30 Minutes Late

796 29 5

((Before we begin, I'd like to just specify that this is Ishimaru's perspective, Ishi, Mondo, and Chihiro are roomies, and they're in college now. Oh yeah, and it's in the middle of winter. Mk thanks bye-

"Where is he? He said he'd be home by twelve..."  I said to myself, frantically tapping my foot on the floor and checking the clock. 12:30. He'd left for the party four hours ago. I had a bad feeling that he'd done something stupid, and was just about to put on my coat when I realized my phone was ringing. I picked it up. Mondo.

"This better be good." I mumbled to myself, then answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said, but I wasn't sure if he heard me over the music blaring in the background.

"Eyyyyy Ishi, so I, pffffbt-f***** up, I know, t-but, everythin's fine, and I'm ok, aight?" 

Que the loud crash followed by laughter. 

"What was that?" I asked, trying and failing to hide my irritation.

"S'just a chair, don-don worry 'bout it,"

"Oh no, I've been worried for THIRTY MINUTES, Mondo. Stay where you are, I'm coming to get you."

"S'fine, I got it, I'll be fi-"

Another loud crash.

"Yeah, no. I'll be there in five." I hung up, without so much as another word. Pulling my coat on the rest of the way, I headed towards the door.

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