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Saki was studying the file over and over all night, and for some reason I had a weary suspicion that she had found something that she wasn't telling us about. Either way, I knew Saki was very smart and I decided not to question anything for now - besides, our mission was underway.
After a short discussion, I decided to head out to the darker part of the town we were staying in to use myself as bait. Saki had a very special ability as a weapon, and could shorten the length of her blades as well as elongate them, so I had her easily hidden under my sleeve.
I couldn't see him, but I knew Black Star was watching somewhere from above us, completely encased in the shadows and waiting for the right moment to strike. He was watching me too, just like our attacker might be.
Male or female, if they've already crossed over and become a kishin monster, it won't be hard to tell who our culprit is.
I stopped for a moment, "Did you hear something?" Saki asked, and I decided not to answer as I turned to look towards an alley on my left.
"Hello?" I called out, "Someone there?"
Narrowing my eyes, I readied myself for an attack as a low growling sound erupted from the darkness that I couldn't quite see through.
Her handle flew into my hand from under my sleeve and the blade shot out as I took a step forward into stance, swinging hard at the kishin as it threw itself on me. It was gone with one hit, and Saki took it's soul, but I knew as well as she did that this wasn't over.
I stiffened, turning to Black Star as he dropped to the ground a few feet away from me from above, "I ran into a kishin, it might have been our culprit but Tsubaki says it was way too easy."
I nodded, "I ran into one as well, there's definitely something up!"
"Behind you!" Saki yelled.
I whirled around, holding up Saki to block the next kishin's attack.
Why are there so many?! I thought, hissing as I pushed back on it.
"That's enough now, Regris." A deep voice grumbled, and my eyes widened in shock as the kishin stepped back.
There's no way that's possible, unless a witch is...
"You must be it then, controlling Kishins? The fuck kind of human are you?" Black Star asked, glaring at the shadow of a man in the alley we still stood in front of.
The voice laughed lowly, "My, my, I expected DWMA forces but certainly not my daughter."
Everyone visibly tensed. I swallowed hard and slow, wracking my brain for any possible answers - there were three girls here but I was the only one visible, which has to mean that he's referring to me as his daughter.
I clenched my teeth, keeping up my guard and pushing away any thoughts that could leave me in a vulnerable state. We have no idea how many Kishin's are around hiding.
"What do you mean daughter?! My parents are long dead!" I finally replied.
More laughs followed, high pitched maniac, "I see, what a cute little story used to protect you. But I would never forget my own daughter."
As he stepped forward, his feet dragged against the concrete. He had dark burgundy hair and black eyes with a menacing smirk to accommodate his already creepy clothing choices. And even though there was something about him that seemed familiar to myself, I pushed it away and held up my weapon in front of me.
Black Star took a step back, mumbling, "We're surrounded."
"I'm not going to believe you! You're insane!" I yelled. Father or not, this man had created some kind of gang of kishins and had figured out a way to control their movements, almost like a witch but without actual powers.
"Oh? What about your eye then? What if I tell you the truth behind that too?"
"Your what?" Tsubaki asked, "What is he talking about?!"
My guard fell and my heart dropped to my stomach, and I stood staring at him but with my mind in another place. How would he know that my eye was fake? You couldn't really tell unless you knew, because there were plenty of people in the world with two different coloured eyes. Unless he had something to do with the surgeries? Would Stein know him somehow?
If he really is my father... does that mean he's the reason I lost my eye in the first place?
"Kirinna! Snap out of it!"
"Come home with me, and I'll tell you everything! No more secrets or lies, only the truth, then you'll truly be free! Besides, haven't you ever wished that mommy and daddy would come back for you?!" 
"Tell me why first..." I spoke slowly, and when he didn't reply I moved my eyes back up to his, "Tell me!"
He held out his hand, "A deal's a deal sweet pea, come with me and the truth will be revealed."
I frowned, and Saki screamed that it was a trap.
As if I didn't know that anyways, I thought.
"The truth that I've lived with up until now has been more then enough for me. Whoever you are - you're not my father!"
I lurched forward with Saki secure in my grip, slashing relentlessly at the man in front of me and doing my best not to let his stupid smirk get to me. Despite my determination and focus, his words still repeated in my mind. Despite how I was fine with the way things were for me right now, with Stein as my adoptive dad, Saki as my weapon partner and Black Star as my best friend... despite how all this shouldn't effect me at all, I really did want to know the truth.
"Tt- curse you!" I screamed, throwing out my foot and shoving the man back. I took in deep breaths, my stamina running out. He had barley been fighting me at all, just blocking Saki's blade with these metal braces on his arms.
He smirked, "Honestly child, just give up alre-"
I gasped as Black Star blasted past me, and with one swift punch sent my supposed father into the back alley wall.
"Is he dead yet?" Saki asked with her usual blunt tone, but I could tell she was just as exhausted as the rest of us.
Black Star's fist was covered in blood from the Kishin's he must have been fighting before, "Not dead, just knocked out. We need to get him back to the DWMA before he wakes up. Do we have any sleep drugs we can give him, Tsubaki?"
"No, but I know exactly where to get them."
"Why aren't we killing him again?" I asked, the thought of him being a kishin as well crossing my mind.
"He seems to know something we don't, and with this surprising ability to control Kishin's, he might be working with a Witch." Saki replied, transforming and stretching lightly, "It's in our best interest to take him to the DWMA as a prisoner instead of kill him in case he's not actually the center of the problem." There was a pause where no one spoke, and as Tsubaki transformed, I watched Black Star move to pick up the man.
"Also, I found something rather concerning in the mission file I was looking over earlier." Saki began.
"What did you find?" Tsubaki asked.
"When you wrote the names of the victims in the form of a list, all the first letters of everyone's first names create a name of it's own, and that name is Kirinna."

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