuff by myself, no need to get your hands dirty!"
I giggled slightly, before grinning in return, "Of course. I never doubted it for a second, that you'd become the most powerful of all!"
"Stop crying already. Didn't you go away to become stronger?"
I nodded as I wiped my eyes, "And I can't wait to show you how strong I've become, even if it doesn't compare to you!"
"Of course it wouldn't compare to me!" He laughed and I watched joyfully, happy to see him again.
"Oh, Kirinna, there you are. I see you found Black Star."
"Saki?!" I jumped as Black Star blinked,
"Who the heck is she?"
"This is my weapon partner, Saki. What are you doing here?"
"You told me you'd be here. Also, I made cookies."
I sweat dropped, "You've certainly taken up baking as your new hobby."
"Yes, it's very fulfilling. Would you like some, childhood friend of Kirinna?"
"Uh yeah... but you can just call me Black Star."
Black Star slowly turned his eyes to me in slight confusion as he reached to take a cookie.
"You erm..." I ran a hand through my hair, laughing awkwardly, "You get used to it..."

I Wanna Be - A Black Star Love Story - 1215 FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now