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Black Star's p.o.v

Up until now, I hadn't realized that I had never seen Kirinna fight head on like this. Years ago, before everything with her last weapon partner happened and before she left to study abroad, she was slow and far too weak for me to ever consider a valuable opponent. I suppose we were all a lot weaker back then, even though everyone was still weaker than me anyways. I was always ahead somehow, always striving to be better than everyone else.
I always looked at Kirinna as someone I should protect, someone I needed to protect. I cared about her more than I've ever really cared about anything. But now as I watched her jump into the air and wield Saki's weapon form like it was a part of her, I wondered if she even wanted my protection.
When the kishin attacked us, Kirinna was pissed, that much was obvious. And again, I don't think I've ever seen her that angry either. The dress she was wearing wasn't forbidding any movement at all, and I swallowed when the skirt flew up and I thought I would get a glimpse of her underwear - only to realize she was wearing shorts underneath.
Dammit, of course she was.
I blinked, snapping out of it as she delivered the final blow.
"Whoa, did you see that?" Maka began, "Saki can control the size of her blade! That's incredible."
"Yeah! Go Saki! Go go Saki!" Patty yelled, pumping her fist into the air.
What's with her attachment to Saki anyway?

We moved forward as Saki ate the kishin's soul and Kirinna turned with a frown.
Despite the compliments that everyone was offering, and how much Kidd kept mumbling about Kirinna's precision and cleanliness, she didn't seem happy at all.
"What's wrong?" I asked, catching everyone's attention.
Kirinna sighed, rubbing her arm as she spoke, "I can't go through all this again. Things were supposed to be better now!"
My eyes widened as I clued in to what she was talking about. Was she really that worried that her father was still after her?
"Hey, hey, relax. It's just another kishin, I promise."
"I can speak with your father again, but I can guarantee that he hasn't seen outside that cell room. He didn't seem to be going only directly after you either - it could have been a coincidence." Kidd exclaimed, "We're still looking into his case."
"There's no reason for you to worry so much about this, Kirinna. We're all here to help no matter what the case is." Maka began, a big grin on her face.
"Our friends are correct." Saki added as Patty jumped around her, "I know this must have been a bit traumatizing for you, but it'll be best for you to understand and believe that your father has nothing to do with the kishin's you may face in the future. Not anymore."
Kirinna nodded, taking a breath and finally turning to look properly into my eyes.
Maybe, she did need my protection after all?
I grinned, jabbing my thumb to my chest, "Don't worry Kirinna, I'll always protect you!"
Being able to protect her, makes me feel so much better than the thought of her not needing me.
"Thank you, Black Star." She smiled, my heart skipping, an unknown feeling that I still couldn't control, "I'm so glad you're here by my side."
Then again, I thought as she grabbed my hand and followed the others as they walked on, even if Kirinna didn't exactly need me, she would still want me by her side. And I would want her too, no matter what.


Kirinna Falorsi Stein p.o.v

A few days later, I met up with Black Star and we went together to pay my adoptive father a visit. Surprisingly, Stein was the one who had invited us over and not Marie, or because of my prior suggestion.
"This place still unsettles me." Black Star sighed, frowning at the stitched up walls and odd shape of the large home Stein made for himself. It definitely looked a bit more like some kind of haunted house or laboratory than it did an actual living space.
"It's not so bad." I breathed a laugh, squeezing his arm as I held onto it, "Besides, Marie lives here now and she's having a baby soon. So they've probably done a bit of redecorating."
Without another word, we entered the house and Marie popped her head out from the kitchen.
"Hey guys!" She grinned, waving her arm around in an intense waving motion.
"Hey, professor Marie!" Black Star waved right back and I smiled.
"Thanks for having us!" I began, "Where's Stein?"
"He's in the living room waiting. He's already set out some tea."
I nodded and tugged Black Star along with me, since he was busy staring at Marie's baby bump. Had he ever seen a pregnant woman before? I actually had no idea. But considering how he never really paid attention in class, he probably had no idea how it actually worked, other than the basic sex education we all kind of had to understand.

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